When Life Throws Stones at You

As the iron gates opened, Sheila saw the first ray of sun she hadn’t seen in the last 10 years. Asides the routine work and games they were entitled to, which required them to view the sun in the open courtyard at will, many of the inmates had forgotten what the sun looked like or how it felt on your skin.
Sheila was imprisoned when she was 20-year-old. Remember when they ask questions like; if you had the opportunity to say something to your younger self, what would it be? Nah, she wouldn’t say a damn thing to herself because she had never felt young at any point in her life.
She was born to Salome and Drew Davis. Well, they lived like a family, although her parents never got along with each other. Everything was good until her father was murdered in cold blood. How and why? They never could tell. But the bitter truth was that he had it a long time coming. He was into drugs and stuff and so you know what goes down in that business. You either wind up dead or it’s someone in your family.
Salome didn’t fall too far from Drew’s tree. She was knee-deep into sniffing up coke every three hours that she had no time for her little daughter. She eventually got married again and again and again. Yeah, three after Drew, no divorce just Salome walking out on three of them when she was bored.
10-year-old Sheila had her role exchanged with her mother’s. She learned how to cook- it was bad in the beginning, and she was always there to clean up her mother’s puke whenever she was drunk.
She went to those schools that even Google would find it difficult to point out their location on the map. A few rooms with blackboards and cafeteria food which wasn’t different from her mother’s vomit.

Sheila tasted her first coke when she was 15. Since apples didn’t fall very far from the family tree, she was bound to fall next. The street kids had been selling and she was low on funds to keep caring for her and her mother, so she decided to join the trade. Adam was the drug king of the community and he had previously made a law which stated that for you to sell a bag well, you had got to know how good it was- you had to taste it. She snuffed half a kilo on her incitation night.
Soon, she had turned to drugs just to forget how horrible her life was. Not to mention that she sold the merchandise for a living, it was difficult not to be an addict even if it was low key. She liked the feeling of not being worried over anything and this was the drugs offered. A realm where you were all over your head, you could say what you wanted and do whatever as you pleased. Those few hours when you were free-spirited, high hearted and couldn’t remember that you still had your bills to pay were what she traded the drugs for.
What was it with family circles? Daniel and Sheila began to date after her mother died when she turned 19. No child support or orphanage drama because she was an adult, that was one thing she was grateful to her mother for- giving birth and dying at the right time.

She moved in with her boyfriend and they were staying in an apartment building where everyone shared the same bathroom. They both worked the day at Jimmy’s ‘fry and grill’ and the night was devoted to selling the package for Adam.

They quarreled a lot and Sheila got beaten a lot. Why complain about a mere beating when you had a roof over your head, she would say to herself. They settled their differences as much as they had quarreled and she enjoyed the makeup sex.
Their relationship wasn’t the type you go into for love or companionship, it was the type you went in for survival. Why try to survive alone when you could do it with someone else? This was why when Dan began to pimp her up to rich guys she had no problem with it.
The nightlife was their hustling time. Dan pimped her off to everything that walked in trousers and wore a tie. This happened until a match up went wrong. It was the mayor’s son, handsome, young and not to mention loaded. It started off like any other of their conquest. They walked into a bar or whatever setting it was. Dan looks around for their next game, engages him in a conversation, Sheila walks over and Dan introduces her as his sister and voila the magic happens.
The problem was that Stephen Job the mayor’s son wouldn’t budge so they had to drug him. It started off with him getting high enough to laugh his butts off, then he was crying and asking for his momma, and all of a sudden he stopped breathing. He never woke up.
Sheila Davis and Daniel Hampton were charged for the murder of the mayor’s son. It was a bloody court battle. Daniel and his lawyers tried to pimp Sheila as the murderer while the mayor didn’t care who it was, someone just had to pay for his son’s death. The case was that she had drugged the deceased in order to rob him, although she was ignorant of his underlying medical conditions. Daniel, on the other hand, was the one who provided the drugs. Daniel somehow got a 3-year jail term and 1-year community service for drug trafficking. Sheila on the other hand with the help of her lawyers and with some rendering of mercy from the jury had her initial sentence reduced. She was charged with manslaughter and drug trafficking with a sentence of 10 years’ imprisonment with 6 months’ community service with parole.

