The Mistake? My One Night Stand

“Name your price”.
Did this horse face just ask me to be his whore?
“Excuse me?”
“How’s 5 million?” He’s still talking.
“Did she just walk away from me?” I hear him faintly saying to his friend.
I don’t care, I’m officially done. Done with here, done with my traitor of a best friend, done with everything. I’m done. I’m almost at the door when I feel strong arms holding me back. I turn to see Perfect asshole number 1 (that’s what I’m calling him now) looking at me with a little confusion. “Is the money too small?”
Is this guy being really serious right now? “I want you”, he says.
“Look, I don’t know how I gave you the wrong idea but I’m not a hoe,” I tell him trying to yank my hand away.
“Everyone has a price,” he says.
“Yeah, but not me. Why on earth me in the first place?” I stop for a second to ask him.
He looked at me like I just spoke latin, “Because it’s you”.
The moon light was exceptionally dim, owls filling the air with their noise, stars shining in the sky. I stood on the rail looking out into the boring night. This officially wins the worst night of all nights. Why did my Mum have to call me and complain, again, about my stupid brother? “Call your husband!!!” This is the seventy-sixth time in three weeks, four days, twenty-two hours and fifty-six minutes, not that I’m counting.
Oh, sorry, a brief background.
I’m the last child of a family of five, my mum, dad, an elder sister and an elder brother. It’s a typical family of annoying siblings, a perfect mother that was definitely the belle of her time, a picture-perfect rogue of an elder brother that somehow still manages to get the favour of everyone, a medical graduate for an elder sister who is good at everything, looks, piano, make up, and even boys, and an Angel of a father who’s just that, an Angel. Then there’s me.
I’m not going to bother you with the ugly-duckling or bad egg story. Let’s just say, with average looks, a faded black hair, white teeth… Ok milk teeth, and trying, but failing to get a bachelor’s degree in medicine, fine business and commerce. I’m the belle of the closet, my closet. Never worry, I make it up in my abrasiveness, brash attitude and a tongue that will make a pirate blush.
“You know I can’t call your father, he’s busy on a business trip.” “Then call your favourite daughter, I’m sure she’ll give you the perfect advice”, she always does this, calls me to vent about the slightest problem.
“Leah, stop it, I called you not her so for once can’t you just stop sulking about your unfortunate circumstances and for heaven’s sake stop being jealous of your sister!!! Only you refused to go to medical school, only you refused to actually act like a girl that you are with those god awful clothes you wear. God knows I have tried my best to do all I can for you… Hello? Hello? Leah talk to me when I’m talking to you”.
“I’m really tired Mum, talk to you later”. That’s right, my life’s just perfect. Anyway, back to things that actually matter, me.
I always tried to picture what my perfect guy would look like. Fair or dark, tall or short, God please let him have dimples. It’s one of the things that actually keeps me sane, my imagination.
You see, I might be in my finals, gone through high school and all, but, wait for it, I’ve never actually dated, not to mention the big ‘S’ word. Yes, big shocker, considering my sister probably doesn’t know the last guy she slept with, you’d think it’s in the genes. It’s not.
So here I am, again, another lonely day of watching my friends date, go to the beach, have fun. Maybe I’ll just read a book. I heard “My mute mate” is out. Let me just sit in, nice and comfy with my teddy bear, his name is Pandy by the way. This was my exact state of mind when my best friend of 20 years walked in like she owned the place, “Don’t tell me you are reading again in those awful PJ’s”.
“I’m not, that’s exactly what I’m doing of course!)
“Ok, that’s it. Get up, we’re going out”.
“You already know I won’t, and how many a time have I told you to knock? I don’t even like you that much”. She ignored me, as she usually does, and goes to my closet. “Argh, seriously, only pajamas? They’re even black!!!”
What’s wrong with black? God please make her go away, “And mummy panties? Seriously what on earth is wrong with you? Are you even human? You’re so lonely you’ll make God cry”. Well thank you very much miss obvious.
Gba!!! Did this bitch really just throw a pillow at me? My pillow? “Answer me when I’m talking to you”
Doesn’t she ever get tired?
