Wake Up Right: 12 Things Not to Do in the Morning

As an African raised in a non-English speaking household, I’ve learned that the way we begin our mornings can greatly impact our day’s productivity and well-being. In Africa whilst growing up, elders, parents and even constitutional authorities would continue to ring the axiom “he who wakes up early in the morning receives a bundle of blessing” and this has become ingrained as a core tenet of my life and routines.
That is why I believe that to ensure that you have the best start to your day, there are some crucial habits to embrace and some to avoid. Here’s what I mean.
Imagine this: You wake up, slam the alarm clock, and stumble to the kitchen for coffee. As the caffeine slowly kicks in, you start thinking about your morning routine. We all have our little morning quirks, but some common habits can set you up for a bad day. Things like hitting snooze again and again, skipping breakfast, and checking work emails before you’re fully awake.
If you really want to start your day off right, there are some key no-no’s to avoid first thing in the morning. We’re going to talk about 12 things not to do in the morning. From resisting the urge to crawl back into bed to put down your phone, these simple tweaks to your morning routine can help you wake up right and seize the day.
12 Things Not to Do in the Morning
1. Skipping Breakfast
Everyone has heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yet so many of us still skip it. When your alarm goes off in the morning, it can be tempting to hit the snooze button one too many times and rush out the door without eating. However, skipping breakfast can negatively impact your energy, focus and mood, and here is why:
- If you skip breakfast, your stomach is empty after going without food all night. You’ll start to feel hungry not long after waking up, and hunger pangs can sap your energy and concentration. Eating a good breakfast provides fuel for your body and brain to get you through the morning.
- Your metabolism regulates how fast your body converts food into energy. When you skip meals, your metabolism slows down to conserve energy. Over time, a slower metabolism can lead to weight gain and other health issues. A balanced breakfast with protein, fibre and healthy fats helps boost your metabolism for the day.
- Going without food for long periods can negatively impact your mood and mental state. When your blood sugar drops due to skipping a meal, you may feel irritable, tired or lightheaded. Eating breakfast helps stabilize your blood sugar and provides glucose for your brain, which helps you feel more awake and focused.
Even eating something small like a protein smoothie and a piece of fruit can help you feel energized and ready to take on the day. Make the time for a good breakfast – your body and mind will thank you.
2. Hitting Snooze
We’ve all been guilty of it – slamming the snooze button for “just 10 more minutes” of sleep. While it may seem harmless, hitting snooze repeatedly disrupts your sleep cycle and morning routine. Here are a few reasons to avoid the temptation of snoozing.
- When you hit snooze, you’re forcing yourself in and out of sleep, preventing you from getting the restorative deep sleep you need. This sleep disruption leaves you feeling groggy and disoriented when you do eventually get up. For the best sleep, stick to a consistent wake time, even on weekends.
- Hitting snooze causes a domino effect that throws off your entire morning. You end up rushing through your routine or skipping important tasks just to get out the door on time. Start your day off right by waking up when your alarm first goes off. You’ll feel more in control and less stressed.
- It’s not giving you more rest. Snoozing may seem like you’re getting extra sleep, but you’re just getting poor-quality sleep in short bursts. The 10 or 15 minutes between snoozes isn’t enough time to go into a proper sleep cycle, so you never feel well-rested.
For the most energizing sleep, set your alarm for when you need to wake up and avoid the snooze button altogether. The next time your alarm goes off, resist the urge to hit snooze. with intention. Your body and mind will thank you for the extra focus and productivity.
3. Checking Email First Thing
Waking up to a full inbox can instantly fill you with dread and stress. Emails often demand our time and attention, and plowing through them first thing sets the wrong tone for your day. Here’s why:
- It reduces productivity: Starting your morning reacting to other people’s needs and requests means you’re not focused on your priorities. You end up bouncing between emails in a reactive state instead of having dedicated time for your important work.
- It’s a distraction: Emails divert your attention and break your concentration. They interrupt your flow and make it hard to achieve a state of deep focus. Save email for later in the day when your mind isn’t as fresh.
- It stresses you out: Reading urgent messages and requests before you’ve even had your coffee can spike feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. Give yourself space to wake up and ease into your day before exposing yourself to stressors.
Instead of checking email first thing, do something to energize your mind and body. Go for a quick walk, do some light exercise, read an inspiring book, or journal your thoughts. Starting your day with purpose will set the right mindset and motivation to make progress on your priorities. Leave the email for later when you’re able to give each message your full attention and respond thoughtfully.
4. Rushing Out the Door
One of the worst ways to start your morning is by rushing out the door. When you wake up already running late, your stress levels skyrocket and the rest of your day suffers.
5. Forgetting Your Keys or Wallet
In your haste to leave the house, it’s easy to misplace essential items. Do a quick pat-down before walking out the door to make sure you have your keys, wallet, phone, and anything else you need for the day. Running back inside or dealing with being locked out will only make you more late and frazzled.
6. Poor Planning the Night Before
Most rushed mornings could be avoided by better planning the evening before. Pick out your outfit, pack your lunch, set the coffee pot, and get everything ready to go for the next day. That way you can wake up and head straight to the shower without wasting time figuring out what to wear or packing a last-minute lunch.
7. Checking Your Phone Immediately
Starting the day by scrolling through social media or reading emails can lead to distraction and wasted time. Give yourself a tech-free window in the morning to focus on more meaningful activities like meditation, exercise, or journaling.
8. Not Hydrating
After a night of sleep, your body needs hydration to function optimally. Drinking a glass of water upon waking up helps to replenish fluids and kickstart your metabolism.
Some More Tips to Avoid a Bad Morning
- Go to bed a bit earlier.
- Set multiple alarms if needed.
- Have a morning routine stick to it, and build some buffer time into your
- Schedule in case of delays.
5 Things To Do in The Morning To Start Your Day Right
Morning routines are personal, so do what works for you. However, there are a few unconventional yet effective things you can add to your morning routine to start your day on the right foot.
- Once your alarm goes off, open the curtains and let the sunlight in. Exposure to natural light helps set your circadian rhythm and wake you up. Even on gloomy days, the ambient light will do you good.
- Take a quick cold shower. A cold shower is shocking to the senses and will instantly boost your alertness and mood. The icy water causes your body to release endorphins that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. If cold showers aren’t your thing splash your face with cold water.
- Do some light exercise like yoga or a quick walk. Getting your blood pumping with physical activity provides an energy boost that caffeine can’t match. Even just 2-3 minutes of exercise can increase your heart rate and breathing, releasing endorphins to energize you.
- Listen to upbeat music. Put on your favourite energizing playlist to lift your mood and motivation. Fast, high-energy music with a strong beat has been shown to increase arousal, brighten your mood, and boost productivity.
- Schedule: Having purpose and direction helps motivate you to achieve more. Look at your to-do list and calendar to get a quick overview of responsibilities, priorities, and events so you feel focused and in control. Starting your day with intention leads to greater productivity and less distraction.
So there you have it – a dozen things that are best avoided in the morning if you want to start your day on the right foot. Of course, everyone’s different, so your mileage may vary. But in general, hitting snooze, checking work email before you’re fully awake are recipes for grogginess and distraction. They are mistakes you should steer clear of if you want to feel energized and productive all day long.
Instead, tune into your body, set a positive intention, and take some time to get centered. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes when you wake up right. The day is yours for the taking. Now get out there and seize it!
All images are sourced from unsplash.com
The one who spells Afrolady from the larynx of her pen. She’s a high spirited, cultured and ingenuous African child, whose writing drops an unimaginative creative splash on history and carves the indignation and memories of Black women.