As the sun rays touched her skin, Sheila felt like she could just bask in it. Although there was no one to pick her up, she had no time to feel sad because she was free at last. It really felt good to breathe in air from a different environment.
She was wearing the clothes she came into prison with and they didn’t fit right. Of course, the clothes you wore when you were 20 won’t fit when you were 30. She had no one to pick her up and she knew this right from the onset, she was alone in this world.
The long stride to the prison gate was slow. She had spent 10 years of her life waking and sleeping in hell and she just got the opportunity to rush out but she knew better. If the outside world were any better, then she would have readily rushed out. At least the prison served meals and provided you with shelter.
She walked down Lyon’s street thinking of what next to do. There was a lot she had missed and damn she didn’t know where to start from. The buildings had changed, even the fashion did too. She walked down to the only place she knew- her mama’s grave.

No one had dropped flowers at her graveside for a long while. If she felt alone she wondered how her mother felt in her grave. She knelt down by the grave and she cried. Why? She couldn’t tell or probably she had too much reason to. The betrayal, the losses, her life was a whole tragic book. She cried for the time she had lost, the fact that she didn’t know what to do next, she cried for her mama too. With her eyes misty with tears she saw her first ray of hope written beneath her mama’s eulogy- CLARK.
Her mother had been a stubborn wench. On her deathbed, she had requested that her name which was to be written on her grave should have the names of all the men in her life. There it was written- Salome Carter Drew Adam Clark Steve. Carter had been her father, Sheila’s grandpapa whom she never met, Drew was her first husband- Sheila’s dad and there was Adam, Clark, and Steve.
Clark had been the only one who had loved Sheila like his own daughter. He was more of a dad than her father ever was and she was heartbroken when her mother had left him taking her along. She wished she had left her there but amidst her mother’s tragic life, she never once abandoned her.
Sheila said a prayer for her mama and took the longest walk to the place which could be her safe haven. The secretary was not friendly at all. She kept saying that her boss didn’t see clients who have no booked appointment. Sheila only wondered how it was possible to book an appointment from prison. After sitting in the waiting room for three hours it was then she came out of her office- counselor Tyra.
I need your help.
J&J was a law firm that sometimes took Pro Bono cases. When Sheila’s case was brought to the firm, Tyra had taken it up. It was a tough case as Sheila lacked evidence to prove that she was innocent. Tyra knew she was but it was the law. What is the law built upon? The law isn’t built on sentiments but on facts and maybe a good lawyer who could serve a good case on their client’s behalf.
Sheila needed a place to stay for the time being and she also needed Tyra’s help in tracking down her step-father.
I’m sorry for barging up on you like this but I had nowhere else to go
I can understand, you know my doors will always be opened to you
Thank you, I only hoped you won’t keep dragons in front of your doors
I see you have met Stacey; she just follows company rules.
Tyra said with a grin on her face.
Tyra, I need your help
Ok, shoot
I need help tracking down one of my stepfathers…

Clark Young wasn’t that hard to find. He had no records; criminal, hospital, you name it. The man was clean, only a coffee shop business registered to one Clark Young and bingo!
It wasn’t just a coffee shop; it was more like an entire estate credited to the name. The coffee shop was at the said location but so were other buildings selling different commodities, all named Young’s.
As Sheila stepped into the coffee shop she stood in the queue. She wasn’t exactly waiting in line to get some coffee, she just wanted to make it up to the counter so she could make inquiries about Clark. It was almost her turn when she turned to the call of her name from behind her.

