
192 Articles Published | Follow:

#96: Unfair

Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One Ada: I feel like I forgot something important, but I’m not sure… Scene Two (Ada after boarding a bus) Conductor: Your money, madam? (Realization) Ada: OMG!…

self-motivation tips

18 People Share Self-Motivation Tips That Have Helped Them In Tiring Times

Life is a journey that definitely gets tiring at one point. However, you just have to dust yourself up and keep moving. Self-motivation is a thing some people have mastered, while others…

#95: Right Away

Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One (Dave meets a lady) Dave:Would you like to go to dinner with me?Lady:I have a date with someone else. Scene Two (9PM) Dave(thinking):I’m never speaking to…

Long live the Queen


Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene OneFriend: Happy birthday, Ada. Scene TwoAda: This year is a special one. Let us toast to… Friends: The death of the old era and ther start of…

toxic traits that people have

16 People Share The Toxic Trait Others Often Complain They Have

Toxic traits is a term that infers, according to the dictionary, “causing unpleasant feelings; harmful or malicious”. Some might argue, “but it’s not hurting anybody.” Well, if it’s not hurting anybody, why…

year 2022

32 People Share Their Achievement Hopes For The Remaining Year 2022

The year 2022 has been quite a year, considering the fact that the world is still trying to get over the traumatic year of 2020. Globally, there’s a worldwide recession that has…

#94: Rich or True Love

Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript SceneAda: Girls, I don’t know what to do. I have seen this guy everyday since my high school days. We have always stolen glances but I have never…

asuu strike

38 People Share The Worst/Best Ways They’ve Been Affected by The ASUU Strike

School, one of the basic fundamental rights of any country; the right to education. Yet, in Nigeria, a major educational board, Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, has been on strike for…

#93: Gamer Boy

Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene OneMom: I am going out, dear. Look after your sister.Gamer Boy: Ok mom. Scene TwoSister: I am going out to play with my friends.Gamer Boy: Okay. Scene…

Afrogist: worst things

32 People Share The Worst Things Their Partner Ever Did To Them

We’ve all had ups and downs in a relationship. For some of us though, the downs were the lowest of the low, way more than the ups. Fate is bound to bring…