10 Tell-tale Signs That Your Male Friend Wants Out of The Friendzone

The time has finally come! It’s time to shake this table. We all have that one male friend that tends to drop some weird signals once in a while. Most times it’s usually your male “bestie” and while you are happily calling him “my bestie” all over the place, the dude is inwardly screaming at you to catch on to his signals.
You might not always realize these, but sometimes your “bestie” wants to opt out of the friend zone you’ve caged him in. Here are ten tell-tale signs that your male friend wants out of the friendzone. Are you ready?!
1. If He Jokes About Netflix and Chill
I’m pretty sure you agree with me on this one, that this has to top the list. If your male friend jokes about “Netflix and chill”, just know that he wants to be in another kind of ship with you and it’s not the ones for just friends. Know this and know peace, sister.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with binge-watching your favourite series with your male friend. However, it is now common knowledge among gen Z that the term “Netflix and chill” involves a lot more than watching Netflix and chilling. Though you’re not going to get its meaning from me. Check Google for that one.
With that said, if the exact words, “Netflix and chill”, come up in your conversation with your male friend, know that he’s dropping hints that he either likes you or wants some benefits from you (if you know, you know).
2. If He’s Too Possessive
I’m pretty sure this tip is glaringly obvious. If your male friend acts overly possessive around you, it’s a sign that he likes you.
Although, some guys are naturally protective and fatherly. It’s just how they are. However, if you observe and notice that he only gets that way with you, know that he probably has feelings for you.
Especially if he randomly calls you and starts asking questions like “Where are you?”, “Who did you go out with?”, “Why are you still outside by this time?”, “When did you say you were leaving for your trip?”, etc.
3. If He Gets Jealous When You’re With Other Guys
Oh my gosh, it is not normal for your friend to get jealous when you’re with another guy. No matter how close you guys have been for decades.
As long as you are just friends, even if you guys grew up together as toddlers, he’s not supposed to get jealous when you spend time with other guys. If he does, sister, he most likely has feelings for you.
When you get calls or texts like “Where are you guys now?”, “Are you still out?”, “Why is he holding your waist in that picture?”, when you’re out with other guys. Girl, that guy sees himself as more than a friend.
4. If He’s Overly Interested in Your Love Life
Following closely behind the third sign is this one right here. If he’s overly interested in your love life, he most likely has feelings for you.
Your male friend isn’t supposed to care too much about the guy you’re dating or in love with. If he’s asking too many questions, it is a sure sign that he has feelings for you. Check it out.
If he’s constantly asking questions and ridiculing your boyfriend or the guy you have feelings for when you talk to him about your love quarrels or any other problem, then he most likely cares about you as more than a friend.
5. Vocal Displays of Affection
Now, I know friends do this a lot. No questions there, but if your guy friend does any of these two things way too often, then you’re looking at a sign here.
a. Excessive Compliments
There’s no way a guy will shower his female friend with excessive compliments if he doesn’t have feelings for her. The truth is when a guy sees you as just a friend, to him you’re either a bro or a baby sister. It’s either one of the two and he’ll treat you as either one or the two. Anything outside that, he most likely likes you.
Compliments are words of affirmation. They boost a person’s self-confidence. “Words of affirmation” happens to be a love language.
b. Always Goes Out of His Way to Make You Happy

You have to keep in mind that any of the signs mentioned here are stuff that a normal male friend can do. Even if he doesn’t have feelings for you. What makes the difference is the degree; the extent, to which he does them.
If your male friend is always going out of his way to make you happy then he might be wanting out of the friend zone. “Acts of service” is a love language
Your phone gets bad, he gets you a much better one. You’re depressed, he takes you out to a fancy restaurant, and buys you a little black dress and a Chanel bag. Sister, that man wants more!
6. Quiet Displays of Affection
Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words. You see those unaware stares you catch him doing when it’s just the two of you? Or even when you’re in public?
Asides from staring a lot, if he remembers the small details, that is most likely also a sign.
The thing is:
Guys tend to forget details. Even the big ones.
So, if a guy goes the extra mile to remember the little details, he most definitely feels something for you.
If he remembers you like your popcorn with salt instead of sugar, remembers you prefer vanilla instead of chocolate, helps you tuck your hair behind your ear when you are working because it gets in your face and distracts you.
Dear little Miss! He likes you!
7. If He Acts Nervous Around You
A guy will never get nervous around his bro. If your male friend really sees you as just a friend, he won’t get nervous around you and that’s a fact.
If you notice that he often gets shy when it’s just the two of you or if he tries to tell you something, stutters, and tells you not to bother, he most likely wants to express his desire to leave the friend zone. Stay woke.
8. Always Tries to Initiate Physical Contact

I don’t think this needs any explanation. Have you seen any guy trying to initiate physical contact with another guy? (Except he’s gay of course)
All those subtle movements, always trying to close the distance between the both of you on the couch, etc. Just settle down to think things out and observe. “Physical touch” is also a love language. If you realize that he’s always trying to initiate physical contact, he wants more than the friend zone is offering.
9. Always Gets You Gifts
Friends get their friends gifts, no doubt about that. Gifts giving is a sure sign of love, whether platonic or erotic.
However, if your male friend is always getting you gifts (and I mean both the little and big things), then he’s indirectly hoping you realize he wants to be more than a friend. “Gifts giving” is another love language.
If your male friend is always buying you things, especially when you don’t even ask, it’s a tell-tale sign that he wants out of the friend zone.
10. Always Wants to Hang Out Alone
If your male friend is always looking for excuses for outings that involve just the two of you, it’s suspicious. He wants more!
Especially those dimly lit restaurants that you need to doll up for. Even if it’s just going to the arcade to play games, or paintballing, if your friend is always finding a way to make it just the two of you, he wants more than just friendship.
Also, if he always “suddenly has some free time to hang out”, then he likes you more than a friend. You don’t suddenly have free time unless something leaves your schedule. “Quality time” is a love language.
If he suddenly has free time, it means he removed something from his schedule to spend time with you. You don’t free up your time constantly for a friend. Maybe once in a while, but not every time.
Final Thoughts
Now I’m sure you’re probably ticking names on your mental list of male friends that you could have sworn saw you strictly as a bro. Fret not. There’s no need to make a mountain out of a pebble.
As long as he has not clearly stated any contrary opinion you should continue to relate with and treat him the same. He’s still your friend. Only, you won’t be taken by surprise the day he finally musters the courage to take a step forward, and since you are prepared, you will be able to give him a proper reply.
Best of luck in your friendships!
All images are sourced from istockphoto