He was just like she remembered but just older. He still had that lovely smile of his and she knew she had a lot of explaining to do due to his furrowed brows that indicated he was worried. He explained that he had been out of the country for the most part of the last 10 years and she was lucky to meet him in town.
She expected him to be disappointed as she narrated all that had happened with her for the past years. Something, anything, damn! A yell or some fatherly remarks on his end because legally he was still her father. Nothing prepared her for his reaction and the only thing she could do was sob. He hugged her.
Clark contacted her parole officer to make sure she followed all rules that were applicable to her. No smoking or dealing with drugs which include selling, buying or taking drugs especially coke. She was to get a job- a legal one and she had to join some rehabilitation group, any of her choice.
She opted to work at the coffee shop, she didn’t want anything too elaborate. She just wanted to lead a normal life. Lucky for her, Clark runs a rehabilitation group after the coffee shop closes for the day. There was no delay in her becoming a member. That was killing two beds with one stone.
Sheila changed her name from Sheila Shirley Davis to Ela Clark- a new name, a fresh start, a new beginning. She enjoyed serving coffee to the customers and looking forward to her group meetings. The rehabilitation group wasn’t a large one. There was Claire, who was a drug addict for as long as she could remember. One day when she was high, she took a gun and shot her husband in the head. She was sentenced to life imprisonment but was lucky when the governor had the veto power to release some inmates, she was released. Michelle had been battling drugs for five years. For that reason, her husband divorced her and took her kids away. Chu Qiao was a drug trafficker for a renowned Chinese drug group, when things got messy she found herself in prison. Rosita was a victim of rape, the trauma made her result to using drugs. All five women made the group.
Clark had loved Salome and her drug habits made him sort out means to help women in her situation, hence, he resulted in hosting a rehabilitation group. Little did he know that it was going to be beneficial to his daughter- Ela.
Ela wasn’t too old to get a degree. She had missed the chance of getting a proper education and so after one year of working at her dad’s coffee shop and serving her time with her parole officer, she decided to get some education.
It was mainly a short course of 12 months and by the time she was 32 she was working at the Central Bank in Manhattan. From an ex-convict to a banker. It took all the miracle in the world to pull off that trick.
With a place of her own and a job at hand, Ela believed she was ready for the next phase of her life- relationship. She knew she had trust and commitment issues but she also knew that she was lonely. She wasn’t exactly sure if she wanted a boyfriend or a man friend, all she wanted to have someone she could visit after work, have sex with and share a cup of coffee with some time.

That was how she met Nicholas Dimitri. Nick was a real estate agent who worked with her dad. With the Christmas holidays coming up, she had to visit home and that was the step that sparked up their emotions.
She had been working the coffee when he held her from behind. From a state of shock, she had spilled the coffee she had brewed on his white flannel shirt. Well, he mistook her for Celine, the other girl who worked at the coffee shirt and from the obvious facts whom he was sleeping with.

With apologies at hand, they had both offered to make it up to each other. Nick for being rude and mistaking her for someone else and Ela for spilling the coffee on his shirt. They went out on dinner and were properly introduced to each other by Clark at his Christmas get together party. Nick, his partner, and son of his best friend and Ela, his daughter.
When she went back to Manhattan, he came visiting. They spent time with each other and well things just happened on their own accord. Here was Nick, a man friend on his way to being boyfriend, someone she visited after work during the weekends, someone she definitely was sleeping with and they had shared a cup of coffee in the most unimaginable way possible- the spill.
Ela wasn’t so sure if she wanted a boyfriend so soon but when Nick asked, her yes was resounding. They dated for like a month first just to be sure that they weren’t playing with each other before they let Clark know. It was everything she wanted, the passion, love, and intimacy. The only problem was she was Ela.
Nick was about 35 years old and he wasn’t getting any younger. He thought he had found what he had been looking for and that was why he popped up the big question. The congratulatory messages were in order with a big celebration on its way. The engagement party was a week away. It was meant to be a small get together between friends and family. An official announcement of their engagement and marriage plans.

