
Let Us Postpone The Wedding

I wore a blue dress over my head. I hissed in irritation, I was already sweating a little. The room was hot and stuffy but despite the discomfort, I wouldn’t have it…

Life is Nothing Near Casual Roses

And this is For colored girls Who have considered Suicide but are Moving to the ends of their Own rainbows ~~ Ntozake shange Every girl needs a hero in her life. Day…

Why Mothers Should Have The Talk: The Uniforms Were Meant To Protect Amara

Amara was only five years old when it began. The thing about such occurrences is that no matter how much you tell yourself it never happened, your guts know it did. Polygamy…

Tales Of Death And Daddy Issues

“We can’t get to the bottom of this issue until you tell us the whole story,” the policeman said. I looked from Ephraim to my mother, he lowered his eyes but my…

The Meaning Behind The Colors: Racism

Color is a unique gift to mankind. It signifies the different ways we perceive the world. Imagine having a particular pattern in different colors. We can go as far as having different…

raising an unwanted child

Raising an Unwanted Child: An African Woman’s Personal Tale on Raising an Unwanted Child

NOVEMBER 2018 “Jimmy, what’s that?” Brittany asked when she saw her son squatting in a corner with a box in his hands. They were cleaning the attic that Saturday and everyone was…

The Life of A Single Parent: What Does It Mean To Be A Single Mother?

The concept of single parenthood is one that is a little problematic to define. Who really is a single parent? Is he/she one whose partner is dead, lives separately from them or…

African holiday dishes

American vs African Holiday Dishes

Cooking has a way of bringing people together. Food, particularly good food has a way of making people happy and putting people in a festive mood. But it is the holiday! Everyone…

All These Lands Are Deserts

When I was about twelve years old, my mother ran a restaurant in front of our house. In the afternoons when business was slow we would sit behind the counter and talk…

I’ll point to the East, show me the West

“Your father wants you to take off your uniform, he says you’re following me to the market today”. My mother told me as I knelt with my hands on the buckle of…