Are You A Slut Because Your Boobs Are Sagging?

Are you a slut because your boobs are sagging? Let’s find out. A few days ago, I stumbled on a thread that supposedly welcomed conversations from voices across the world on a global platform. With the world fast tilting towards online webinars and virtual as the new normal, it was nothing new. As long as you identified as a lady with access to a mobile phone and solid data connection, you could access these ‘sincere talk’ segments without even paying a dime.
While I had a swell time, it was also a tough learning experience for me.
The topics that were addressed and questions asked were generally based and centered around women’s health tips, lifestyle, work-family balance, childbearing, and excelling as a young professional in your early career. While being a webinar and fire chat session that had participants from all walks of life, and a 1,000+ marked audience from various countries and continents across the globe, it was overwhelming to see that these women in spite of cultural differences, and value systems, all shared a common narrative. They all seemed to tell a single story that cut through their experiences on relatable issues as it affects their normal life on a global scale.
Women had a lot to say, and a lot of these personal stories that were shared all bore down to common issues irrespective of gender, age, continent, and race.
While this is particularly not the focus of this writeup, here’s where I’m going.
Amongst all the stories that were shared on that day, one stood out particularly for me.
Ntechi (name changed), a young lady from Kenya had a lot of brutal things to share with the group.
She is 23, and just recently got married, yet she appeared to be having severe issues with her new husband.
Why? You may ask.
She’d been in a long-distance relationship for about six months and gotten married immediately afterward. Her husband had been distraught to learn after their first consummation that her breasts were in fact not as perky as the ones displayed on projective media.
Or as most would call it, they were droopy and saggy.
She had been married as a virgin, and her husband had been quick to label her a slut while threatening to end the marriage because her breast seemed to tell a supposedly obvious tale; she’s had a swell time with countless men before meeting him. The husband had been severely disappointed to find that her breast was in fact not as firm and perky as he had imagined. They had been a little too loose and lax for a young woman.
In his words; “How can a 23-year-old woman’s breast be saggy if she hasn’t been with a lot of men?”

I immediately scoffed at this story and wondered at such a childish reaction which was a little too archaic and extreme for my liking. My first thought was this: “Why would anyone make unnecessary drama over boobs?” But, I was wrong.
On that day, I learned that it was the same sad reality for most women across the world. Some even had it worse, as a lot of women on the webinar had one or two things to say on the matter.
His ultimate reason to call off their marriage was that he’d been mentally convinced that a lady’s breast becomes saggy and loses all firmness only after it is touched by a man.
But is this the truth?
While most of this may be cultural perceptions, there’s more to saggy boobs than you think.
It is okay to notice signs of droopy and lax boobs as you turn 40 and above. At this point, medical research, surveys, and experts prove that the breast has reached its peak of retaining elasticity, and as with everything else prone to gravity, its firmness is bound to weaken and sag naturally over the years as a woman ages.

But what do we say is the cause when we see a lady within the age bracket of 17 and 35 with lax breast tissues, or in simpler terms, a sagging breast?
Is it a result of continued physical interaction with the opposite sex, promiscuity, or unfavorably acquired genes?
What could be the real reason for the sudden sludge of once round and perky fruits?
While a lot of people have breasts on their chests, only a few people have a lot of knowledge about them.
While there are a lot of myths surrounding a saggy breast, 99% of these suspicions are not true and can be dismissed for a lack of verified information and facts on the subject matter.
The medical term for saggy breasts is ptosis. In this article, you shall find out the reasons for saggy breasts, true and false myths surrounding boobs culture, and possible solutions and preventions to avoiding saggy breasts.
Why is My Breast Sagging?
Before you learn potential reasons that may be causing lax and droopy breasts at a young age, you must first understand that the female breast is made up of tissue ligaments and not muscles. Lax and sagging breasts are one of those things that affect the female body over time. For some ladies, it may come earlier than expected. It is totally natural and it is bound to affect everyone at one point or the other. Some popularly call this the inevitable doom of womanhood; What goes up must surely come down.
The female body, like everything on earth, including the breast, cannot hide from gravity for too long. The breast is made of ligaments and fragile tissues, and when the natural process of dropping begins to take place, the skin is bound to follow suit. Stretching and expanding which in turn leads to laxity of surrounding firmness within the breast area which is bound to leave your breast sagging.
Now, as the breast depends on the firmness of these tissues to remain perky, other factors like your genes, diet, skin type, weight loss, breast size, amongst others, also play a major role.