They served everything at the party, from small chops to hand foods, champagne to Margaritas, even tequila. After the official announcement, Nick took Ela around and showed her to some friends. This was where she met the best friend she had heard so much about. He was a late bird and had only just arrived at the party.
Babes, I’ll like to introduce you to my best bud, Daniel
Daniel, Ela Clark, Ela Clark, Daniel Hampton.

The wedding bells were ringing in her ears and it wasn’t even the wedding day yet. She excused herself and went into the bathroom. She was confused. She sat on the toilet seat for 30 minutes thinking, does he recognize me? Well, she was about to find out.
Soon as she got back to the party and mixed up with the crowd, she felt a firm hand grip her arm. Sheila? And there was her answer, he recognized her.
What do you want?
I am surprised to see you; I am sorry
You missed that apology 10 years ago
I… why did Nick introduce you as Ela Clark, he doesn’t know
Please don’t tell him
Well he’s my best bud and I can’t let him marry an ex-con
Ela had tried, she had been clean for 2 years and counting but with the current situation, she had to go back to that realm. She sniffed up coke again. It was different this time, more alien but it still had the same effect. How does someone recover from being a drug addict? Is it possible to stop being addicted to drugs?
Remember when they ask questions like; if you had the opportunity to say something to your older self, what would it be? Yeah! She definitely had something to say to Ela. Karma’s a b***h. Her whole world crumbled within seconds. How was she going to face Nick now? All she wanted was to murder Daniel and throw his dead body into Mississippi. But the fact was that she wasn’t a murderer any more than she was 12 years ago.
The next morning, she was greeted with some bad news. Dan had requested of Nick that he took Ela out for lunch, you know, just to know his best friend’s fiancée better. Nick was so happy about the idea that she didn’t want to break his heart.
Dan was definitely blackmailing her. He acted as if everything was okay and when no one was looking, he gave her those deceptive looks she knew too well. Lunch tasted like sand in her mouth as she sat across Dan.
So, tell me about this new Ela
Spare me and cut to the chase
Ok, you’ve got me there. It was what I liked most about you, your feistiness. Well, last night got me thinking a lot about you and I sincerely want to apologize for 12 years ago. I was ignorant and did what my lawyers asked me to.
Fine, I get it, please don’t just say anything to Nick. I love him
Love Nick, how am I not sure you are with him for the dough?
As she was thinking of a retort, he moved so fast that she was shocked. He was kissing her. When she was able to break the kiss, he was grinning at her.
I am getting married to your best friend!
I do not know what kind of trick you played on old boy Nick, but I see through this your sham. I see you, Sheila,
I am not who you think I am. 12years worth of common sense should explain that to you
I want you for myself, like old times. Anyways Nicholas won’t want to marry you if he finds out the truth.
Ela was so shaken after lunch that she could barely make out her way home. She drove straight to Nick’s office. If she were bound to be dragged to hell, she rather does the dragging herself than let the devil do it himself. She suddenly began to feel exactly how she felt when she was outside the prison gates- alone.
How did lunch go babe?
Nick, there is something important I have to tell you.
It all ended in tears. Nick didn’t want to ever see her again. She couldn’t believe it yet she still couldn’t disregard his right to feel the way he felt. She had deceived him, technically, she just didn’t wish to visit her past. She walked out on it when she changed her name. Here it was visiting her present and destroying it.
From the time they had spent together, Nick had disclosed to her how he disliked ex-convicts regardless of their gender. He somehow felt they were the worst people on earth because of the crimes they had committed. This had been one of the reasons why she had kept her past from him.
Nothing prepared her for the truth her eyes were now opened to. The real reason he couldn’t stand her. Nicholas was Stephen Job’s second cousin. When she told him of her past, he asked her only one question. What was the name of the man she killed? She couldn’t forget the hatred she saw in his eyes. She left his office crying and she took off to the only man who had never looked at her with such eyes- her dad.
He knew when he saw her. Clark just had one of the brightest instincts. He hushed and cuddled her. She wondered the kind of man he was. He never saw the negative part of any situation, he was always positive about everything. He claimed that the only thing in life that could bring out the worst or best in people is ‘Love’ and he had chosen the latter after he had met her mother.

