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Moaning During Sex: 5 Reasons Why Men Should Moan During Sex

Moaning During Sex: 5 Reasons Why Men Should Moan During Sex

reasons why men should moan during sex

A lot of men get their sex education from their peers or from pornography and become terrible lovers. I’m not saying it is impossible for friends to have genuine intelligent information that could help you in your sex life, neither am I saying that porn will not teach you a killer style or two.

However, we should all keep in mind that pornography is commercial and some stuff there should actually contain a warning Do not try this at home. On the other hand, peer group advice could also be as disastrous as pretending to be a pornstar. The male ego will always tempt then to blow things out of proportion just to feel good. I’ll use this kind of conversation as an example.

Friend: That night, I held her. She was screaming but I pinned her down and rammed into her with all my might. She hasn’t stopped calling my phone.

Loverboy: Woah! Awesome! I’ll make sure to do that next time.

Talk about a disaster waiting to happen!

5 Reasons Why Men Should Moan During Sex

In this age of sexual awareness and sexual civilization, people don’t wait around for you to learn their bodies anymore, know their likes and dislikes, build a romantic connection, bla bla bla. Just one night and you don’t do it well, then you aren’t the man of their dreams. Sex experts have discovered that people who make noises during sex tend to enjoy the experience more than those who remain quiet.

Now, a whole lot of women complain of their men being stoically quiet during sex. They say this silence is unnerving, discouraging and even downright unfair because it distracts them from the pursuance of their pleasure and leaves them with thoughts like: Is he enjoying himself? Am I good enough? Should I keep doing what I’m doing?

I know some men are going to say when you have such questions why not just ask? The answer is, stopping and asking requires the powers of thought and speech which could, in turn, distract you from your goal. Instead of having a dialogue during sex (as this might be distracting) why not just make noises of assent, dissent, and encouragement?

I will be doing millions of women a favor today by educating our men on the right thing to do. Societal influence in people’s sexual life is the cause of such aberrations. Society says women are natural screamers and men should grunt only when they hit the big ‘O’. It is funny, but having this information might just save your relationship. I’m going to give you guys the Holy Grail to give your sex life a strong boost and put a smile on the face of your frustrated spouse/partner.

Here are five reasons why men should moan when having sex and all of them are strong and valid.

topless woman taking self portrait

1. Moaning During Sex Is A Massive Turn On

Traditionally, mammals make noises when they want to mate or sometimes during mating. These noises help attract the opposite sex, signaling them that there’s someone fertile nearby. As humans, sexual noises quicken us because our hearing is one of our five senses and when our senses are heightened, whatever we hear affects what our bodies do.

Imagine sitting in a dark room all alone. You do not know what is going on around you because you can’t see a thing. But your other senses are heightened. Your ears are standing on end and so are the hairs on your body.

There are two case scenarios here. In the first one, an object crashes on the floor near you. Your body’s automatic reaction is to jump out of the way. In the second scenario, cool meditative music begins playing in the room. At first, you are skeptical but then your body’s automatic reaction is to relax. That’s how it is when you’re having sex. Your skin says it is so good, your eyes say it is so good, you might even be able to taste good. Imagine if you could also hear that it is so good, giving your brain just the command it needs to shut down and let your body go off!

Dear woman, this is why you need to get your man to start moaning for you. You have been missing something in bed and you have not been able to figure out what it is. Well, this is it. Dear man, don’t deprive your lady of the pleasures she can get when you can easily make the party happen.

A lovely lady told me she used to have a boyfriend who didn’t last as long as her previous partners. Contrary to what you might expect, their sex life was a fulfilling one. She said his secret was how expressive he was when she touched him and every time they were having a good time he was always there to say Baby I’m having a good time and make noises of appreciation.

She says this always made her feel like a queen, boosting her confidence and increasing her pleasure levels. She’d previously had problems with riding other guys but with this guy, it was easier because he kept goading her on with his responses and they almost always got to the finish line together.