“No, I don’t. Get up, we’re going to my house right now and you’re going with me to a party, whether you like it or not.”
”AWWW!!!, stop draggin my hair, fine I’m going”.
This, dear readers, is just a ‘brief’ summary of how my best friend can be. I love her to the moon and back, I just feel like strangling her most of the time. We’re in a cab and we’ve passed all the happening joints. Please God, let this not be what I’m thinking.
“Where are you taking me? I swear to God if you don’t answer me rig…”
“We’re going on a trip”.
“You work too hard Lea and this your lifestyle is slowly going to destroy yo…”
“Just listen to me Lee, I’m doing this for…”
“Driver, keep going”.
“Please? I won’t trouble your life anymore. I will do exactly as you say, promise. Please just do this for me.”
“You’re asking me to leave school, I have a test tomorrow.”
“I know, just this once. Please, just this once. You never take a break, from anything. You hardly smile these days, scrap that, you don’t smile anymore. I want to see you actually smile, see you in a goddamn bikini. Christ Lea, Do you even remember what it is to be happy? To actually laugh because you can’t help it? Not because the situation demands it but because there’s this joy in your heart you can’t just suppress even if you want to? Your family is well, your family. And your life is practically non-existent. I worry for you Lee.” She’s looking at me with those annoying cat-like eyes thinking I will give in.
“Where are we going?”
“Thank You, Thank you, Thank you!!! You won’t regret this, I promise you. We’re going on a TRIP!!!”
Alright, enough screeching. Seriously, why can’t my life just be easy? And this dear readers, is where my story begins.
‘WELCOME TO SEATTLE’, we see a bold sign greeting us into the city. Seattle? Really?
“You don’t even know anyone here, why are we here? Where are we going to stay?”
“Would you relax for a sec? I’ve got everything covered. I’ve been saving for this for weeks,” Rhoda tells me.
We’re at the back seat of a hot cab driver, silent but hot. He occasionally butts into our conversation but that’s fine. He’s cute.
“Yes but there’s no way you could have saved this much”.
“My boyfriend also helped”.
“You told your boyfriend about me??”
“Yes but only because I needed advice on what to do with you.”
“Did Andy actually suggest this trip to you?”
“What? He was sympathetic towards your plight.”
“My God Rhoda, someone will think I have HIV.”
“You don’t but you’ll agree with me it’s worse.”
“Fine, Whatever, I’m just going to ignore you.”
“Thank You”.
As soon as I get back, I’m changing my number and house address, I quietly promise myself.
Finally, we’re at the hotel. The receptionist shows us our rooms and helps us with the luggage (She packed everything into the trunk before coming to my place. Can you believe the conniving witch?).
“Get out of your head Lea, We’re going to have a super-duper-candy-sweet-flubby-glubby good time”.
“There’s no word like that,” I tell her.
Rhoda has a way of making words up. There’s this one time she said tushy crew, in a freaking presentation. And when the examiner asked, the psycho went ahead to explain it means soft hearted bunch of idiots, I kid you not. “Yes, there is” Of course, typical Rhoda. Frankly, I’m beginning to have a head-ache, I don’t travel much.
“Wait wait wait, what do you think you are doing?”
Yup, it’s exactly what you are thinking. “I’m tired, I’m going to sleep.”
“If you think I saved up to a hundred thousand just to see you sleep you’re one naïve sad girl.”
Urgh, let’s just get this over with. “Ok, what do you have planned?”
You’d think I just gave her the sweetest candy. “Alright don’t worry, I have everything all planned out in my mind”
That’s what I’m afraid of. She’s still talking, “But for this night, we’re going to go to a party. It’s just a two-day trip Lea, try to look alive.” Right, says someone that the highest problem she’s ever had was probably which nail polish to use. How did we even end up friends? I ask myself for the millionth time.
“Holy shit!!! That guy is totally checking you out. Lea turn back. At least give him a smile. You’re impossible.” Ok, I’m just going to drink myself to stupor. Even though I’ve never done it but hey, there’s a first time for everything right? I’m at the bar when two guys that probably work out way too much walk to each side of me, “Hey, Our boss is calling you. Hey!!! We’re talking to you”.
