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Singlehood: It’s Benefits and How To Bask In It

Singlehood: It’s Benefits and How To Bask In It


There are several phenomena which society presents as being out of place and at times, even harmful. The singlehood life is undoubtedly one of them. Many have come to believe a lot of stereotypes labelled against singlehood so much that almost nobody wants to be single these days.

Being in a relationship is now regarded as the goal and many opine that those who are still freezing alone urgently need to be helped. Nothing has been farther from the truth.

This article is not aimed at painting the single life to be nobler or more fulfilling than being in a relationship. Of a truth, one can enjoy a lot of benefits from either of the two states of life. It instead intends to draw our attention to the myriad of underrated benefits that abound in Singlehood and proffer some tips on how one can live this status to the fullest.

9 Benefits of Singlehood

The life of one who is romantically unattached to another comes with a lot of perks. However, many seem to be oblivious of this, even the Singles themselves. In fact, most of them desire in no small measure to find that one whose presence they believe would transform their lives whole. Worse still, others feel plain helpless when that one seems unforthcoming.

The following benefits of the Single life should educate us better on Singlehood and help us see the phenomenon in a different light.

1. Singlehood Comes With Freedom

Now, this does not mean that people in a relationship are locked up in a cocoon, gasping for freedom. Of course, adult life, generally speaking, brings with it a whole new level of freedom. But it is incomparable to what being single offers. In a single state, one does not have to worry about the preferences and dislikes of another before making decisions of any kind.

There is no need to seek the consent of this another before taking on a particular venture. Also, one is free to do things that are normally not possible or difficult to achieve when attached to another person. For example, taking trips whimsically and based solely on one’s choice of destination, staying out at night, flirting (not for the wrong purpose), the list is endless.

2. A Lot of Time is Saved

It is a known fact that time is one tool used to bolster relationships. The couple have to go out together a number of times, check up on each other everyday and plan events together. All these are quite time sapping on the part of both parties, leaving little or no time for some introspection.

With Singlehood, however, one is starkly free from all these obligations. Therefore, singles generally have more quality time to spend alone and on personal engagements. Hence, if Singles really play their cards well and utilize all the time they have on their hands, they would become more productive at what they do.

3. Singlehood Brings Peace of Mind

According to author Susan Winter, “relationships are mentally expensive.” Again, this does not rule out the number of persons in a relationship who are doing great mentally as a result of being with the right person. The point, however is that singlehood is devoid of the amount of mental rigours that comes with being attached to someone.

No matter how much mutual understanding exists between them, it is impossible for two people to be together for a period of time without one quarrel or another arising. This is not to mention the amount of sleepless nights and headaches that comes in the wake of most relationships. The one who is single, however, is free from these untold psychological upheavals. In other words, they possess relative peace of mind.

4. Enhanced Creativity

One key prerequisite for creativity is introversion or more clearly put, solitude. Since singles have more time at their disposal as well as personal space, they have ample time to look inwards and garner inspiration for creativity. This also does not suggest that one has to be single to be creative.

However, it is irrational to expect to have “enough” time for reflection while in a committed relationship, regardless of the level of understanding and empathy that your partner possesses.

5. Singles are Poised to Be Economical

In relationships, persons involved are bound to spend money on things that affect them both. This sometimes means that they would have to spend more money than usual. Even though partners are said to share costs most of the time, the money they spend still surpasses the sum that a single person has to part with now and then.

Also, dates, getting gifts for the other person, helping the other out in times of financial crises and other avenues for spending money are foreign to singles. Hence, a lot of money that would otherwise have been spent without a second thought is saved.

6. Fewer Responsibilities

Being single translates to the fact that one has less work to contend with as regards emotional matters. They do not have to worry about keeping in touch constantly with another. Also, when placed side by side one who is in a relationship, there are less things to do and think about.

7. Spends Quality Time With Friends and Family

A person who is single does not have to worry about whether their spending some time with friends or family would impede on an earlier plan with their partner. Or whether or not their partner would mind them hanging out with certain friends, of the opposite sex, for instance. They have ample time to catch up on events in their friends’ lives and reunite with family as often as they desire.

