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AfroGist: 9 People Share Tales of Their First Kiss

AfroGist: 9 People Share Tales of Their First Kiss

People have their first kisses at different times in their lives, but regardless, the tingling feeling before the deed is almost always the same. While some remember theirs with a grimace, others have butterflies erupt in their stomachs at the thought of reliving their first kisses.

In this episode of AfroGist, we had nine people share the stories of their first kiss.

The stories are sure to make you crack a smile, or two.

“Still the most beautiful thing. We stayed in class after our classes, I didn’t wanna spend a minute away from her, going home was the worst part of my day even if we were in the same class lol. So my head is in her lap and she is pecking on my lips and blushing, her lips felt great, she pecked and giggled for a long time, she wore a beautiful gown. We decided to start going home cause it was getting late, we got to a staircase. I let her walk in front then pulled her back. Best first kiss of my life. I feel nothing can top that.”

Squadron Leader (M)
Lagos, Nigeria

“It was sort of magical, sort of just there. He came over, we were cuddling and he was singing a romantic song for me. I just tipped my head up and we kissed. I liked him but till today, the idiot does not believe he’s my first kiss.

Said I was too good a kisser. What does that even mean?????”

Sweetheart (F)

“I was too unsure if I wanted the girl to be my first kiss. So I did what a smart nigga would … 😊”

Man (M)

“Mine was… I don’t really know how to put it. But I kissed a family friend. He’s like a cousin tho. It all happened at night, he was seeing me off and we ended up kissing. The next day, we couldn’t look at each other 😂”

Ofure (F)
Lagos, Nigeria

“Hmmm… This one always has me blushing when I remember. It was on the 22nd of October, 2017. I was eighteen already but it was my first time and with my first boyfriend. Simply put, it was magical.

I went to his house that Sunday afternoon and knocked on his door. He had been sleeping, and when he opened the door while rubbing his sleepy eyes I knew I was going to make out with him that afternoon. I was shy and a bit resistant at first because it was my first time and he was very experienced.

Long story short, first kiss turned out to be over ten whole minutes and we wouldn’t have stopped if his little bro had not come out of the room to walk past us to the balcony.😂🙈”

Alias (F)
Lagos, Nigeria

“My first kiss was an experiment. My friends had told stories. They said that if you kiss someone you would be tempted to have sex. I wanted to prove them wrong.”

Jenna (F)
Benin, Nigeria

“It was basic 6 graduation and we were relocating to another state… so my crush and I Snuck out of the graduation ceremony to our class… and the beautiful moment happened. He leaned over and kissed me as we conversed … it’s been 15 years after and I can still play it in my head.”

Princess (F)
Lagos, Nigeria

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“We’d been talking for a while over the phone. We were in different parts of the world. He came to see me and we vibed.

As he drove to drop me at home. He parked the car and we were talking about general stuff then he was like who is that girl peeing there and I turned to look.

As I returned my head to say where, he just kissed me… the kiss was electrifying, I have goosebumps any time I think of 💋…”

Lizzy Baby (F)
Warri, Nigeria


“Plain boring”

Precious (F)

Now, if that didn’t sweeten up your day, I don’t know what will. Would you like to share the tale of your first kiss? Please do so in the comments section!


For next week’s episode, it’s Christmas day!!! I’m sure you have that secret Christmas wish that you can’t tell Santa. Well, just tell us by clicking the image below.

  • Stories collected are shared only with the writer’s permission. 
  • Names may or may not be real to ensure anonymity.
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