God, if I’ve ever offended you, please I take it back. Punish me however you want to punish me but not like this. I just want a moment of silence, I cry silently. “Young lady???”
“You can tell your boss to go fuck himself”, I mumble, not caring if they heard me.
Ok, I’m just going to ignore them. At this point my phone rings, I see asshole and douchebag walk away, probably to their so called boss.
“Mummy”, the screen shows boldly. What again? “Hey Mum, I’m kind of busy, I’ll call you back later”.
“Where are you? One would think you’re at a party but considering you never go out that’s not possible. How on earth will I have a grandchild like this? My first son is a hopeless player, my eldest daughter probably has STDs and my baby has sworn to kill me by becoming a nun.”
“I did not say anything when you decided to go against the family by studying that course (She says it like it’s a disease). But is it too much to ask for you to marry? At least bring home one boy, just one. After, you will say I nag too much. It’s not that I… ”. Just as I’m considering blocking my mother from facebook, whatsapp, instagram and all social medial, douchebag 2 walks over to me.
“Please can you just come with me for a second? This is my first day of work and even though you look like you want to punch someone, please spare me. I have to do my job and that guy over there is making a hella fuss. I’m guessing you are new here but trust me, you don’t want to mess with him.” I look over to call Rhoda for help (I hung up on my mum) when I see the bitch gyrating and grinding a guy she definitely doesn’t know. Doesn’t she have a boyfriend? Forget it.
I’ve always been the romantic one when it comes to love, probably because of all the novels I read and Disney movies. Oh and Korean and Bollywood (I live for romance). Sorry, enough diverting. She won’t hear me anyway over the loudspeakers. I look back at scrawny beside me, “Look, I’m really not in the mood for all this crap. Just go away.”
He stands there like he can’t hear me. “Go away! Please go away.”
“Look, I’ll probably get slapped and lose my job if I do what you asked. So standing here is better.”
Did I do a bad deal in my previous life? Like a good deal gone wrong? “Fine, let’s go. Nothing can make this night worse right?”
I will learn later how very wrong I was.
I’m standing in front of the guy, although I should probably call him a man. (This is the one calling me? Holy moly he’s hot). “She’s here sir”. A guy beside him gives scrawny a bundle of notes which he joyously accepts, the scrawny little bastard sold me out. “Sorry cupcake, I have bills to pay,” he tells me before scrambling off. “You didn’t come the first time I sent for you” (Even his voice is sexy?? Ok that can’t be fair).
“I asked you a question”.
(What did he say?) “You don’t send someone to call a girl for you, that’s rude”.
He looks at me with that handsome strong chiseled face without moving. And then he grins, not a smile, more of a smirk and I swear to you I almost swooned. I didn’t show it of course. If you can see me right now, you’ll see a semi-irritated, semi-bored and a semi-impatient girl folding her hands, glaring at a perfectly crafted specimen of God. “But you’re here anyway”.
“Yeah only because douchebag number 4 lied to me”.
“Douchebag number 4??” He asks in a confused silky chocolate voice.
“Never mind, what do you want?”
What? WHAT?
“Name your price”. Did this horse face just ask me to be his whore?
“Excuse me?”
“How’s 5 million?” He’s still talking.
Did she just walk away from me? I hear him faintly saying to his friend.
I don’t care, I’m officially done. Done with here, done with my traitor of a best friend, done with everything. I’m done. I’m almost at the door when I feel strong arms holding me back. I turn to see Perfect asshole number 1 (that’s what I’m calling him now) looking at me with a little confusion. “Is the money too small?” Is this guy being really serious right now? “I want you”, he’s still saying. “Look, I don’t know how I gave you the wrong idea but I’m not a hoe”, I tell him trying to yank my hand away.
“Everyone has a price,” he says.
“Yeah, but not me. Why on earth me in the first place?” I stop for a second to ask him.
