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Mother’s Day 2022: 4 Simple Things To Get For Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day 2022: 4 Simple Things To Get For Mother’s Day

Mother’s day is here again! Everyone is so excited! One big day for us all to show our mothers and mother figures how much we love them. As for me, my mom is my favorite person in the world, my friend, my confidant and my therapist when I’m feeling down. She always has the best advice and I go to her if I’m confused about anything at all. Mother’s day for us will be celebrating the love that has blossomed between us.

Being a mother is one of the most complex situations a woman can be in. The biological process of carrying a baby in your belly creates a connection that can only be described as magical. The process of taking care of that baby or a ward that has been put in your care is another aspect of motherhood.

With all its beauties, motherhood can be a time riddled with discomfort and a feeling of being trapped. The children are yours, the husband and the job are also yours to take care of. Every day you try to juggle all three and it is not all the time you succeed. As a mother, you blame yourself for your failures because you care.

Those individuals are your concern and you’re wired to always try and make everything alright for them. If you’ve ever lain awake all night when they’re ill just because you want to be alert in case they cry out for you at night. If you’ve ever used your last cash to buy that toy or teddy just to see that little one smile then today’s celebration is for you.

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What do Mothers Really Want For Mother’s Day?

It is almost common knowledge now that mothers are wary of all those cliche mothers day gifts. They do not need any more mugs, handkerchiefs and kitchen utensils. Those cards are rotting somewhere at the bottom of the cupboard, forgotten. Some moms can not even remember what they got for mother’s day last year. Mothers! It is important that you know that we too are trying to find our footing. As mothers day draws near, children and spouses alike keep asking themselves these questions.

What can I get my mother/wife for mother’s day? What would my mother like for mother’s day? How do I make my mom happy on Mother’s day? You don’t have to think so much anymore. I’ve got the perfect solution to your worries. Below is a brief outline of the kind of things you should be getting your mom for mother’s day. They might be shocking, but they are so true!

A Day Off

All the hustling and bustling of motherhood, the kids crying in the background. The pile of laundry to wash. Hungry mouths that you cannot ignore. Some days everything just seems too much to handle and mothers want out. They do not want everything to end because they do not love you, sometimes they just need a break.

A day off would seem like heaven to your mother/wife. Just walk up to her and say: Mom, you have the day off. You don’t have to take care of anything cos we have it sorted out. Your mother/wife is going to be too speechless to even say thank you.

In a case where giving her a day off is not possible because the duties she performs are things no one else can do, then what you need to do is give her a hand! Is it the laundry? The cooking? Don’t allow her shoo you away this time, she might not realize how much good a day off would be to her so it’s your job to tell and show her how good it can feel.

While offering a day off, remember that you have to be sure you’re capable of taking on her responsibilities. I say this because things can go wrong and you’ll end up ruining everything for her when she has to get back to “work” and save the day.

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A full night’s sleep without having to wake up and tend to anyone is the fantasy of too many mothers. They just want the chance to sleep in and not have kids jumping into bed with talks like “I’m hungry” “come help me brush my teeth” bla bla bla. Leave your mother alone. When she wakes up undisturbed, you’ll find that she is in a better mood than she was yesterday.

You’ll find that she would be agreeable to other forms of relaxation. A spa, a swim, quiet time spent tanning on the beach. Even time to sit alone on the patio undisturbed, while sipping some kind of beverage. Anything would work out, so long as you’re giving mommy some time to relax.

Even though I keep stressing the word “alone” I cannot deny that some mothers would feel a lot more relaxed when having their quiet time and all their “responsibilities” (lol) are close enough for them to keep an eye on.

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What’s your mom’s/wife’s idea of a fun day? Does she like curling up on the couch with a huge bowl of popcorn and watching chick flicks? Does she see a bit of exercise as fun? Does she ride horses? If you can’t risk asking her for fear of revealing your plans then you’ve got to think of something.

Your mom would appreciate a day of fun with you and the rest of the family. Play family games, go to the beach and have fun! Do Karaoke! Dance competitions are a blast when siblings are competing. Your mom could watch or participate, whatever floats her boat.