8. Singles are More Independent

Having a partner could make one depend on the other for certain things such as finances. This is opposed to being single where one is mostly dependent on oneself for almost everything. Which is preferable?

9. Improved Self-Confidence

As stated earlier, people in a relationship tend to rely on the other for something. They seek advice from the other when facing a particular difficulty, for example. This could become so recurrent that one might start to live based solely on the precepts of the other. In effect, such a person’s confidence to face future challenges begins to wane.

However, one who is single generally does not experience such. Since they are all by themselves and have to make choices about their lives, they become quite assertive and confident in taking decisions that would affect the trajectory of their lives.

7 Pointers on How to Enjoy Being Single 

A lot of people have the wrong mentality of what singlehood entails. Many see it as that sad period in one’s life when one has to wait painstakingly and for some, work desperately for the arrival of their better half whom they believe was made to complement them, to make them whole. This is a very wrong approach to living this wonderful state of life. The single life is to be enjoyed, not endured.

People tend to think this way for several reasons. First of all, there is already an established societal prejudice on the concept of being single. Then, many simply feel inadequate. They think that it is impossible to attain a certain level of fulfillment or satisfaction when unattached to another. However, this section intends to falsify this kind of thinking. The following are various practical ways by which one can actually enjoy one’s single life:

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1. Spend More Time With Friends And Family

Singlehood generally gives one the gift of more time. One who is single has more time to do a lot of things. One of such things is spending quality time with people that matter to them. This is not to say that people in relationships don’t get to be with their loved ones.

However, the fact cannot be denied that their single counterparts are more opportune in this regard as they do not have to contend with obtaining the consent of their partner, the clashing of activities and so on. So singles should make judicious use of this golden opportunity.

2. Learn a Skill

The Single lifestyle also affords one the chance to engage in self development activities such as learning a skill or two. So if you’re single and you have no idea what to do with your free time, you should consider learning a skill.

3. Do Some Regular Introspection

Since romantically unattached persons get to have more alone time, it is expedient that they use their time prudently. One who is single should take out time to reflect on their life – where they are coming from, where they are currently and where they are going. They should also ask themselves some salient questions pertaining to every area of their life, not neglecting their love life.

If he/she is one who plans to venture into a relationship later, they should ponder on important questions like the kind of partner they wish to have. However, if this is not the case and the person wishes to remain single, fine and good. Such fellow should also examine himself/herself thoroughly to ensure that their reasons for choosing to remain single still hold water.

4. Travel

Yes, you read that right. That trip you have been longing to take but have been impeded by one thing or another, now is the right time to go all out and take it. You don’t have to worry about whether it is a place another likes or not neither do you need to align the duration of your stay with their preference. Just go.

5. Work Hard, Relax Afterwards

Since you alone bear the financial brunt and other responsibilities, laziness should never be an option. Also, the excuse of being cautious about working for long hours so as not to annoy some people is no longer there. So work as hard as your ability can cater for. Also, don’t let the fate of Jack who does all the work and leaves no time for play befall you. Find time to relax after exerting much energy and your body will thank you.

6. Live in the Moment

Another thing you can do to enjoy this glorious state is to live every second as it comes. Worry less about what tomorrow brings. Instead, live this moment to the fullest, doing all that is needful and the future would take care of itself.

7. Read

One cannot overemphasize the importance of reading. Not only is it educative, informative and entertaining, it is also therapeutic. So read as many books as you can lay your hands on. Exhaust all the works of your favorite authors and those written in your genre of interest. Bury yourself in books, bookworm or not.

Finally, it is imperative to note that singlehood also comes with its share of woes. So do not expect to have it all smooth. Moments will come when you might feel the urge to enter into a relationship. This is why constant reflection is encouraged. Whether you persist in the business of being single or you decide to ditch it, your reasons need to be clearly spelt.

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