Death on Wall’s Street

This was the second body to wash up the St. Luke’s. Two girls had gone missing in the last two months and this gave the Interpol police a bit of a scare. The girls who had washed up the shore had part of their genitals removed. This all happened on Wall Street.
Mothers warned their little girls to stay away from the alleys or they could be next. The shops closed as early as 5 pm because the streets could be dangerous even for a handicap. Civilians rushed to gun stores to get licensed guns to help protect themselves. The hot-legged beauties adorned their purses with pepper spray, at least that could do some harm even to the greatest of giants.
It was in this perilous time that Vincent Ibrahim was elected chief of the Interpol police. This meant that the boy had to get his hands dirty and do some digging. One frustrating part of the job was that he had to do some detective work too which was way above his pay grade. But, well, respect and responsibility came with the office. He calls it the DOUBLE ‘R’.
Wall Street used to be beautiful and peaceful until the demons entered the town. They opened pubs and strip clubs. Turned the young girls into harlots and the young boys into hustlers. Inside every alley existed a gambling party, and nearly a shoot out twice every week. So, when news got into town that girls were killed and thrown into the river, no one was surprised for it was a long time coming.
Vincent, and his second, examined the body on the bank of the river and bile rose up against their throat. The killers did great artwork on the body. Vincent gave the order that the body is returned to the lab and forensics do a checkup.
Vincent returned home to his family and Dorothy made pancakes. They said their prayers at the dining table. It was then, she asked;
How was work today?
Same as usual, he answered.
I saw the news…
Babe, not in front of the kids.

Vincent and Dorothy had hoped to bring their children up in the way of the Lord. They had moved to Walls’ Street last autumn in hope that it was a good place to build a family but, well, Walls’ streets’ walls have fallen. Last week, Jimmy was bullied in school and the kid had a gun. He was only 13, now, Vincent had to teach his 12-year-old son some self-defense moves.
Forensics came up with a report that the young lady was killed by a poison that melted up to her internal organs and then her breasts were cut off. That was sure a bad way to die. The cutting off of her breasts were in the shape of a lotus. This was the same as the first victim.
The next four months were followed by some law and order but it was soon short-lived. Another body washed up shore again. One would think it was the usual, but there was a note for the chief this time. Written in black ink on the lady’s thighs were the words ‘you stirred up troubled waters, you should be able to deal with it, stop your investigation or your wife’s next. When Vincent saw this, he was scared to the bone. He sent Dorothy and the children packing to Jamaica to stay with a friend.
If his move was the best one, only time could tell. With Dorothy and the children out of the way, he could take the horror of Walls’ street.
He visited a pub which was owned by the one they called TIGER. Villains do have cute names. As he stepped into the pub, the stench of decayed flesh hit his nose. He went straight to the waiter at the counter.
Howdy, the name’s Vincent Ibrahim, I want answers and I better get them. This was followed by a few rib-cracking which always did the trick. He gave a name, POWER. It seemed like a cult that had bitten more than they could chew.
Vincent began to ponder on the name and then it began to make sense. There was power everywhere. At the vendors, banks, hospital and even on the paper bills. Power was the demon that had crept into Walls’ street.
My sister has just been kidnapped and I heard you were the best man for the job.
I do not know but I am good at what I do.
What if those killers have killed her?
Well, I hope to get to the bottom of that.

Sarah Callahan was a pretty blonde whose sister had just gone missing. Although they were twins, Sarah was blonde and Denise, a redhead. No twins could have ever been so different, and now Denise was missing. Vincent Ibrahim was going to find her or else she may be the next to wash ashore.
Vincent had been on the case for over a month now but still, he had no leads. Although he was grateful Denise didn’t wash up ashore, which means she was still alive. With the urgency to find her, he and Sarah spent several hours in the office. She would do anything to have her way and she did because she insisted on helping with the case.
He had become accustomed to waking up beneath the covers with a particular blonde nearly almost every day. With fresh coffee brewing on the coffee pot, the guilt of his cheating panged his heart. As if to draw his judgment any nearer, the phone rang.
Babe, it’s me. She was crying.
Is everything okay? He said almost immediately and his senses became alert.
It’s Sarah, hon, Kobe Bryant’s dead.
Oh crap, just calm her down, everything is going to be alright.
Ok, babe, I love you.
He could not tell her he loved her too, his cheating ass won’t let him, but he loved Dorothy. He only got close to Sarah because of Sarah. He had been so immersed with the new episodes of power and Sarah that he indeed forgot his family.
Sarah Ibrahim was a 16-year-old who was in love with basketball and her hero was Kobe. It would break her heart so much to hear about his death. He would call later and calm his princess down. To think walls’ Street had enough problems, the world began to have a share.
Of course, his world reacted to his death. Kobe was an American professional basketball player who had won five NBA. The news stated that he died in a helicopter crash alongside his daughter, Gianna. The mayor declared a public holiday to mourn the death of Kobe Bryant. The people of walls’ street came out to mourn him and they had forgotten about their own worries. That was when power struck.
A body washed up shore but this time her face was disfigured with acid and she was blonde. Same killing style but the acid was new.
Vincent got home that evening but his instincts became sharp as he got to his door. He noticed that it was unlocked. He cocked his gun and slowly opened the door. There was something, no, that someone in the shower. As he drew the curtains open, ready to shoot, he saw a feminine body.
Sarah? He thought. But there was no blonde hair.
He sat on the couch waiting for her to finish with her scrubbing. As she came out of the bathroom, she was startled to see him.
Who are you?
Denise Callahan
Denise Callahan, a copycat of her sister except for the hair. She claimed to have been kidnapped by the WINGMAN, TIGER’s cousin but she luckily escaped. She had been on a stakeout outside Sarah’s house and had followed her down to Vincent’s. She didn’t want to get Sarah involved with her ordeal but well, bad luck runs in the family. Now, Sarah’s been kidnapped.
As if finding Denise had not been enough trouble, now he had found her and Sarah was gone. Damn, damn!!! What the hell was going on. He just hoped Sarah was fine.
Bile rose up against his throat as he saw the forensic report. The dead lady with the disfigured face was identified as Sarah Callahan. What was he supposed to tell Denise? He wanted to wrap up this case soon and get Walls’ street safe again.
Denise, I’m sorry but Sarah’s gone.
Nothing could have made him ready for the outburst of tears from her. He hushed, cuddled, rocked and for pit’s sake, sang but the tears kept falling. He was finally able to put her to bed and was about to leave her room when she kissed him. What was it about these Callahan women that caged a man so? In the middle of the night, while Denise slept soundly on his chest, that was when he knew.
Two months later, Jamaica was hit by an earthquake. It had a 7.7 magnitude and reportedly struck the Caribbean Sea between Jamaica and eastern Cuba – Dorothy.
Vincent had never felt so helpless. The news about the earthquake shook his very core. To think that he had seen the worse. All the landlines were dead due to the disaster and he could not get a hold of Dorothy and the kids.
24 hours had passed and still no news from them. He was at the brink of traveling there any moment but in his heart, he knew he couldn’t because America had canceled flights from Hong Kong due to the Coronavirus and Walls’ street had taken a hit.

