Reasons Why Sexy is an Attitude: The Concept of Sexiness

How Sexy is an Attitude
Wiktionary defines sexiness as the state or quality of being sexy, of possessing the traits of sexual appeal. Different cultures and societies possess varying views of what a sexy lady should look like. In some societies, a sexy lady is one who has long dark hair. In another, a sexy lady is one that possesses massive curves.
These days, all ladies want to look smashing hot and sexy when they set out for school, work or even just a leisurely walk down the street. First, let’s the term “dressing to kill”. When a woman dresses to kill, she wears clothes that accentuates all or some of her sexy features. From mini-skirts, crop tops, ripped jeans to pieces of sheer clothing that really do not cover the privates, sexy clothing has evolved over time.
There is nothing wrong with desiring to be sexy, a sexy lady is attractive and awe inspiring. The only problem with this desire is not the desire itself but the standards of sexy created on social media platforms and elsewhere.
On social media, being sexy is all about sexual appeal. The sexier you are, the more interesting you will be to your thousands of followers. Everyone wants to look good and great on Instagram just so they would get more followers. There are people who dress in a less than decent manner because they believe that if that Instagram celebrity they adore does it then that’s the right thing to do.
Sexy isn’t how short your dress is, or how much cleavage you can show. Sexy is an attitude, a decent attitude that every woman should possess. Sexiness comes just like any other attitude from inside of you. It is the way you feel about yourself. If you feel you are sexy, you’ll develop a sexy attitude and begin to look sexy all year long. Easy peasy!
Since sexiness is the possession of sexual appeal, the greatest aim of looking sexy is to attract the attention (positive) of the opposite sex. It’s natural to desire attention drawn to yourself. Despite the varying ideas of people towards what sexy looks like, there are a lot of similarities between what you think is sexy and what I think is sexy.
Before I go into giving you some tips that’ll help you get your ‘sexy’ on, I will share three ways you can make a very sexy impression on your date when you go outing.
- Verbally
- Visually
- By implied actions
Ladies love a man with a sexy, husky voice, don’t we? You know that delicious voice that would make you drop your panties faster than the speed of light? Yes, that’s the type of voice you use when you’re speaking to your date. Some of us might have voices that are either too tiny or too husky. No one is asking you to completely change your voice (that’ll be ridiculous). I’m just asking you to make a sexy effort. Your voice could make a man drop his pants too, you know. Here are some things your voice could do for you.
- Make Him Lean Closer
The ideal sexy voice is one with a stable pitch. Pitch your voice in a way that it is not too loud and neither is it so low that he cannot hear you. Be audible enough that he will feel the need to lean a little closer. You know what happens then?
- He’ll be close enough to smell your perfume!
I can almost imagine the delicious scent of your perfume messing with his head as he sniffs unconsciously.
- A kiss
It is an automatic response to the scent of your perfume. He will imagine what it’ll feel like to have his lips on yours.
- Turn on
Talking to your date with that sexy voice might make him wonder how sexy your voice would sound as a moan.
- He’ll love you
Yes, people fall in love with voices a whole lot. I blame it on the musicality. Falling in love with a voice is just as easy as falling in love with the melody of music.
Image source: pixabay
Wear anything that makes you feel Wild + Confident + Free (WCF). I call it the sexy remedy. These three in combination equals smoking hot.
While choosing your sexy outfit, remember that it is very important to leave something to the imagination. Wear a flowing dress, a crop top, jean, a tiny slip, anything that makes you feel those three things above and you’re good to go. Just try not to burn the house down or give your date a massive heart attack.
While you’re being Wild, Confident and Free, don’t forget to be comfortable. Wearing outfits you feel comfortable in can go a long way in making you calm and amiable. It can reduce your nerves in cases where you are meeting the person for the first time.
The eyes are the windows to the soul. Apart from dressing gorgeously, your mannerisms are also important. Your eyes are powerful weapons in this battle of love so use them well! Your eyes might be the sexiest and most communicative thing you possess. Tell him how you feel through your eyes.
Look at him sexy, smile at him sexy hell! drink and eat sexy. You can be as sexy as you want! Because it is you, it is your attitude. Cleavage or no cleavage, legs or no legs, you can look and be as sexy as you wish.
Implied Actions
Implied actions are also a great turn on. When you clean off the crumbs (whether absent or present) on his face, do it in a way that says, I want to be close to you physically. When you hold his hands it would imply, I want to touch you. You could invite him over to your apartment while you’re making cookies. Make sure you look all ruffled and sexy. You’ll be making his mouth water with the prospects of licking all the sugar off you.
- Be nice: People fail to realize how sexy “nice” can be. Although bitchy is sexy to some persons, the majority of people like someone who is nice and human. It is not all about being physical, sometimes that nice thing you do could be the sexiest thing ever.
- Try not to come on too strong: While you’re playing all these implied games, don’t try so hard to be sexy. Act sexy, feel and be sexy. A good man will see you as you see yourself and even more. Easy tiger!
Now that you’ve noted these stellar tips that’ll help you convince your date you’re the sexiest woman alive, here are some nice little questions ladies ask.
