
Tales Of Death And Daddy Issues

“We can’t get to the bottom of this issue until you tell us the whole story,” the policeman said. I looked from Ephraim to my mother, he lowered his eyes but my…

Men And Lies: How He Met The Same Girl Twice

Based On A True Life Story The music was blaring very loudly and I was sitting terribly close to the speakers. It was actually Teni’s song ‘Power rangers’ that was playing at…

the waiting room

The Waiting room (E1 – E3)

E1: The Waiting room E1 – The Waiting room “Hey there,” Fleischer called out to the old man who was fiddling with the side of his truck. “Hello,” the old man greeted…

Who Are You, Really?

Who are you? Funny question I tell you. Does anybody really know who they are? As much as I love to ask myself this question, I have never gotten a satisfactory answer.…