She quit her job, sent her resignation letter via mail. She was back right where she had started- square one, selling coffee at her father’s coffee shop. She was tempted to go back to the drugs but she knew better. No matter how much she escaped, she would always return to reality. Her reality without Nick.
Clark said he had to make two trips and he wouldn’t be back till the weekend, Ela was in charge. She had no idea what he was up to, you couldn’t boss around a 65-year-old man.
I respect you a lot Clark but if it is about Ela, I don’t want to hear it
Well, since you said you respect me a lot, sit your ass down and listen
I am not here to defend my girl. If I could erase her past and give her the life she should have I would do that. Let’s get one thing straight, she isn’t a killer and she didn’t mean to hurt you. Whatever you decide to do after now is all up to you but I wanted to ask, who is the woman you fell in love with?
Nick told him of Ela’s mother, their troubled relationship and how he came to be her father now. He didn’t want to change Nick’s mind but he hoped it did.
The next stop he made was to Daniel. When he answered the doorbell ring, he was greeted with a punch that sent him flying across the room. As he entered the apartment, he went straight to the fridge and got him some ice to help reduce the bruise on Dan’s face. They had a man-to-man talk and the conclusion was that Daniel had to tell Nick the truth- all of it.
Nick’s heart was already broken but with Daniel’s confession, it was shattered. These were two persons who had come to mean a lot to him. He had been in college when he heard that his second cousin who was a senior in high school died due to overdose from coke. He had skipped the whole court session and stayed away from home or the news because the grief was too much. He and Stephen were close.
Years after he had met Dan, he was the one who found the apartment he stayed in. After a couple of drinks together, they had become best of friends, chasing the girls and making the cash. Adding another few years to it, he had met Ela, he had mistaken her for someone else and she had spilled coffee on him. Why was the world so small?
Decisions. No matter how we run away from them we have to make them anyway. After three months of grieve and pain, Nick made up his mind to forgive. Not only Ela but Dan as well. They didn’t mean to kill his cousin, although they had been influential to it. How was he going to look at them in the face again?

Sweets, there is a young man in table 8 asking for an espresso, could you serve him?
Ok, dad, one espresso coming up. She served the espresso and took it down to table 8 just as Clark had requested of her.
Why don’t you spill it on me like the first time?

Nick! She said surprised. Just as the surprise and smile were formed on her face, it dissolved almost immediately.
I’m sorry Nick, I was young….
Shh. It’s okay. Why don’t you tell me your real name?
It’s Sheila, Sheila Davis
Sheila. He said rubbing his thumb on his forehand.
That’s a beautiful name but I like the sound of Sheila Dimitri better. That’s only if you’re still up to it.

They had a lavish wedding. She had her father, Clark walks her down the aisle and her ex, Daniel, her husband’s best man. Although there was bad history between everyone, they couldn’t live in the past but rather embrace the present they now shared with each other and create the future they all dreamt of. Was she grateful for her life?
Of course, she was, she was grateful for Daniel’s forgiveness and she had a lot of forgiving to do herself. She forgave her parents, herself and of course Daniel, he was her husband’s best bud after all.
She liked the idea but she was scared. All the fear was swallowed up by the love Nicholas showed her every day and the promise they shared. She knew her children would have better lives than she did. What had she done with the stones life had thrown at her?
The truth is that when life throws stones at you, you pick them up and build a house.

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Train is a female editor and writer at Afrolady International concepts. With knowledge of Linguistics and a love for languages, She objectively edits and writes contents in order to preserve cultural backgrounds, heritage, worldviews and mother tongues. She is bold and unique.