AfroGist: 13 Real-Life Stories on Worst First Date Experiences

The dating scene is a tricky business. You might have good ones today and then awful ones tomorrow.
In this episode of AfroGist, we rounded up 13 real-life stories of worst first date experiences. Try not to get discouraged though, dates aren’t all that bad.
“So, I met this guy on IG and we clicked immediately! It was one of those first meetings that made you feel like the both of you were fated, lol😂. Anyways, we vibed and switched to WhatsApp.
Weeks later, we decided to meet in person for a real date. Omorrrrr! Water pass garri for the matter. The guy had a smelly breath and he kept sweating like someone that was being chased by a madman. I was too embarrassed to continue the date, I left him there and walked out in shame😂😂💔.”
Jane (F)
“I went on a date with a girl. My card got declined at a Chinese restaurant and she had to pay for the food. Geez! I felt like dying. If only I could turn invisible”
Davies (M)
“Mine wasn’t funny. I went out with this guy on a date, our first date, and he was really touchy and clingy. He would wrap his arm around my shoulders, around my waist, and he even tried to romance my laps. It was irritating and I couldn’t wait to go home. I thought a ‘first date’ was meant to know each other better. For him, a first date was a day set out to romance anything available. It was crazy and annoying.”
Vee (F)
“I had just broken up with my Ex a few months before, and I thought putting myself out there would help me move on faster. My friend hooked me up with an officer who was in the same state as I was.
First of all, the guy catfished me!! He had sent pictures before and they weren’t his pictures. I was so upset but I thought if he was a nice person I could overlook it. During the date, he kept trying to come closer or grope me. At a point, he literally pulled me extremely close to him. I stood up and went to the seat opposite him. By this time, I had lost my appetite. I think he got the message (so I thought), and then he got a call that was from a girl, obviously, and he was on the call for over 10 minutes.
Imagine how awkward I felt. I just had to make up an excuse for why I had to go back home early. Furthermore, as he walked me to the cab, he tried to forcefully kiss me!! When I got home, I cried my eyes out.”
J (F)
“Okay, so it was my first date with an older guy and he didn’t exactly say where we were going, he just said it’ll be a very nice and cool place, so I suggested it should be around school or close to school and he agreed. All I had in mind was it was going to be the eatery opposite school. Only for me to come out and he pronounced I should come to meet him at the local bar close to school because his ride stopped him there. I was like mmm okay when I get there we’ll leave for the eatery.
On getting there, he offered me a seat and started gisting me o! I was then moved to ask why he chose to meet at a bar and baba was like he loves cool places and places where no one pays attention to you, just you with your thoughts, and I was like, okay.
All this while, he didn’t ask me what I wanted to take o! He just kept going on about how he is a nice person and ladies trust him. He said he is a good person and that ladies feel safe with him. He said one time he was doing his Masters or so, and a married woman came to live with him and they were so comfortable with each other that you won’t believe it. In my mind, I was like, WOW!
He went further to say that he attended the wedding of a friend’s sister and the girl jumped on him and hugged and kissed him. He said he was even shocked that she was so excited to see him and she went on telling people around that he was a very nice and decent man and that she stayed with him and not once did he make advances towards her. He said he is very nice and responsible. I was just nodding all through. Even when I tried chipping in my own gist, he cut me off and kept telling me how he doesn’t support rape. Like I hate guys that rape girls like why would you force yourself on a girl when you can ask nicely or go to all these brothels and ease yourself. I kept wondering why he even brought up the topic! But I was like, “Yes, why would anyone even rape a girl?” He said he hates it and he told me how he beat up one guy and his friends and even arrested the guy for raping one girl that he doesn’t even know. According to him, he met her crying on his way home and he bought the matter. He told me another story of how he arrested a boy who got his girlfriend pregnant and then dumped her. He just kept talking about how he was a very caring and nice person.
By then, I already texted my friend to call me and get me out of the situation. I told him I had to go because my friend was waiting for me to come to cook. He finally ‘told’ me to order some food. After my order came, he started his gist of him respecting women and not forcing himself on women. He kept telling me that girls have stayed with him and even slept naked with him before and he didn’t touch them.
He then asked me what my plans were for the weekend. And I was like I don’t know I’ll be busy with school work and he was like how about you come to spend the weekend at my place? You can bring your books and don’t worry, I won’t touch you. We’ll just watch movies, talk and relax. I hesitated but he kept insisting.
I had to come up with an excuse. I was like my girlfriend is calling constantly. I am sorry but I have to go. Only I can cook the food because it’s my turn to cook in the room. I have to go. And yes, that was after I finished eating. Mtchew, I had to eat for the time wasted and head-nodding na. He even offered to walk me home and I was like don’t bother I’ll call you and as I left the place and got on my way home, I blocked and deleted the number. And that’s the end of my story, lol.”
- QueenB (F)
“I can’t talk much, but some guys are just weird. They won’t tell you their budget for the date, so he will let you order something to eat, then buy himself bottled water. You will be looking like a wicked person all through the date.”
- Princess (F)
“So I met this guy on a dating site, we talked and scheduled a meet on a Sunday afternoon.
Imagine my shock when I arrived at the point of rendezvous and he told me we’ve met before, in that matter-of-fact way you’d know he was not joking. Upon trying to find out how and when, he says that he does not remember—but he was sure that we’ve met before, whether for good or bad. Keep in mind it took us like 4 days before this encounter and at that time, we chatted, exchanged pictures, and so on.
That I was peeved would be me trivializing how I felt. Clearly, a case of mistaken identity, and I, jolted by the experience, was mortified. What if it was in a different scenario and it came with an accusation, say a stolen item or something?
I’ve only seen stuff like this happen in movies, but here I was in a badly written script.
I spent most of that week in between the trauma of the experience and trying so hard to remember if truly I’ve met this person before—there were moments, briefly, where his face would flash in my head like a recollection, but I knew it was my mind playing tricks. This first date went wrong on several levels.”
Elias (M)
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- Stories collected are shared only with the writer’s permission.
- Names may or may not be real to ensure anonymity.