While there are other factors ranging from pregnancy to the wrong bra size, these are necessary not the focus of this article
Some sagging is also caused by genetics and skin aging. When the ligaments in your breasts begin to thin, the glandular tissue that promotes breast firmness is bound to weaken and laxen over time.
Another reason to consider if your breast is suddenly sagging at such a young age is your diet culture. Sudden weight loss or poor diet routine can inevitably lead to sagging breasts.
Although large breasts have the tendency to sag easier and earlier due to their size, small or medium-sized breasts can also suffer laxity if the body undergoes an unstable weight change.
Since some degree of ptosis is natural, some myths have created social implications for young women. Some people believe that saggy breasts are a result of not wearing a bra. A lot of beliefs are centered around breasts and bras. Whether you wear a bra or not will not prevent your breast from sagging.
“There is no evidence to support the idea that wearing a bra has the ability to slow breast ptosis.”(¹)
Manufacturers, distributors, and body professionals have indicated over time that bras only have the ability to affect the shape of breasts while being worn.
The idea that the breast cannot support itself without a bra is not scientifically approved.
How Do I Tell If My Breast Is Sagging?

The surest way to tell if you have saggy breasts is to determine whether the nipple is positioned directly below the inframammary fold; the lower boundary where the breast and the chest meet. In other words, if your nipples point directly towards the ground, you can automatically assume that you’ve reached the advanced stage of ptosis.
Sudden weight loss can also cause ptosis. When young ladies suffer instant weight loss the firmness of the breast skin is bound to stretch and expand leaving the breast looking lax than its original perky form. During this process, the breast tissue loses its elasticity and has the hardest impact on your breast. If your weight loss is rapid, you might just go from perky to lax boobs almost overnight as even the breast is made up of fat that comes off too.
Your genes are also important factors to consider as they play a major role in your breast volume. According to Dr. Comstance-chen, a plastic surgeon expert, breast shape can be genetically influenced. so, if your mom or sister has a saggy breast, chances are you’re bound to get one, that too, very early. Although these genes cannot be traced directly, they’re prone to affect you just as much.
Some Popular Boob Myths: True or False
Breast remain one size forever | False |
Breastfeeding sags breast faster | False |
Aging causes ptosis | True |
You have only one bra size | False |
Early breast sag is caused by promiscuity | False |
Wearing your right size of bra causes ptosis | False |
Your breast size really does not determine the amount of milk you’re bound to produce | True |
Early sagging can be influenced by poor dieting | True |
Wearing the wrong bra size can cause ptosis | False |
Early sagging can be determined by genetics | True |
Exercising your breast area increases your chances of retaining a firmer boob | True |
You cannot sleep in a bra | False |
Breast implants last for forever | False |
Sudden Weight loss can make your breast droop. | True. |

