Women’s Treat

You ladies deserve an open space in which to explore intimacy and know its many delights. Here’s your treat:

Lady Issues Love & Sex Marriage Parenting/Family

Frozen tears

Jide walked down the street to the Cafe for some coffee. Another man would perhaps have gone for a drink and a long smoke but Jide didn’t drink and neither did he…

The Mistake? My One Night Stand

  What!? “Name your price”. Did this horse face just ask me to be his whore? “Excuse me?” “How’s 5 million?” He’s still talking. “Did she just walk away from me?” I…

All These Lands Are Deserts

When I was about twelve years old, my mother ran a restaurant in front of our house. In the afternoons when business was slow we would sit behind the counter and talk…

A Miracle in the Snow

It is always winter for Hannah, sometimes she feels it in her body other times she feels it in her soul. During times when she feels its cold pooling at her feet,…

And she lived happily ever after

“Don’t go out in the rain.” Those were her grandmother’s last words. Insignificant as they might seem to an outsider, they were very significant to Bisi. They meant: don’t run into the…

I’ll point to the East, show me the West

“Your father wants you to take off your uniform, he says you’re following me to the market today”. My mother told me as I knelt with my hands on the buckle of…

I Left: Girl Set Free

I lay sprawled on my bed, staring at my phone screen. Few minutes ago, I received a text message from Tony. I didn’t have to check the sender’s name to know that…

Being Emotional: Is it Actually Good or Bad?

BEING TOO EMOTIONAL IN A WORLD CONSTANTLY ON THE GO Every human being experiences emotions of various kinds on a daily basis. We get angry, sad, overly excited and full of anxiety:…

My Pride, His Imperfection

LANGUAGES: English, Nigerian pidgin, Igbo, Spanish and hausa What a man can do, a woman can do better!!! Ever heard of this saying? Is this true in all notions or just a…

Forgiveness and It’s Relevance

The world is a place where it seems like many people are either out there to hurt us or don’t care if they hurt us, whether intentionally or accidentally. The feeling of…