2. Moaning During Sex Helps To Relieve Tension

The patriarchal society we live in has put males and females into these gender boxes that are so constricting, some of us can hardly breathe. Men are taught to believe showing too much emotion towards a woman would make her see them as weak. That’s a lie. Moaning is not a ‘woman’s thing’, neither is it ‘feminine’ or ‘dramatic’.

Men should not be afraid to show that they are enjoying themselves. It is okay to feel good really, you’re not breaking the law or anything. Vocalizing during sex makes you let go of your inhibitions. Make your man moan during sex and he will thank you for it.

The sweet part of it is, he would not realize how far he has come until it hits him. Sex has never been this good. Some men say they are usually silent during sex because they are “focused” on their partner. If you ask me, I’ll say foreplay is enough time to “focus” on that woman and get her ready for the action to come. Anything after that is a pure instinct that will sooner or later translate into pure joy.

a woman laying on a bed with her legs crossed

3. Moaning During Sex Is Communicative

I’m sorry but can someone hear me? Sometimes it is so bad that you’ll be giving a guy a blowjob and he will be as silent as the afflictions of Job. Wtf? At least grunt or something. Mind you, don’t fake it. All those “oh baby” “yeah”, that’s good” lines are way too old, and we women know y’all are faking it. We need some genuine feedback on our project. We don’t want to come up and ask, is it good?

We want to know from the get-go when you feel every stroke and how intense or not the feeling was. You don’t have to be loud and animalistic. Soft honest sounds are less scary anyway. Before the neighbors think the house is burning.

Noises of assent and dissent help in sexual communication because it tells your partner when to start, continue or stop doing something. So open that cute man mouth of yours and make that sexy noise.

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4. Women Have Ego Too: Moaning During Sex Boosts That Ego

Tell a woman who loves you that she is beautiful and she will preen for you. Tell a woman you love when she talks, and she’ll rival a parrot. Tell a woman you like when she eats, and she might likely become overweight from eating too much. Tell a woman she’s doing you good in bed, and she will do better.

You just have to tell her first. Moan it to her. Grunt it to her. Say she does it better than anyone has, ever before, and watch as her body becomes putty in your hands. For this one time, I would like to use that outdated adage …Women are moved by what they hear.

5. Moaning During Sex And The Big “O”

People who moan while kissing end up having sex. Lol. People who moan when having sex? Well, they end up reaching orgasm faster than their mates who are silent during sex. Do you know a simple moan that says “I am coming!” can push your partner over the edge?

Your lady is almost there, all she needs is a little tip off the cliff. Moan in her ear! And send her crashing right down or barreling up into the sky. Throughout sex, there are a variety of moans to keep your woman engaged. Want me to teach you some? Lol. You can’t be taught that. It will definitely come to you when you make conscious effort to let go of your inhibitions.

Beautiful young couple having fun and laughing while cooking in kitchen at home


There’s nothing sexier to a woman than seeing her man making conscious effort to please her, and be pleased in turn. Some women feel so selfish when it seems like it’s only them that’s having all the fun and the guy is just not feeling it. These disquieting feelings of guilt affects her sexual performance.

I wrote this article because I realized how many men need to know the benefits of vocalizing their pleasure. Some are sitting in the back seat worrying about how they can make sex with the woman they love more interesting. Others are learning Karma Sultra, hoping it will help spice their sex life up.

Making love to someone you love is an intimate act that can foster a greater bond in your marriage/relationship. It might shock you but many people fall in love while having sex. You don’t have to be a pornstar to touch the soul of the person you’re having sex with, you just have to take my advice and make some noise.

This article has shown us that when men moan, things get better. Don’t forget to use the social media icons and share with whoever’s needs to see this. Anyway, here is a question for women: now that you’ve read the article, which do you still prefer, a moaning man or a silent man? And for the men, how loud can you moan before it begins to feel weird?

All images are sourced from pixabay & unsplash

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