Image source: pixabay
Is It Possible To Be Beautiful Without Being Sexy?
Yes, it is. All women are beautiful but only a few women are born with sexy. The rest of us have to work hard for it. Being beautiful means you are physically attractive, being sexy means you are sexually attractive. Still, it is possible to be both beautiful and sexy. It’s a win-win.
What Do Men Consider As Sexy?
That’s a tough question. There are millions of men in the world and each one of them have varied ideas on what is sexy. The general opinion of sexy for men is ‘little or no clothes’. This has somewhat defined the ‘sexy’ women cling on to.
Nevertheless, I asked a few men this question and shall I shock you? Some said they didn’t care what a woman was wearing so long as she looked good. Others consider a woman’s mind sexier than her body. The more intelligent the woman, the sexier she is to them.
These opinions might prove helpful to you.
A Sexy Attitude: How Sexy is too Sexy?
When you read this article, you’ll see that I equaled sexy to anything we wear that makes us feel Wild, Confident and Free. While we encourage everyone to dress in a morally and socially acceptable way, the majority of us will agree that the sexier you are the better.
By sexy I do not mean showing off your nipples, your bare ass, a dangerous amount of cleavage. I mean the SEXY ATTITUDE. That feeling of contentment you get when you look in the mirror and see how good your body looks. You can be sexy without showing too much.
Being sexy is being comfortable in your own skin.
How Do I Look Sexy for my Man?
Looking sexy for your man in one of the easiest things ever. I say this because the fact that he is dating you means he finds you attractive already and that is a very solid foundation you can build on. To keep the sexy bulb shining bright in your relationship, here are four tips on how to look sexy for your man:
1. Smell nice
It is important for you to smell nice. Yes, your man loves your natural smell but I bet he wouldn’t mind some added fragrance. Deodorants and perfumes really help to keep you smelling sexy.
2. Wear sexy clothes around the house
Do not wear sweatshirts and sack bags around the house all the time. If you live alone with your man, wearing a sexy lingerie under a T-shirt, without a T-shirt or a T-shirt without sexy lingerie will blow his mind away.
It is not only when you feel horny that you dress sexy. That’s just wrong. Let your man know that he can look at you and get turned on. It’ll be a massive turn on and a great confidence boost for you too.
3. Wear a stunning dress on a date with your man
Preferably with nothing underneath. If possible, let him help you pick out the dress. You’ll both not regret it.
The bottom line is, anything you do should be exciting! Any good thing you do that gets your man’s juices flowing is sexy so keep doing it.
4. Dance for/with him
If you cannot dance, dance anyway! He’ll think you are cute and he will feel honored you tried. If you can dance, put on a good song and rock your man. Let him see that you have them curves and you know how to use it. If you’re going for formal dancing, a backless dress would be great.
That is all for questions. Below are some life changing tips on how to be sexy for yourself.
How To Be Sexy For Yourself
Image source: Unsplash
1. LOVE YOURSELF: Love begins with acceptance. Learn to accept who you are, your body size, your height, your hair color. Accepting who you are is the first step to developing a sexy attitude. However you look like, you are beautiful and desirable so be comfortable in your own skin.
2. WEAR BOLD BUT COMFORTABLE CLOTHES : Your clothes should be bold but comfortable. If you are putting on a backless or short dress, make sure it is what you feel comfortable in. Jeans that are too tight, or dresses that are too tight will make you feel more uncomfortable than sexy. In whatever you do, remember that sexy is sexy and slutty is slutty. They are not the same.
3. EAT RIGHT: Proper nutrition will help put your body in the right shape for sexy. I know, plus size ladies are so sexy but if plus size won’t make you feel good about yourself then why are you eating like you want to add weight? If you’re plus size, you should feel good about yourself, but eat right because it is important.
Eating right removes this guilty feeling that comes from a binge. When you eat wrong/too much, it makes you feel bloated and like a greedy pig. Who sees a pig and calls it sexy? No one. You want to feel good about yourself? Then be mature about your eating habits.
4. REST: A good night’s sleep can make you feel so great, happy and sexy. When your body is adequately rested, it feels light and fluid.
5. IGNORE CRITICISM: YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL. You’re so beautiful, do not let anyone tell you otherwise. When you realize you are beautiful, it will be very easy for you to develop a sexy attitude.
6. EXERCISE: Exercise makes you feel great about yourself and confident about how good you look. Having a toned body is an added advantage. When you exercise, your body is fit and in perfect shape and you are ready to be sexy.
7. GO TO THE SPA/SALON: Spoil yourself at the spa for a day and you’ll feel great. Getting a new gorgeous haircut will also make you feel beautiful and sexy.
Sexy is an attitude. Although most ladies want to be sexy, not many know how to go about it. Being sexy is a steady and exciting process of developing affection for yourself and I suggest we all begin the process now. My final advice for you ladies is:
Love yourself, and live like you mean it. Ciao!
She's a beauty and an exquisite lady who enjoys the high life in writing and poetry. Her writing style and prowess is innovative and focuses on the feminine perspective, bringing nothing but wholesome gratification to the African, Afrocentric and Afro-American women at large