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6 Tips On How To Get A Bigger Butt Without Surgery

6 Tips On How To Get A Bigger Butt Without Surgery

How To Get A Bigger Butt Without Surgery

A host of girls out there want to get a bigger butt. A curvy, bouncy big butt. Our ideas on big butts vary but the leading motif remains the same. To get a big butt and a snatched waist, many ladies have braved the agony of surgery. The Brazilian butt lift has helped so many ladies become very confident in their own skins.

We have to agree that surgery is not for all of us though. Perhaps because of our faith, our fear of hospitals, our fear of death. Some of us simply don’t have that kind of money(that shit is expensive😫). Others work 9-5 on a regular job and believe me after a butt lift surgery you’re going to need time off work. If you cannot afford to lose your job, then get in the line behind us.

We also can’t deny that the thought of surgery is scary. For those of us who get really squeamish when we think about going under the knife, we need another option. Yes, we do! We cannot be left out of this booty, I mean bounty.😄 Anyway, I will be sharing with you healthy, effective, cheap, and painless ways of how to get a bigger butt! Walk with me👇

While searching for ways to get a bigger butt, I came across this age-old means of getting curves that actually works. Ever seen a product with no bad reviews? That is Maca!

How To Get A Bigger Butt Without Surgery

What is Maca?

Maca is a vegetable similar to the ginseng that is cultivated in Peru. It is a superfood because it has so many health benefits. Maca contains high levels of iron, amino acids, calcium, potassium, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients contribute to your overall health, boost your energy levels, and help in building your muscles.

Why Maca Is Foolproof

  • It is 100% natural

Maca root is natural. There are no chemicals involved. It is a food that your body will literally thank you for.

  • You’re going to put in work

Yes. That’s another way to know is legit. Who else thinks easy peasy things sound fishy? Well me too.

  • No Proven Side Effects

Except for people who have an allergic reaction to Maca and those who have thyroid problems, Maca is completely healthy and with no side effects.

💃In addition to Maca, we will be adding another herb to the mix to make it more potent and balance out our hormones. That herb is fenugreek.

How To Get A Bigger Butt Without Surgery

What is Fenugreek?

Fenugreek is an annual herb that is usually used as a spice in India. It has been used in women’s health for centuries, to induce labor, help with painful menstruation, and to increase breast milk supply. It is high in estrogen and should not be used by pregnant women because it can cause contractions and miscarriage.❌

6 Tips On How To Get A Bigger Butt Without Surgery

1. Lose Some Weight

When you start using Maca, you should know that you’re going to gain weight. It is delusional to think that all that weight is going to go to your butt. No dear, it is going to be distributed around your body. Except you’ve got really badass genes and even then, you’ll still get fat at other places like your belly. 🤰

The reason why it is wise to lose weight (If you were already at your optimal weight) is because it will reduce your struggle. You won’t have to start the process of losing weight after Maca which is dangerous as you can lose your hard-earned butt by doing that.😰 If you are looking to gain weight anyway, then there is no need to lose anymore, just jump to the next step. 💃

When you’re losing weight, lose it the healthy way. You don’t have to starve yourself, simply reducing your meals and exercising would help you lose weight. Reducing carbs and eating smaller meals will work wonders in slimming down your gut. Exercises like swimming are super great at making you lose lots of kilograms quickly.

How To Get A Bigger Butt Without Surgery

2. Get Your Maca and Fenugreek

If you’re wondering why this is a whole step on its own, worry no more. The process of getting your herbs should be carried out with care and a lot of research. Find out what they do(you don’t have to believe everything I say). Find out the type of product that works best for you. ✅

Maca comes in pills, and it also comes in powder. The powder has a slightly tangy taste but if you’re someone like me who absolutely hates pills then I’m sure you’ll choose the powder option. If you’re comfortable with taking pills then by all means go ahead and purchase them. They give you more leeway in measurement and knowing exactly how much Maca you are taking into your system.

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Meanwhile, fenugreek comes in powder and seeds and you’ll still have to get down and dirty with that one. If you want bigger boobs, fenugreek works wonders when you massage it onto your breasts. Fenugreek is also great for hair, so you can soak some of the seeds and make a fenugreek spray for hair growth.

3. Make Your Maca and Fenugreek Elixir

The process of making this butt Elixir is very simple and easy and doesn’t require much. You just need a few things 👇

  • Clean pure water (preferably boiled and cooled to rid it of impurities).
  • A clean tablespoon
  • A clean dry plate
  • A clean 50 cl container.
  1. Measure four tbsp of Maca into the dry plate
  2. Measure two and a half tbsp of fenugreek into the plate
  3. Mix both powders together
  4. Measure water into the 50 cl container
  5. Fetch the powder into the bottle
  6. Shake thoroughly till properly mixed
  7. Your elixir is ready.

A 50cl container should take you for a week. A week in which you should take your Maca and fenugreek mixture for only four days. So divide whatever is in the container into four places. Although this is the normal “dose”, it is advisable to take Maca in smaller doses at first in case you turn out to be allergic to it.

6 tips on how to get a bigger butt without surgery
4. Eat MacaRight

Maca increases your appetite a lot and many people fall victim of trying to slate their hunger with junk food. This could cause you to have a protruding belly. You can easily avoid such horror by sticking to healthy food. Proteins, vegetables, and nuts will help keep you nourished and satisfied.

5. Exercise

Even those who do surgery to get a big butt still have to exercise to maintain that figure 😏. There is no escaping from it, exercise is the way to a rounded and toned behind. While Maca is coaxing your muscles/curves to grow from the inside, you need to be helping them grow from the outside by doing exercises that target your glutes and your hips. Find some non-boring butt exercises here.

6. Watch Your Booty Grow!

You know how Jesus said we should watch and pray even though we are Christians and already saved? Even though you’ve got your bigger booty you’re not supposed to stop exercising and eating right. If you start behaving like a slob again, your body is going to snap back so fast it will scare the hell out of you. Do not come back to give a review like “Maca doesn’t work”. Do your homework babe.

Thank you for reading. Drop your questions and suggestions in the comment box. Please like and share. Have a nice day💃

All media are sourced from unsplash & giphy

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