
Worst heartbreak stories

AfroGist: 11 People Share Their Worst Heartbreak Stories

One minute, you’re planning the rest of your life with your significant human, and the next minute, you’re dumbstruck, wondering where it all went wrong. Wikipedia describes heartbreak as “intense emotional stress…

breakup stories

It’s Not You, It’s Me

‘Jadesola, I am not as invested in this relationship as I used to be. I hate that I am the one that is burdened with stating the obvious, but you and I…

Spirit child

Spirit Child

“Push! push!! push harder!!!” The nurse continued to yell as I struggled to follow and focus on her loud instructions. I was slowly losing it, and it felt like a thousand spears…

University Experience In Nigeria: A Nigerian Student’s Perspective

“This is my class, Sir,” I told the lecturer, he was blocking the door with his body and I needed to get in. I repeated myself and he looked at me with…

24 People Share Their Positive Stories From The Pandemic

Finally, 2021 is here, and if you’re reading this, it means you saw through all the hurdles of the year 2020 and emerged radiant and phenomenal like a phoenix from fire—alive. While…

Dr. Jay

They called it an Introductory class and yet, I still couldn’t get a thing. When I walked into this class today, I was exhausted. It was my second week of school and…

AfroGist: 9 People Share Tales of Their First Kiss

People have their first kisses at different times in their lives, but regardless, the tingling feeling before the deed is almost always the same. While some remember theirs with a grimace, others…

Ogumba: Land Of The Forgotten

The arrow whizzed past the heads of the maids and found its mark, the audible thwack elicited a sigh from the hearts of the young women who had stood there with their…


The sky had taken on an unusual color, almost as dark as Ivie’s mood. The market women looked up, fearing the imminent downpour, and tried to shuffle between getting their wares to…

AfroGist: 14 People Share Their Heartfelt Letters to Heaven

Death is an inevitable part of human existence. But still, it’s one of those things that has the potential to rend one’s heart to pieces, especially when it hits too close to…