

A Father’s Love

For as many children who stay in this part of the world, i.e. Africa, a constant verbal profession of love from parents to children is not common. This does not mean that…

I Lied: I Said I’ll Never Leave Him

The car idles noiselessly on the sand, as a ladybug crawls lazily under the bonnet. The young couple kiss languidly against their warm skin, on the bonnet of the car. They stay…

Okay Let’s Talk Marriage: African Traditional Marriage

Marriage is hands down, one of the most important institutions in every African society We would even dare to assume that the ceremony itself- that is, the way one enters this institution…

Who Are You, Really?

Who are you? Funny question I tell you. Does anybody really know who they are? As much as I love to ask myself this question, I have never gotten a satisfactory answer.…

The Heart of a Lioness: Temitope

Based on a true life story. When I married Arinze we had nothing. Two fresh graduates from Unilag coming together to build something. In the beginning we were so poor we could…

The Day I crossed the Road: The Scar

I think I grew up on a lean diet of love. I grew up in a family of Seven. I have two elder sisters and one elder brother and a little brother.…

My One Night Stand Story

My one night stand story begins like this. Where do I start from? My name is Aminat Fomzi Ojeku. My name used to be Aminat Ufouma Ojeku until I changed it. Now…

I left: Dare and Fate

I intend to butter this bread thoroughly just as I buttered the last. I intend to treat it as I treated the courses I took to get my college degree, methodological, slowly,…


Life Battles: The Turning Pages Of Life

Life battles are not always won. I was sitting hunched over my table when the bell rang, watching my tears pool on the front page of my notebook. Fascinated, I watched the…