How To Live A Normal Life With Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Every woman knows how much of a pain periods can be. It disrupts our mood and our entire schedule and the only way we survive is by reminding ourselves that it would be over in three or seven days, depending on the length of our cycle. What happens if it doesn’t end? What happens when months pass and we continue bleeding?
Imagine the terror of waking up on the fourteenth day and realizing the bleeding has come to stay. That’s how terrifying it is. If you are here, I assume you might be suffering from the aforementioned problem and you’re at your wit’s end. I just want to tell you that it is not your fault and you are not going to die.
What is Abnormal Uterine/Vaginal Bleeding?
Abnormal uterine/vaginal bleeding is a situation where a woman gets her “period” in times when she should not. This bleeding could be light (spotting) or heavy(passing blood clots) or somewhere in between. It all varies from woman to woman.
A huge amount of women in the world are going through this problem but very few are speaking up about it. There is a certain taboo associated with women’s period. Multiply that by a thousand and you get the taboo that comes with having a period that does not stop.
What are the Causes of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding(AUB)?
Several health conditions can cause you to have AUB. Some of them are.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS)
- Hormonal imbalances
- Thyroid problems
- Cancer
- Fibroids
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Effects of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding on Your Body & Mind
The depression comes from knowing that your life has changed for the worse. Constant bleeding while messing up your plans would also make you feel like you are going to fall and die. There is this helpless feeling it brings, knowing that you cannot stop yourself from losing blood.
It is like cutting a finger and being unable to staunch the blood flow. The frantic feeling of losing yourself. If you are someone who is yet to have children, this situation will be even harder for you. Knowing that AUB is never good for the womb, that same womb you desperately want to carry babies with. Worry that you might never be able to have children or live normal stress and pain-free life should plunge you very fast and very deeply into depression.
You would do yourself great help by seeing a therapist and indulging in activities that are therapeutic such as meditation and doing what you love.
Mood Swings
One minute you’re happy and the next minute you want to tear someone’s face off. Your hormones are going crazy and making you crazy too. The fact that you are uncomfortable would also not improve your chances of being a charitable person when “provoked”. Taking deep breaths wouldn’t help as you might just burst into tears with all that emotion close to the surface.
Being in a healthy environment would help. You should also try to rein in any intense emotion to avoid hurting your loved ones and the people around you.
Weight Gain
Yes, you might be gaining more weight than usual, and losing it might be a hassle because you need all the healthy food you can get right now. Bloating might also become a constant in your life. It is important to know that you might have to change your wardrobe and get clothes that don’t hug you so much around the middle.
Getting clothes that flatter your new figure will also mean you get less of people’s “you’re adding weight” comments. Eating right is also important, fruits and vegetables will reduce weight gain and also provide you with most of the nutrients you need to replenish lost blood vessels.
Hyperpigmentation and Acne
It is so sad, but the skin is not left out from the assault. AUB always brings hyperpigmentation with it. You might also be plagued with hormonal acne. All these can be reduced if you stay out of the sun/use sunscreen and use treatment for acne.
No one can see themselves bleeding out and not worry about impending death. That’s not possible. The constant bleeding will ensure you are at your wit’s end, worrying about your life and how you are going to make the problem stop. Especially when you visit the hospital, and they give you vitamins and send you home. All that pressure can create an anxiety disorder or worsen the state of someone who already has one. My advice is that you relax and take time out for yourself. Me-time just became more important than ever.
Special Note: If you’re suffering from the physical and emotional effects of AUB, know that I see you and you will get through this. You’re the strongest person I know and this situation will not pull you down.
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How You Can Live a Normal Life With Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
With abnormal uterine bleeding comes a need for a lifestyle change. It is painful to realize this but the earlier the better. You can no longer prance around as you used to because things just got serious. You can no longer go commando. Needing period supplies just became an everyday thing and that’s sure to cost money right? Here are some suggestions on the things you could do to live better with abnormal uterine bleeding.
Getting a Good Job
Oh yes, you might need to have a job change. Your old job might not be able to accommodate some of the changes you need. Does it allow for a bathroom visit at least once every hour? Does it allow for an extended bathroom visit? You need to consider this especially if you experience heavy flows.
The sight of you running towards the bathroom when the chips are down and bleeding on the office floor is sure to be a very shameful one. To avoid that kind of scene, have a word with your boss and let her/him know that you will be needing extra time in the bathroom. If he refuses, then I am sorry but you would need to quit.
You might also want to get a job that comes with medical insurance or a better paying job. Having medical insurance would help you in times when you need to go to the hospital for routine checks when you need iron or blood transfusion.
Spending On Supplies
If you are rich, then thank your stars. You don’t have to worry about how much it costs to get sanitary supplies that last less than a week. If you aren’t, then I am sorry. I am not rich either. I suggest that you buy the supplies in bulk instead of spending your money on bits and wasting so much.
You can also think about ways to use your supplies sparingly. Sitting on the toilet during times of heavy flow will reduce the number of pads you need per day.
Pray, It Helps
If you are a praying woman, you might already know of the peace prayer gives you. Praying about your problems lightens them on your shoulders because you believe they are already being taken care of by God.
Having Supportive Friends/Partner/Family
It will be hard, going it alone. You need someone to help and look after you. To tell you it is alright when you are feeling down. There will be times when you will need those hugs and kisses. Hold on to your loved ones and allow their presence to give you the strength to persevere.
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Modes of Treatment
- Intrauterine device (IUD)
In this case, a hormonal IUD is inserted into the uterus to stop the flow of blood. It is effective for some, but other women report varying levels of discomfort.
- Birth Control Pills
These help to regulate your hormones and limit bleeding. Women who take birth control for AUB only bleed while taking the placebo pills. It is effective but if you have a history of allergic reactions to birth control, please try another option.
- D&C Procedure
This procedure involves the scraping of blood and clots from the face of the uterus. Just like the others, results vary. Some women report increased blood flow or no improvement.
- Hysterectomy
Removal of the womb
- Endometrial ablation
A surgical procedure that destroys the lining of the womb
- Yarrow
- Cinnamon
- Ginger capsules and myrtle syrup
- Maca Root
- Nettles
- Cranesbill
Final Word: Abnormal menstrual bleeding is bad but it can be treated. It just means you will have to take more care of yourself now, look out for your body. While seeking treatment and in your everyday life, be gentle to yourself. Things will get better but for now, don’t be so hard on yourself.
Show yourself some love. I see you, I love you.
Take care.
Disclaimer: The author of this article is not a medical personal. Information found here should not be taken in place of a doctor’s advice.
She's a beauty and an exquisite lady who enjoys the high life in writing and poetry. Her writing style and prowess is innovative and focuses on the feminine perspective, bringing nothing but wholesome gratification to the African, Afrocentric and Afro-American women at large