My own mom is more of a sit in front of the TV and watch sappy romance movies kind of person. She’d rather be indoors than go out. So last year, I wisely stocked up on romantic movies and bought the juiciest popcorn I could find. When she had woken up from her undisturbed sleep, I made her breakfast and put on the movies.

At first, she watched and ate but soon the food became boring in comparison and she abandoned it to focus on the movie. The movies were great and the popcorn was indeed juicy, I know that because she told me so and gave me two sweet kisses on both cheeks.

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With the stress of taking care of the kids and running a family, a whole lot of women are starved of romance. Some women just crave for one deep hug from their spouse. Some women haven’t been kissed for so long they’ve forgotten how good it could feel. When was the last time you and your wife went out for dinner? When was the last time you saw her in that sexy dress?

Too many mothers feel too “motherly”. They forget over time that before they became mothers, they were first girls, women and then wives. It is Mother’s day but one way to make a woman appreciate the fact that she’s had kids for you is to show her how much you love her. Your display of love for her would show her how grateful you are to have her as the mother of your children.

Take her out for dinner, dance under the moon with her. Show her that even though she might be a little out of shape from childbearing she’s still beautiful and desirable. Play hide and seek with her or something else to make her feel young. Ask her what she wants you to give her, ask her what she really needs you to do for her and make sure she tells you.

Promise her you’ll do all of that for her but tell her how important it is for her to stop thinking and just savor the moment. Tell her how precious she is to you and how much you love that she is the mother of your lovely children. Take her on a shopping spree and watch her put on those pretty dresses. Hold her close and kiss her like you mean it!

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

The days of sending moms mother’s day cards and ‘I❤mom’ mugs are over. Moms have evolved over the years and so have their tastes. Get your mom something profound that she would remember for years to come. Here is a list of great Mother’s day gifts you could give that are guaranteed to make your mama smile.

Hand-Picked Flowers

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Thank God it is already spring and flowers are blooming in earnest! Instead of buying your mom flowers from a flower shop, how about going out yourself and picking out a combination you think best suits her taste and personality? Presenting hand picked flowers to your mom will be profound because it will show your level of dedication and how far you can go to make her happy.

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Framed Portraits

Take your favorite photo of your mom and make it into a framed portrait. Wrap it up and get someone to deliver it to her bright and early. You could also place it somewhere around the house where she would find it.

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Photo Album

A photo album containing pictures of happy times you shared with your mother is a very thoughtful mother’s day gift. She’ll probably stare at them and shed a few tears of joy.


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Giving gifts of jewelry for Mother’s day is something that could never go old because women love jewels and a woman can never have too many jewels. It doesn’t have to be so expensive you empty your bank account to purchase it. Something simple and beautiful would do, so long as your mother is not someone who thinks the more expensive the better. Either way, if you can afford those diamonds, why not buy them?

Makeup Kit

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If your mother is someone who uses makeup, a makeup kit would be great as a mother’s day gift. It is a bold statement saying that you think she is beautiful and you hope that she looks more beautiful tomorrow.

Clothes and Accessories

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Some of us might be scared of taking this road because we have mothers who are choosy and all. You might give them a dress as a gift and they’ll never wear it. A great solution to that kind of problem is taking them shopping and letting them pick out their clothes themselves.


Mothers are the best creatures on earth. A loving mother is an asset you cannot buy anywhere and for any amount of money. Mother’s day is a day in which we celebrate the presence of our mothers and the unflinching love and support they have given us since we were conceived.

For those out there who do not have mothers anymore. Mothers day is an opportunity to celebrate the memory of the woman who birthed you and the person who is currently filling the void that she left, even though that person is yourself.

To our expectant mothers or those women hoping to have children in the future. Brace up, it’s not a days run but you will get to the finish line as a proud and happy mom or grandmother. Everyday does not promise to be easy but I promise you’ll never regret birthing that little bundle of Joy.

Happy Mother’s Day!!!

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