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How Does A Woman’s Brain Work?

How Does A Woman’s Brain Work?

A woman’s brain is something even scientists find a hard time understanding. The human brain is the human mind in abstraction. This put in other words would mean that the mind, in a physical representation, is the brain. Within the skull, a lot of activities are going on that we can only imagine. A lot. And the question whether the male and female brain wraps in some pack of recurring sameness or some adventurous differences is an idée fixe.

Did you know, however, that all thoughts and all feelings and other mental abilities are being processed in the brain, and our words and expressions which are heard and seen, respectively, are only by-products of what is finished in the brain (the mind)?

The Human Brain Anatomy

The brain is a mental neural complex that is divided into three main parts namely, the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the brain stem. It is divided into the left and right hemisphere so much that the left part of the brain controls the right side of the body while the right part of the brain controls the left side of the body.

The surface of the cerebrum is called the cortex and it is divided into four lobes; the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, occipital lobe and temporal lobe. The cerebrum plays an important role in the processing of information involving thoughts, reasoning and perception.

The cerebellum coordinates voluntary movement such as posture, balance, coordination and speech. It receives info from the spinal cord and other parts of the brain which regulates the body’s movements. The brainstem controls the flow of messages between the brain and the other parts of the body and performs such functions like breathing, swallowing and blood pressure.

Although researchers have it that the brain of the male is larger than that of the female, the brain of the woman does not contain less parts for functioning as much as the man’s brain contains. The man’s brain is only larger in size. Notwithstanding, there are specific cognitive abilities the woman possess that is less predominant in men and vice versa.


The memory is a complex process involving the encoding, storing and decoding phases. The memory seat lies in the frontal lobe as well as in the temporal lobe. As such, there are two kinds of memories captured. The short term memory. This is located in the frontal lobe and it stores information for about a minute and it is capable of storing about seven items at a stretch.

For instance, you want to flip to the next page of a novel, the short term memory stores the last word or words from the previous page as you turn the page over so that you are able to continue coherently. The short term memory exists for men and women alike, and so does the long term memory. The long term memory is produced at the temporal lobe of the cerebrum.

It is activated when you want to memorize stuff for a longer time. It has unlimited content and duration of time. It stores automatically learnt knowledge, it contains the personal memory.

How Does a Woman’s Brain Work?

Her brain: Think or feel?

First things first. When someone mentions ‘woman’ in such topics as this, the thoughts that run through the mind is mostly ‘feelings’ and ’emotions’. A woman is attributed with the quality of having to feel and feel and feel. Some people altogether forget that a woman is capable of thinking as well. In some cultures, women are silenced because it is assumed that they are unable to contribute, unequal to the task or are inefficient.

Predominantly, in some Islamic countries, women are not allowed to participate in politics, or to pursue a significant field of study, or to participate in the economic progress of the country. In The United Arab Emirates, in January 2019, the country was ridiculed for having awarded just men in a competition meant to foster gender equality.

A woman thinks and uses her brain just as the man uses his brain. The left hemisphere is the part of the cerebrum responsible for language, logic, rhythmic perception, temporal order judgment and mathematical thinking skills while the right hemisphere does better in pattern matching tasks and recognizing faces and spatial orientation. These functions are common to both men and women.

However, it is outrightly noted that women usually remember and recall things to a larger extent, more than men do. Over a meal a few days ago, a young lady who had finished her meal, and made to leave the table exchanged pleasantries with a young man who sat adjacent to her. Since it was their first meeting, they exchanged names too.

Afterwards, the young man had made the statement “I wonder if I’ll remember her the next time I meet with her.” “She’ll definitely remember you if you don’t…” I responded. “Especially if she had an encounter with you” another lady who sat at the table added. Once a lady registers one thing or the other which is of significance in her mind, it simply sticks. A feeling might be dominant in a woman at some point but that does not override her thought every time.

Beyond Her Brain: Talks or Not?

Did you know that all thoughts and all feelings and other mental abilities are being processed in the brain, and our words and expressions which are heard and seen, respectively, are only by-products of what is finished in the brain (the mind)?

(I mentioned this earlier, yeah? A woman will remember. (#Laughs))

A woman is a think-tank not mere talk-tank. A woman will naturally talk about a lot of things because she thinks about a lot of things; a lot that she observed, and those things she notices, what she likes, and what she does not, etc.

While a man will ideally think and ruminate, and think a thought over and again to make sure that he reaches some answers before letting his thoughts out via talks, a woman talks about her thoughts even as the thoughts come to her. For a woman, her talks, like a man’s thoughts, empower her. In the process of talking, she gets to share with whoever is willing to listen, thus, her answer can surface.