Just then his phone rang.
Babe, I’ve been worried sick, how are you?
Babe no worries, we are good, Stephanie took us to New York for the weekend. Sarah got sick, so I’ve been busy, sorry I couldn’t tell you early enough.
Thank goodness, I love you, babe.
Love you too.
With that out of the way, he had to deal with the mess he had created.
The following months were followed by a couple of rib-cracking and killings, of which Vincent climbed the ladder up to the boss. Tiger, Wingman, Hunter, Samurai, Blindmask and now he finally knew who the Joker was. The mystery behind the power. The question was who was the joker and how do we bring him down?
He had allowed Denise to stay at his place but he never touched her after the last time, although he welcomed her kisses. She was cool with what they had. They never questioned each other’s movements.
Vincent asked Murray to meet him up at the Phoenix bar at 7 pm. It was pretty urgent. He gave him a file, letter, and instruction for when the time was right.
The following week, he made a trip to Jamaica to see his family and make up for old times. It was the most peaceful week he had all year. He was going to miss them. He began to regret a lot of things, his cheating most importantly. Dorothy and the kids deserved more. That night, he told her of a secret account he had in Spain stuffed with enough money to see the children through College and with some additional years. Dorothy wondered why he had told her this now.
He was back home, the following week and Denise told him she had an informant who was willing to only talk in the comfort of his home at Istanbul. Vincent geared up and went down to Istanbul and met the guy named Mikey. Informants always had weird names.

Pegasus Airlines plane skidded off the runway and crashed in Turkey. He was on board. The news had it that three were dead and many injured, he was nowhere to be found.
Is it done?
Yes, Joker.
How am I sure?
I watched him board the plane.
If he is amongst the injured, find him and finish him off, leave no traces.
Yes, Joker.
As soon as the call ended, Murray rang the doorbell. This is for you, he said.

My dearest,
Some say I am the best man for the job but I think I am only good at what I do. This case has been the most difficult case for me to crack. It shook me, in and out. I did things I would normally not do and that included cheating on my wife. I damn my soul to hell.
When our paths crossed I was naïve and foolish and you got me right where you wanted me. I do not know many things but I know every woman doesn’t make love the same way and that was when I knew. Sarah and Denise Callahan were one and the same person. I looked up your file, had to get my hands dirty and that was when I knew who you were.
Your wigs looked good on your two personalities. Well, you snore alike and I didn’t miss the lotus tattoo. Miss Joker, by the time you get this, I may be dead or I might have found a way to outwit you. Your father owns power and he sent his little Delilah to cut off my hair. Well, the jokes on you. Power has been cut down from Walls’ street.
With love and kisses,
~ Vincent Ibrahim.
Ma’am, you are under arrest. Whatever you say or do will be used against you in the court of law.
What did I do this time that you had to paint me as a detective who could not control his libido? Vincent asked his wife Stella.
Well, you refused to give me your meat when I asked.
She answered giggling as he lifted her off her feet and planted a kiss on her forehead. Stella Beckham loved taunting her husband whenever she didn’t get what she wanted by making him a character in her novels. Stella’s ‘DEATH ON WALL’S STREET’ was a bestseller on Times, all thanks to Vincent.
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Train is a female editor and writer at Afrolady International concepts. With knowledge of Linguistics and a love for languages, She objectively edits and writes contents in order to preserve cultural backgrounds, heritage, worldviews and mother tongues. She is bold and unique.