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International Women’s Day 2022: 9 Reasons We Should Celebrate Women

International Women’s Day 2022: 9 Reasons We Should Celebrate Women

When is International Women’s Day Celebration?

If you are wondering when the world celebrates women, then you are not far from your answer. Women’s day celebration is an annual celebration which takes place on the 8th of March.

Who is a Woman?

The question of who a woman is can be subject to different concepts and ideologies. It ranges from religion to gender to fashion to workspace to synonyms to culture to growth, etc. But the most primitive and basic source for defining who a woman is remains biology. A ‘woman’ is therefore a term used in describing a human being with some defined natural biological components. We can make out a woman by first her biological makeup or physique.

Other characteristics may include the voice, behavior or mannerism, abilities, dressing etc. Also, the opposite of a woman is a man. The man is a major factor used in distinguishing a woman. This is centered on the concepts of ‘masculinity and femininity’, ‘male and female’, ‘he and she’ and the most basic, ‘man and woman’.

The term ‘women’ refers to a group of a specific kind of human. It is the plural form of the word ‘woman’. Women are a complex and a complicated lot.

Why Should We Celebrate Women’s Day?

Like any other celebration, we have a lot of reasons to celebrate women. If only for the simple reason that they are in every part of the world and in the center of our lives. Here are nine reasons why we should set aside a day to celebrate women;

  1. Women are Natural Attention Seekers and We Should Give Them the Attention

The fact that women are attention seekers is a default setting which points us to what they truly need; our attention. It is a good thing the world has decided to give them such luxury by setting out a day to celebrate them. If you are wondering why we should celebrate women’s day, it’s because we want to give our undivided attention to the women in our lives and around the world by sending them gifts, posting their pictures on our social media, putting a call across to them and a lot more. If we are completely honest with ourselves, we know we have the attention of women 24/7, so it’s time we gave them ours.

2. Women Show us The True Meaning of Beauty

From their biological makeup/physique to their voice, when they give birth, their smile, and everything about them is a pointer to the true definition of beauty. A woman can turn a tear to joy, fill an empty room with life, give peace, and this and many more is what true beauty is. It’s no wonder nature is beautiful as it is referred to as a ‘Mother’. Celebrating women is celebrating the beauty life has to offer.

3. Women Act as The Center of our Relationships

There’s no doubt that in the center of every relationship is a woman. They are our mothers, sisters, girlfriends, nannies, colleagues, aunts, nieces etc. The heart of a family is the mother. Celebrating women is celebrating the different relationships we have with these women.

4. We Celebrate our Countries When We Celebrate Women

Celebrating women is indirectly celebrating our countries. You may be wondering about the correlation. This is bent on the simple fact that our countries are referred to as ‘She, her’. It shows the ideologies we have about our countries are women-rooted.

5. We Celebrate our Existence When We Celebrate Women

When we celebrate women we celebrate our very own existence. Although, there is a date set aside for celebrating our mothers, women are potential mothers. It’s like the core of being a woman; the ability for procreation.

6. Celebrating Women is Celebrating the True Meaning of Feminism

The true meaning of feminism is to respect the existence and ability of women. The first step the world has taken in the fight for feminism is the step of celebrating women’s day.

7. Celebrating Women is Celebrating Love

Women are the natural love beings. They have love all around them and in them. Love requires women to be expressed to. A wonderful way to express love is to celebrate the love beings.

8. Celebrating Women is Celebrating Strength

Celebrating women is celebrating strength. Women are strong beings. The number one example should be child bearing. Looking at the last decade we have seen the strength of women and till forever it will only grow. We celebrate how strong they have been for us.

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9. Celebrating Women Makes Them Give us Their All

In all, women are willing to reciprocate what they are given and if we want them to celebrate with us and keep up the good work, we had better celebrate them.

How Should We Celebrate Women’s Day?

You can celebrate women’s day by doing the following:

  • Sending gifts
  • Creating enlightenment programs for women
  • Giving out free health care to women
  • Joining the feminism campaign
  • Helping out women on that day
  • Visiting and caring for widows
  • Awareness programs on sexual abuse
  • Reading a book that makes you understand women better
  • Giving the women in your life your undivided attention
  • Posting their pictures on your social media
  • Creating an NGO that supports women

In conclusion, we ought to love women for being women and learn to celebrate them every day.


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