He looked at me like I just spoke latin, “Because it’s you”
“That’s a very lame answer. I don’t particularly stand out from the crowd and before I reached you, I saw girls way prettier than me leave your side. So why? Is this some sort of prank?” I go on without giving him a chance to speak because I’m really at my wit’s end at this point. “Because if this is a prank it’s not funny. You know what, I don’t even care, just let go of my hand” I glare at him.
“Ok, I’m sorry with my less than subtle approach. Can we just talk? I sense that you don’t really want to be here anyway so, how about we go somewhere quiet to talk? Just talk, I promise. ”
Whether because of his calm sinful voice, or because I could actually see earnestness in his expression, I found myself at a terrace overlooking a well carved out maze, sitting across from a hot stranger who could as well be a serial killer (I don’t even know his name), sipping wine we stole from the party, non-alcoholic of course, much to the handsome angel’s chagrin and surprise.
“So tell me, why are you here? This doesn’t seem like your spot”, He says. “My best friend is worried I’m dying of loneliness so she tricked me here”.
“Loneliness? Really?”
“Why are you lonely”
“I don’t know, I can’t seem to find the right guy I guess”
“I find that hard to believe”
“Why? You want to tell me there hasn’t been a few guys?”
“There have well, maybe two or three but trust me, it’d have been better if there were none”
“Why do you say so?”
At this point, we’re sitting side by side.
“Well for starters, the first one was alright but I guess we were both too childish, it was high school.”
“Yeah, and the second one was an idiot who just wanted what he could get from me.”
“Yeah. He was my first kiss and he didn’t even realize it because in his words, “I was amazing”. Well of course idiot, we’re in the twenty-first century, I read novels, I watch movies.”
He chuckles like I said something really funny. Hmmm, I like his chuckle.
“He was nice shall, but I guess I never really loved him, not like the first one anyway”
“Is that why you are alone? Because you’re looking for a love like what you had with your high-school sweetheart?”
How did he guess that at once? No one’s ever gotten even remotely close to the truth.
“I don’t know, maybe,” I say softly.
“Oh darling, are you that innocent? You should be like twenty”
“Twenty one”, I correct him.
“But you went to university. I’m guessing you went to a university?”
“Yeah, I’m in my finals”
“Ok, that’s it. Come with me”
“Where to?”
“To remedy your situation”
“I’m in a situation?”
“Come with me” he stands up and stretches his hand towards me.
“I’m sorry. I don’t go anywhere with strangers. I don’t even talk to strangers ok? So I can’t really go anywhere with you. This was nice, sort of, but I really should get back to the party, ” I tell him and for a second I saw a flash of disappointment in his eyes before it’s quickly gone. I must have imagined it.
“You’re here for a reason baby cub. And I don’t mean this party or in a fate kind of way, but here, on this terrace with me, a “stranger”, talking so freely. A part of you knows I won’t harm you.”
His hand is still outstretched.
He continues, “I know your type. You love to smile, to be free and wild, but probably because of an event or a series of events, you close off your heart. You get scared to be happy because you feel if you are happy, something bad will happen”
“What happened to you cub?”
“That’s not true,” I say softly as a tear slipped from my eye. “That’s not true ok. I am happy. I just like to keep to myself most of the time. I was right, you ARE an asshole.” I stand up and walk blindly into the night, not caring where I was going. “I need to get away. It’s not true. It can’t be true” I mutter to myself as I go. That’s when I feel strong hands wrap around me from my back, “come with me. Just for this night, can’t you let go?”
“You don’t know anything about me, about my life, how can you say and guess such things?”
“You told me, with your eyes. Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me I’m lying and I would go in and leave you alone”
“You know, I never looked at you as the romantic,” I say, turning to look at him.
“I’m not.”
“Fine, where are we going. Hell I’m already on a trip I don’t want, I might as well add something to the bucket list right?”
He grins again, and my God is that dimples? “See? I knew you’d agree.”
“Let’s just go before I change my mind”
If someone were to tell me yesterday that by this time tomorrow, I’ll be lying down in the center of a maze, with the most handsome man alive, talking about my life in the most relaxed state I’ve ever been in years when I should be preparing for my test, I’d probably take that person to a psychiatrist. But here I am, lying side by side with someone I don’t even know his name.