Oh yes! Talks empower a woman. She is ready to talk about what is working (feedbacks), what is not working (some negative feedbacks), what hurts her, what revels her, what she enjoys, what she does not and so on. In relationships, her man may never fully enjoy her if he does not understand this reality. Man, she talks.

Her Mind: Her beauty

A woman’s eyes have some connection with her brain. She carries the ability to recognize what is pleasant. She sees a gold bag with a silver design on its border and she recognizes it as pretty. Right away, she sees how it will match her gold bracelet, or the purple dress enclosed in her wardrobe. It can be right to see a woman’s desire for accessories as impulsive but what really is true is that, that need for such accessory exist in her mind, consciously or unconsciously before that moment.

Her brain: Her Coordination

Mood swings, no doubt. Aside from the constant mood shifts during the periods of her cycle, the woman’s brain has the ability to collect and retain feelings, events, in-actions and actions. This could culminate in taking up different moods at different times, especially as these feelings are unstable.

You may see a woman who showers and experiences love being all gay and calm, while in the next couple of minutes she appears to be dull because of what someone just said about her which she does not feel cool with. This however, does not subject all women to this tabula rasa. By the day, there are women who have mastered their emotions. They are able to recognize what caused a shift in their dispositions and roll with it. They share if deem fit or victoriously disregard it.

Her “Woman-Woman” Brain Bond

Consider this.

Woman A: A lot happened during the weekend celebration at my friend’s last Saturday.

Woman B: Did the celebrant not come? What happened?

Woman A: Maybe that would have been better should it be the case, but it’s not.

Woman B: Okay?

Woman A: You know that new neighbour of yours, the one I had thought was the senior who punished me back then in Sec. School…

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Woman B: Oh yes, what about her?

Woman A: Okay. She really stole my shining at the party. Can you imagine? She was putting on the same kind of blue dress as I was. The only difference in her outfit was the belt. While I had a navy blue belt on, she had a black one.

Woman B: Hmm. She’s really something. The last time we saw in the compound, I hurriedly went to check my red hair net which I hung on the line just to be sure. She had the same type on. She must have asked a lot of questions about her shopping around here!

Woman A: I was really uncomfortable sharing my outfit with her… I thought of how much I wanted to change that dress before the party

Woman B: It really happens like that you know…

A woman’s mind is set to be empathized with whenever she shares and talks about matters. She feels and validates her womanhood by it. A woman will naturally offer some advice as a display of her care and concern. It doesn’t make her less for seeking the involvement of others, rather, it makes her who she is, a woman. Men practically wants to get stuff fixed up. As opposed to the woman B character, a man might suggest Woman A stops putting on the dress. End of story.

A woman’s nature to elaborate aids her in expressing her feelings. Thus, she gets healed of the hurt and displeasure in the process.

A woman feels and empathizes, and still thinks. A woman will share her plans, her thoughts and her ideas not just to get closer to her interlocutor, but also to fashion out a solution to the problem at hand. Two heads are better than one, they say, a woman is one who takes a greater advantage of this.

Thus, a woman’s mind (brain) or her thought pattern does not relegate her to maintaining weak stances, or being unable to make proper decisions. No. It only makes her unique, makes her intricate and interesting.

Her Body: Her brain

How does a woman see her body? Surely, this is necessary because the woman’s body is what makes the woman to be known before any other behavioural traits flows from within her mind. A man manifesting some feminine traits may be thought of as unusual. But having a woman’s physic only reinforces her brain box.

A woman sees her body as unique. She knows she is different from the man and as such treats it differently. She encaptures beauty in her body, she feels her body is able to satisfy thus, she expresses it in her carriage and demeanor. She rates her body high. She always want to be seen as this sexy powerful woman. Insomuch that when a woman offers you her body, you are not some cheap species to her.

Her Mind: Her Influence Scope

Although most women even do this unconsciously, voluntarily, they connect to other people – both men and women – via sharing their particular stories. A woman tells her listeners about her ‘many problems’ and has such an effect on him or her. She wants to connect, but more than that she wants to receive. Maybe something tangible, maybe something intangible.

Conclusively, a woman’s attitude, her manner, her thoughts and her talks have deep roots inside her brain. Her brain is a brain-box of all sorts.

Disclaimer: This is just an expression of a student’s view on the topic, not in any way claiming to be an expert on the subject. *All images are sponsored by pixabay, free for commercial use and no attribution required

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