Social Distancing and the Coronavirus: A Few Tips on How to Work Within the Confines of Your Home.

It is no longer news that the threatening COVID-19 worldwide pandemic has fast begun to take its toll on every normality that existed in the world. Stock Markets are fast plummeting, and some companies have shut down production for the year. Similarly, with these sudden turn of events, unspoken questions have pervaded the mind of both young and old individuals as the threat of the virus looms over us all.
Are we destined to end like this?
Is the world falling apart?
How long is this meant to last?
Is the most dreaded apocalypse near?
Even if there may be no definite answers to these questions, our world is definitely undergoing one of its hardest times.
With more than 136,000 individuals infected with the virus, most companies and organizations like Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, and Google have begun to adopt the idea of working remotely from home in a bid to combat the sudden spread of the virus. With the skyrocketing statistics of infected individuals released every day by the CDC, most people are compelled to work remotely like the fear of the virus sweeps through countries.
Humans are being thrown into long stretches of hopeless isolation, and social distancing seems like the newest and wisest thing to help stop the further spread of the virus. A recent conference held in Boston where a few people were gathered, is said to have perpetrated the Coronavirus spread to more than 100 people.
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Most schools and colleges have been shut down for the year, and students are now encouraged to take their classes online.
In other words, every form of contact with the external world has been minimized and staying indoors seems to be the new trend. To effectively contain the virus, the need for social distancing has been mandated.
What is Social Distancing?
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On the 16th of March, the Trump administration had implored everyone to avoid gatherings, meetings, and any form of social contact for the next couple of weeks. With this new development, most restaurants, bars, fast foods, and anywhere a group of people can converge together has been shut down. Traveling from one state to another has become inaccessible as most countries are fast closing their borders to foreigners in a bid to keep their citizens safe.
On the other hand, Jeanne Marrazzo, MD, professor of medicine and director of the division of infectious diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham reveals that
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“They want us to stay apart- Self Distancing in their lingo. If we don’t get within Six Feet of another person, or at least lessen the number of people we let into this Six feet zone, we will cut down our chances of getting sick.”
Amidst all of these, social distancing and maintaining isolation seems to be like the only way to curb ourselves from the world’s fast-rising pandemic.
For some, working from home has become a routine and culture, however, this development may not be entirely convenient to individuals who have become accustomed to working 8-5 every weekday outside their comfort spaces. So if you fall under this category, and you’re new to remote work like thousands of workers around the world, this article is just for you.
Before you go any further, relax! It’s not the end of the world as I’ve provided below useful Beginner’s tips to effectively guide you through a healthy working from home experience.
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Setting up a Work Space.
One major deal about Getting accustomed to the possible challenges of working in a home friendly space is the problem of setting up a proper home office. To work effectively, and reach the desired output, you must be prepared to create a workstation with workable pens and a comfortable keyboard. Surely most people may relish the idea of working a few steps away from their beds and kitchen within the same environment, but you’d agree with me that to achieve a productive result, the mind can only be sharpened to think better in a professional environment. You must ensure that you create a make-believe workspace to deliver your desired result.
Building Effective Communication Systems.
Another step to ward off loneliness is to keep up steady communication with your work partners via telephone calls, and video conferencing. Video conferencing is a key element in a dispersed workforce. This way, your self-isolation from human contact may not be so foreboding, as steady communication amongst colleagues is bound to encourage effective outputs from one another and cheer you up nonetheless.
FaceTime and Skype may also come in handy in improving communications with other loved ones across the world.
Avoid Contraction of the Virus at Home.
Keeping your environment clean is also a thoughtful solo working life hack. An organized environment would only help to boost your productivity, sanity, focus, and general work output. A messy workspace might hinder productivity, especially as a clean environment is most imperative in these times. Always keeping your environment crisply clean and your hands sanitized will go a long way to keep you in Good health, and prevent the spread of the virus within the confines of your home.
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Healthy Living
Eating healthy is also important, and one of the perks of working from home is that you must be able to balance time appropriately by being able to decipher when to take a lunch break, a walk, or when to stop for the day. You must select a quitting time that is most convenient to meet with your daily tasks.
The United States is facing a grim dilemma: either effectively shut down society for months to prevent further transmission of the coronavirus, or see health care systems overwhelmed by people needing treatment for severe infections. In the midst of these crises, we must all endeavor to put clean hands on deck.
In conclusion, with proper strategy, and implementation, you may find yourself getting accustomed to working from home, and deriving fun while doing so too while we all wait out the end of this global Menace.
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The one who spells Afrolady from the larynx of her pen. She’s a high spirited, cultured and ingenuous African child, whose writing drops an unimaginative creative splash on history and carves the indignation and memories of Black women.