Love & Sex

9 Tips of What Women Want in a Man: Feminine vs Masculine Men

There’s been a lot of research on finding out what do women want in a man. There’s been a lot of energy put into trying to be the kind of guy the…

My Relationship Experience: 6 Tips on finding Mr Wright

My name is Jumoke Oluwaseun. I am 27 years old and I am still single. I am currently late for my own ‘MEET AND GREET’ for the new book I wrote ‘6…

11 Steps To Leave A Toxic Relationship, Even If You Don’t Want To

We have heard too many stories of people being in toxic relationships and not even realizing it until it becomes life-threatening. There are a few telltale signs that could help you discover…

How to Move-on After a Break Up

Going through a breakup can be very difficult. Watching romantic scenes in movies become a disgusting chore, and it seems like you will never be able to forget that person you had…

If It’s Meant to Be, It’ll Be

The sun-kissed ladies in colorful bikinis bathed the beach in all corners. I looked at the wide expanse of sand sharing borders with the Atlantic ocean and gasped in awe at the…

The Graveyard Sex

He wept like a fool at her grave. Love had done him dirty again, as always. As always, he had loved and he had lost. “I guess love really isn’t for some…

6 Dating Tips For Introverts

Dating Tips For Introverts The Introvert Dating Tips For Introverts Stay True to Yourself! Choose the Right Venue and Date Type That Suits Your Personality Always Prepare an Escape Plan Discard the…

The Best Day

Today is about to be the greatest day of my life. I can feel it in my guts. Today is the day that marks the beginning of the rest of my life.…

To: My Forever

He called out my name. I could hear his voice echo through the empty hallway. “Bibanke!!!” I continued running without looking back once, tears in my eyes, all I could mutter coldly…

My First Time

When Ola visited one day and told me about her intentions to get back with her ex-boyfriend and if I had any suggestions on what she could do to fasten the process,…