Love: the most powerful force in the universe. While some feel it is underrated, deservedly so, others see it as a wondrous and ecstatic feeling. Of course there are still those that…
Phones, the newest coded diary in the world. Want to know a person’s deepest secret? Check his/her phone. Want to find a cheating partner? Phone. Want to cheat in an exam? Phone.…
Childhood; a time of laughter, joy, learning and growing. Some argue that it’s a time most crucial to a person, a time where the child’s outlook on love, life, and everything in…
Spontaneity is one thing that, unfortunately, is leaving the consciousness of youth nowadays. Most times, it’s with the excuse, “I don’t have the time.” No, a million times No. Where’s your sense…
Feminism, one of the most controversial topic for debate around the world. While some people view feminism as a way for women to be “out of line”, others, the more reasonable ones,…
It is popular knowledge that love is sweet. Infact, it can be the sweetest feeling in the world, especially if you experience it with the right person. In relation, it can also…
Although it’s still January, many people have continued from where they left off. Either it’s a personal business, or a paid job, people seem to have started from where they left off…