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AfroGist: 11 People Share Their Worst Heartbreak Stories

AfroGist: 11 People Share Their Worst Heartbreak Stories

Worst heartbreak stories

One minute, you’re planning the rest of your life with your significant human, and the next minute, you’re dumbstruck, wondering where it all went wrong. Wikipedia describes heartbreak as “intense emotional stress or pain”. Heartbreaks happen, unfortunately. But then, some just hits harder than most.

In this episode of AfroGist, we had a few people share their worst heartbreak stories with us.

So, enjoy! Or don’t. They are sad stories after all.

“I told him that the Holy Spirit asked me to break up with him. Bobo couldn’t even argue because I had brought God into the matter. The poor thing… I wasn’t lying though and I agree that it was probably the lousiest story I have ever told or will ever hear from any human. 😅💔”

Bebe (F)
Lagos, Nigeria

“He broke up with me on my birthday and he got engaged to someone else a month later.”

Skinny (F)
Lagos, Nigeria

“He called on new year’s eve. We talked about how awesome the year was for us and we talked for hours until I had to go to church. By 12 midnight of the new year, I called him and it wasn’t going. Later in the day, I realized he had blocked me on his phone, Facebook, Instagram (all platforms connecting us). I was heartbroken. Never Again.”

Cutie (F)
Benin City, Nigeria

11 People Share Their Worst Heartbreak Stories

“Found out that the guy I’ve been dating for over 5 years is getting married to someone else while we’re still together and he doesn’t know that I know about this. He has been a liar and cheat all these years. 😭😭😭”

Baby Girl for Life (F)
United kingdom

“I like to think of this as less of a story, I mean the events didn’t occur in a linear sequence. They surprised me. I think I’d rather this was called a chronicle of some of the worst portions of my young adult life. These days, I’m certain I’m cut out for the life of a monk—a lifestyle that’s certain to keep me away from a horrible string of situations like the one about to follow.
M and I loved the hell out of each other. It was never my intention to give her that amount of affection but what could I do when I’d been struck by a flash of “true love”, or so I presumed. University love is the kind where you feel insulated from the troubles of the world, where you’re helplessly in love and imagine with every fiber of you that there’ll never be a bad day.
I think that a lot of humans never approved of our relationship. Maybe jealousy kept them marching against us. Maybe it was pure fate. I replay the scenes a lot in my head.
I’d heard of tribalism being a dampener on the chemistry of budding romances but I never thought I’d be faced head-on by such a troubling trend.
When M’s mother learned that her daughter was in the LoveSac with an “Igbo”, I got a lot of menacing phone calls, her demands laced with every minute spent.
Now, what was a fella like me to do when he’d be warned to stay away from the one human being in whose eyes he saw a silver lining every day?
I lost a lot of sleeping hours thinking about what was to follow. I imagined that I’d be kidnapped or worse, have my kneecaps assaulted by a block hammer.
M and I parted ways on a day of dry weather conditions. I sweated a lot as we weighed our options. I saw how she spoke to me. She was crushed by everything that had occurred.
Now, remember I’m not telling this in a linear sequence. So, remember not to ask yourself why this narration isn’t going in a defined pattern.
She had been threatened by her mother repeatedly and had a lot of her privileges withdrawn.
Now we were both university undergraduates. What were the odds that we were course-mates? Heck, I’d rather you thought about it yourself. The universe knows I’ve given enough clues.
Her mom had had a lot of unsavory experiences with members of my tribe so that had reinforced her blatant dislike for my kind, M revealed the day we broke off the commitment to be our favorite humans.
I use words like “kind” and “tribe” because how else can one think of himself when he’s being judged solely on the acts of individuals he had never even met, but carried their sins so long as he too was alike by way of surname and heritage?”

Ifeanyichukwu (M)
Owerri, Nigeria

11 People Share Their Worst Heartbreak Stories

“Dated her for 4 years and maintained a godly relationship and also tried helping her keep her virginity. Had a financial crisis and she decided to opt-out of the relationship for reasons best known to her. To cut the story short, she had sex with the new guy and came back to me after some months for us to work things out.”

Musa (M)
Port Harcourt, Nigeria

My ex and I had dated for about 2 years. We had issues and he told me we should just be friends. I was so mad because he constantly made me a shadow of myself by constantly tussling my emotions around, so this time around I made up my mind that it was over. He called 2 weeks later and begged me, promising to do better, I was still in love with him, so I forgave him. He asked me to come to see him, I was in Benin, he was in PH. So I used the little pocket money I had to go see him. He asked me to buy things for the house when coming. To show how much I loved him, I went all out because he normally pays me back.
Everything seemed good, we talked about everything going wrong and settled it. I was so happy we were good again. He convinced me to have sex with him, He was my first, so I did. After the sex, he told me that he just wanted closure and was not interested in a relationship. He then told me that he doesn’t want to meet me at his place when he comes back from work. So I used the last money I had left to go back to Benin and I was hungry for the rest of the month.”

Sandy (F)

“We vibed.
We connected.
We kinda kissed.
It was an explosion.
We exchanged numbers.
I forgot to press the green button.
He never called either.
The end.”

See Also

Da Kojo (F)
Edo, Nigeria

11 People Share Their Worst Heartbreak Stories

“Well, it wasn’t my first relationship, but it was like the first to me because then, I felt loved and gave love. I really loved him that I could do anything for him. I helped him with everything he wanted that I could get. We did everything together. I know I had flaws, but it wasn’t what we couldn’t work out. We were just one or two months away from clocking one year in the relationship when he came up to say that he didn’t want the relationship anymore. 😮 I was so shocked.
Why? He didn’t even give a reasonable reason why he said it was over. I begged and begged. He had already made up his mind.
For months, it was hard for me. I never went to bed without crying. Even when I made up my mind to forget him, I was just fooling around. It didn’t work. I wanted to die. I had exams I couldn’t read. I continued begging but no! Omo… after some time, I met another guy and started dating him. But I was probably just using him to forget the other one. In the relationship, I still visited my ex and had sex with him. After everything, we didn’t still get back.
It was this year I finally got my mind off him cause in the actual sense, I was just hurting myself. So, I let it go. All’s well that ends well.”

Aj (F)
Benin, Nigeria

“Wow… I won’t call it my worst because it’s the first. 🤔Okay, let’s just say it was the worst then. So this girl broke up with me a few days before my last paper for the session because the Holy Spirit told her to do so, as she said. Premium tears😂. LOL. I had to use the small energy I had left to write the exam. Thank God I didn’t fail, cause I’d have hated her forever! I couldn’t fight her nor could I fight her “Holy Spirit”. I felt down for a very long time shar. 😂”

Fuswib (M)
Lagos, Nigeria

11 People Share Their Worst Heartbreak Stories

“I loved him, and he loved me. But we couldn’t date because of the age difference. He was ready to do anything for me, give me his last money, cook for me, rub my feet, and even go to the market for me. Even my current boyfriend has never cooked for me. But I was older than him and I’m not the type to date for fun. It’s either for marriage or not. It was a future time bomb so I told him I didn’t want to be with him, even though I was falling apart and screaming inside. I still hate myself a little for letting such a good guy go. Right now, we’re just friends, sort of I guess.” 😔

Hazel (F)
Benue, Nigeria

Phew. Now, that was intense. Which of these heartbreak stories pulled your heartstrings? Or would you like to share yours? We’ll be reading in the comments section!

PS: You can read more on ‘worst heartbreak stories’ here.

  • Stories collected are shared only with the writer’s permission. 
  • Names may or may not be real to ensure anonymity.
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