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How To Get The Perfect Glowing Skin With Kitchen Spices And Aloe Vera

How To Get The Perfect Glowing Skin With Kitchen Spices And Aloe Vera

  1. The Logic
  2. The Production
  3. Bonus Tip!
  4. The Application

Would it interest you to know that the glow you have always craved is very possible with just a few kitchen spices and Aloe vera? Even though organic and homemade beauty products are becoming increasingly popular, a majority of persons still doubt their efficacy. We will be using the spices Turmeric and Thyme with our Aloe Vera gel. There is logic as to why these herbs will work marvelously.

The DIY world has shot up like a rocket since the beginning of this lockdown, many people are starting to appreciate their abilities and what they can do for themselves.

Today, most of the world is still under lockdown and most people have a whole lot of time on their hands. Our skin and hair however have not gotten the memo that there is a pandemic and just like ever before need tender loving care.

Are you tired of the overall rough look of your skin? Would you like softer looking skin? Do you want to clear up that acne so badly? Then you are in the right place. I will be showing you why these spices can actually work wonders on your skin and show you how you can glow without a budget. Lol. Let’s get right to it.

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The Logic

What’s the logic behind this? How is it possible that turmeric and thyme would help the skin? Here is why👇


Turmeric is a sister to the ginger plant. It is reddish yellow in color and has a mild smell. It contains curcumin(a yellow pigment). It also contains anti-inflammatory substances that kill off pimples and acne. It stimulates the production of collagen in the skin for new and supple-looking skin. Here’s more of what it does 👇

  • It lightens skin

Turmeric gives your skin the natural glow because it fights against hyperpigmentation. It removes dark spots in your skin and gives it a healthy-looking shine.

  • It Fades Out Black Spots And Acne Scars

Turmeric is the best spice to use for fading out your blackheads. Those horrible acne scars that live on for weeks after your breakouts? They can disfigure your face if you allow them to run around for too long on your pretty face. Those monsters accumulating on your face because of hormonal changes, stress, and PMS could pose a big problem.

Luckily, turmeric comes in handy in times like this. Apply it on the spot or your whole face and watch these spots fade. Note that using turmeric also means new acne would have a hard time surfacing which means it is a win-win for us.

  • It evens out skin tone

As most natural products do, turmeric in your lotion means you will get that evened out skin tone that is necessary for the perfect glow. Applying turmeric with lemon will make sure your skin is simultaneously lightened and toned.

  • It is antiseptic so will prevent inflammation like pimples

Like I said before, turmeric has antioxidants and antiseptic properties that help rid your face from ugly bacteria. Using your turmeric as a powder means you will not have to wash it off like you would if you make water or oil-based mixture.


Thyme is very great for your skin because it does the following things

  • Clears Acne

Thyme is anti-inflammatory and helps to reduce the appearance of acne in the face. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that fight the bacteria that cause acne.

  • Gives Clear and Even Skin Tone

Using Thyme for your skin gives you a clear and even skin tone. Tired of those blackheads and the different shades on your face? Use thyme.

  • Treats Oily Skin

Thyme is great for unclogging pores and reducing oil production in your oily or combination skin.

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The Production

How To Make Turmeric Oil
  1. Cut your turmeric into small pieces
  2. Put a carrier oil like olive oil into a small pot
  3. Add your turmeric
  4. Stir under low heat for five minutes
  5. The mixture will turn yellow
  6. Put down the mixture when you are sure it is ready
  7. Leave to cool
  8. Strain into a container
How To Make Thyme Infused Olive Oil

Since the original thyme oil can only be gotten through steam distillation, we would be making our oil through an easier process – infusing it in olive oil. You can also use any carrier oil of your choice.

  1. Get your fresh thyme leaves, a glass bottle, and your olive oil
  2. Warm your olive oil up a little
  3. Mash your thyme leaves gently with your fingers
  4. Push them into the bottle
  5. Pour in your warm olive oil
  6. Cover the bottle securely and place in a cool dry place
  7. After one week, sift your oil into another container
  8. Your thyme oil is ready for use.
How To Prepare The Legit Glow Lotion

When making organic products, keep it in mind that small quantities always work better. These products are also better stored in dark-colored jars to prevent quick aging due to direct sunlight. As for application, this product will work better when you put it on at night, after a bath and wash it off in the morning.

Although the preparation of the Legit Glow Lotion decreases the chances of being stained by the turmeric in the ingredients, it is always wiser to play safe. You could also sleep with a pillowcase you consider “dispensable” when you wear the mask. You could also use some fruit masks as a base before rubbing on this glow up lotion.

Tomato masks are great, papaya masks are awesome. The preparation of these masks is very easy. Just cut up the fruit and rub the juice from a piece on your face. The vitamin C and other nutrients in these masks would give your skin an added boost.


¼ cup of turmeric oil

¼ cup of thyme oil

5 tbsp of organic milk

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½ cup of aloe vera gel

3 drops of Vitamin E oil

  1. Mix the organic milk and the Aloe vera gel with an electric mixer until fully incorporated
  2. Mix the all the oils together with the mixer and refrigerate for ten minutes
  3. Remove the oils from the refrigerator and add the Aloe vera mixture
  4. Mix until it forms a creamy paste
  5. Store in an airtight dark-colored container.

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Bonus Tip!


Exfoliation is one of the very important skincare tips to practice if you want to have and maintain that glowing skin. All those dead skin lying around your skin aren’t really going to shine, are they? Exfoliation removes those dead skin and also opens your pores for easy absorption of your LegitGlow lotion.

How To Make A Simple Exfoliator

When making exfoliators, you can use all kinds of salt. However, I will not be advising you to use salt in our exfoliation recipe. The reason is it could hurt if you have any cuts on your skin or a newly burst pimple. That’s why we will be using sugar because it has a better smell, a better feel and more positive energy lol( like hey, I’m sweet cos I got sugar all over me).

We will be using only three ingredients for this recipe.

  • Sugar(White or Brown)
  • Coconut Oil
  • Essential oil


  1. Three tbsp of Coconut oil
  2. Two tbsp of sugar
  3. One drop of lemon oil
  1. Put three tbsp of coconut oil into a small jar
  2. Add the two tbsp of sugar
  3. Add the drop of lemon oil.
  4. Mix thoroughly and store.

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The Application

For those who fear the coloring effects of turmeric, the Legit Glow Lotion is best applied at night and washed off in the morning. Keep in mind that the addition of milk is to reduce the coloration effect. For those who don’t, you can very well apply this lotion in small amounts during the day.

For more information on skin types and care, check out this article How To Maintain A Glowing Skin On A Low Budget.

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, please ask. If you found this article helpful, like, and share! Have a nice day!

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