Common Causes of Sagging Breasts
- Age
- Poor diet culture
- Sudden weight loss
- Genetics
- Smoking
Other Causes of Saggy Breasts
- Menopause
- Larger breasts
- Gravity
- Estrogen
- Collagen
- Multiple pregnancies
How To Prevent Boobs From Sagging
There are a lot of factors that visibly contribute to the decline of breast firmness, and as such, you may not be able to stave it off eventually. But in the meantime, here are some ways and things you can do to hold off sagging breasts for the longest time possible if you don’t want to opt for an implant.
1. Wear A Fitting And Perfectly Sized Bra At All Times
Although there are no statistics to prove that not wearing a bra can cause massive decline and wear out the breast tissue ligaments, experts largely believe that wearing a comfortable, soothing, supportive and a fitting sized bra can keep the tissue ligaments from stretching, pulling and sagging in the long run. If you do this, your breast is bound to remain perky for a long time. For large breasted women, wearing an ill-fitting bra or a small size of bra is bound to put unnecessary strain on your breast and cause drooping. If you have a large-sized breast, it is usually advisable to get an appropriate fitting before buying a bra for yourself.
Debunking the myth associated with bras is also necessary. A French study reveals that going without a bra does not have to affect your breast firmness. In fact, the study appeared to prove that going without a bra can in fact strengthen breast perkiness and firmness as the breast has the ability to hold itself in place without support. This is not to say that you should give up on wearing a bra. Most women prefer bras as it keeps the nipples from showing through clothes.

2. Maintain A Healthy Weight
As you already know, gaining or losing too much weight sporadically can affect your breast ligaments and skin area. It is best advisable to lose a minimal portion of weight at a time and watch your body adjust slowly to this fat loss process. If this is properly done, you might have or retain firmer and perky breasts even after massive weight loss.
3. Maintain A Healthy Diet And Drink Lots of Water
While there may be a lot of information on what does or doesn’t contribute to saggy breast, we cannot overhear the many benefits of clean water intake and the general benefits of proper dieting. When you drink clean water regularly, your skin is bound to retain more moisture which will in turn satiate and firm up your boobs.
4. Carefully Plan Your Pregnancies
According to, studies show that a woman’s body changes with a lot of hormonal imbalance according to the number of times she gets pregnant by a man. When a woman becomes pregnant, the boobs swell and grow fuller during and after pregnancy. The more pregnancies she has, the number of times her boobs will face skin expansion and sag. It is best advisable to understand the larger effects of pregnancy on your boobs, before anything else.
5. Try Exercises
As stated earlier, the breast is made up of tissues and not muscles. However, firmness can be obtained from doing pectoral muscles workout. This workout exercises the pectoralis major muscles; and helps to build up the muscles around the chest area under the tissue. This workout may be able to help you keep your breast in a perky shape for a long time.

6. Try An Implant/Surgery
This might be an expensive option, but if you price your perky booby look to your aching piggy bank, then this might be the best option with the quickest and most remarkable results. In little or no time, your boobs will look 16 again!
7. Avoid Smoking
If you definitely love those perky boobs and would want them to remain firm for a long while, then here’s another reason to stay away from smoking. Smoking speeds up aging and also reduces elastin that gives the skin a young supple and fresh look.
Some Commonly Asked Questions
Will Breastfeeding My Child Cause My Breast to Fall?
This idea that has been passed down from generation to generation is a big myth. Breastfeeding does not contribute or lead to sagging breasts. It does not stretch the skin and helps it defy gravity faster. More than anything, the continued swelling and size increase during pregnancy is what may cause your breast to sag.

Will Sleeping in a Bra Cause Damage to My Breast?
It is totally okay to sleep in a bra if you find it comfortable. The breast has the ability to retain its firmness and stand on its own without support from a bra. So, whether you wear a bra or not, you shouldn’t worry about getting a sag because of this. Although, experts advise that women with larger or firmer boobs should wear comfortable and fitting bras to sleep. It leaves the breast free, comfortable, and at ease.
Is She Promiscuous Because She Has Fallen Breasts?
Sagging breasts can be caused by a lot of factors including aging, genetic, diet, weight loss, and many more. There is no scientific theory, research, or study that attempts to fuel this myth. sexual or physical affiliations cannot cause a woman’s breast to sag. It is nothing other than a believable myth.

Thank you for reading. Are there any breast myths I forgot to mention? What other funny tales/experiences have you heard about breasts? Please leave a comment in the section below, I’d love to hear them.😵😳✌
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The one who spells Afrolady from the larynx of her pen. She’s a high spirited, cultured and ingenuous African child, whose writing drops an unimaginative creative splash on history and carves the indignation and memories of Black women.