“Let’s not talk about my family. This night, I want it to be all about you,” he tells me. I asked if he were a drug lord or just from a rich family because of the envoy I saw with him.
“No, I want to be sure my best friend is at least safe”
“She’s safe”
“I need reassurance”
He looks at me like, you’re really demanding you know? If only he knows.
“I’m the Governor’s son. Daemon, nice to meet you.”
Wait, does he mean the governor’s son that went against his father and succeeded in becoming the youngest CEO of the largest conglomerate in the state, all before the age of 30. Daemon Stone???
“Which Daemon?” I ask because there’s no way I’m spending the night with a celebrity-like figure right now.
“Which daemon do you think? You know what, just forget it.”
“No, I’m not forgetting anything. Are you messing with me right now?”
“Does that mean you’ll finally agree to my proposal??” That’s right, this proud, shameless pervert can’t be that guy right?
“Ok, fine, don’t tell me who you are. I don’t care anyway”
“Liar”, He says with that sexy smirk-like dimpled grin again.
Fine, I want to know but since he’s being an asshole about it, I won’t beg. I don’t beg. He turns to me sideways, resting his head on his hand, (I’m lying facing up) we’re so close.
“So you’re a good kisser?”
“I’m not sleeping with you Daemon”
He laughs, just throws back his head and laughs and I can swear to you the sound beats the sweetest thing you think you’ve heard.
“We’re not going to sleep baby cub (Why’s he still calling me that? I’ve told him my name). We’re going to fuck, hard, slow but hard.”
My breathing hitches for a second. I turn to look at him and find him staring at me, unblinking, our lips barely touching. “Oh!! I’m not going to fuck you then”, I say somewhat breathless. Why am I sounding breathless??
“So why are you sounding like I’m already in you?”
Oh GOD, This guy is sin personified. Why on earth am I panting softly?
“You’re good, you’re really good but…” I meant to sound strong but what came out was a soft erotic breathless voice full of wanting and expectation.
“But what?”
Oh my God, he’s so close. Stand up Lea. Why won’t you stand up? STAND UP!!! I don’t listen of course. I keep thinking, I will still lose my virginity someday. Why not here, now, this moment with this sexy, sinful stranger. Besides, I might not find a guy like this any…
“Why me? I’m not ugly but I’m not that beautiful. And right now you’re making me feel like the most beautiful girl on Earth. You can literally have any girl in that party so why me?”
“Because it’s you.” I would know what this statement means 6 years later but for now, I lost all reasons to think. He kissed me. Oh my God his lips. So soft but hard. I want to nibble, I think to myself. And then I could not even think that. My God is this guy hard everywhere? And then he is on top of me. Just when I thought he’s probably like every other guy, just wants to get into my pants, he slides off and begins fondling my breasts.
“We’re on the grass.”
“I know. Come. Or have you changed your mind?” He says, standing and stretching his hand towards me for the second time that night. I never made up my mind you asshole, I don’t say it, of course, I take his hand and let him lead me back into the party, up the stairs, to what I’ll learn later is his room.
“WOW, this room is large.”
My back is slammed against the bedroom door and I’m being kissed to the point where I can’t breathe. But he’s not going fast, oh no, he’s taking his sweet time to take off my gown. It’s a flimsy gown that just needs to be untied for it to come off (as you guessed, Rhoda made me wear it). I stretch my hand back to help him with the knot when he raises my hand above my head.
“Keep them there,” he groan-says in a deeper voice. So, I’m affecting him as much as he is me?
He’s still kissing me, his tongue playing with mine, stroking it, tasting it. His hands are on my nipples, kneading them. At this point I’m panting so bad and then I feel his hands on my lap, going ever so slowly up … He touches my most sensitive spot and I moan. “Is that? Don’t do that.” I say gasping.
“Really? Ok”
Just as I wanted to breathe an air of relief, the devil slides down and puts his face close to my sex.
“What are …” Before I can say anything, he raises my legs up, his hands holding me in place and I feel his tongue on me. I almost fell off, I’m sensitive, who knew? I mean I touch myself once in a while, but it’s never felt like this. He is shifting my panties to the side for better access. “No, Wait” Is that my voice? And then I feel him.
God!!! His tongue.
I’ll spare you the details.
I wake up the next morning to find him looking at me.
“You okay?”
“Yeah”, I murmur. Urgh, I hate mornings.
“You’re not too sore?”
“Too sore?” I murmur again, turning to continue my sleep.
He chuckles and puts his hand on my lower back, trailing wet kisses up my spine. “Yes, too sore”.
It’s then I bolt up right, forgetting I’m naked. Oh My God, What happened? Did I really have sex in a party?? Did I really just give my v-card to a guy I barely know???
“I have to go”, I look at him. “Where’s my clothes?” He looked at me like he can’t understand.
“Never mind, I’ll find it myself”. I try to stand up and recall that I’m still naked.
You know what? Fuck it. He’s already seen all of me anyway. He just sits there staring at me. He then stands up and approaches me slowly, “look at me baby cub”. I ignore him. He walks up to me and turns me to face him, trapping me and forcing me to look at him, “Lea”. I looked up at him to find the bastard laughing at me.
“You’re acting like a fifteen year old. Let’s go take a shower, I’ll find out how sore you are, and drive you home myself.”
“Why are you laughing?” I ask him.
“Nothing. You look really cute in the morning”.
Ok, this guy is a certified player and I need to get as far away from him as possible.
“Look, last night was great, but I really have to go”. He looks at me like I’ve just insulted him.
“Last night was great? Last night was great? Shall I refresh your memory?” He asks, his tone rising higher as he backs me to the table. Looks like I angered him. “Say the truth, was last night really just great?” He asks in a dangerously low tone.
“Yes, it was there,” I say staring up at him.
“Really? I guess I’ll have to change your mind then,” he says, putting me in a position where I’m almost straddling him.
“Please don’t, please,” I say softly with tears in my eyes looking at him. He looks pained and a little bit confused. “Did I hurt you?” he asks softly.
“No. It’s just, I’ve never done this before. It’s all a little overwhelming; you, the trip, the sex, for God’s sake, throughout the night you made me …”
“I just need to be alone right now. Yes it was the best night of my life but, can I just go home?”
“I’ll take you home”
“No, I can manage just fine. Thank you.” He looks at me like he wants to say something else, but he goes to where I think is the bathroom. I quickly dress, I don’t put on my panties as he tore it last night, carry my purse, head out and make a call to Rhoda.
“Where the fuck are you? I gave you like 50 missed calls”.
“Just come tell me the name of the hotel we’re at”.
Probably because of the sound of my voice, she tells me without much hassle and I hail a cab.
How I spent the rest of the trip, I’m not sure. I was happy, elated even, but scared. I allowed a guy do what he wanted with me. I don’t even let my best friend see me naked. The worst part is I’ll probably do it again if I could rewind time. Oh God!!! Am I really like that inside?
Maybe because of my mood, we went home the next day. Rhoda didn’t ask much questions for the first time ever, and I was really grateful for it. I wasn’t ready to tell her that the happiest day of my life was when I had sex with a stranger and worse, I think I’m in love with him. You’d think all ended that night, I certainly thought so.
So you can imagine my shock, a year later, in the wee hours of a particular boring morning, I saw a very familiar face on the news, the most wanted guy in the country, presenting a portrait of me, telling the whole world that this girl is the girl of his heart.
Now it’s evening, my phone is ringing (I’ve long since put it on silent) for the ninety-ninth time. I’m not sure anymore if it’s my mum, dad, sister, or best friend (I locked myself in). What I do know and I’m sure of, is my boring, easy, dreary and bleak life is about to change, all because of a one night stand.
*Except one, All images are sponsored by Pixabay, free for commercial use and no attribution required
The Inamorata and feminist of Afrolady world. She's no exception from the caryatids which bear the architraves on their heads. She has got the afro spirit. Creativity is her take.