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A Man, an Accident and a Crime

A Man, an Accident and a Crime

Sherry stared at the people milling around her large living room talking and laughing and she realized this was the life she wanted for herself. She enjoyed organizing parties and making sure everything was properly set up. She also enjoyed the company of her fellow women and a few men supporters. Sometimes she had to remind herself she was not the one going for Mayor 5.

“Congratulations Sherry,” Ms. Herbert said slinking towards Sherry in her snakeskin dress. Ms. Herbert or Jane was a peculiar personality. Her husband was a renowned lawyer who had won cases throughout the state and Jane who had also read Law was not practicing but chose instead to stay at home and tend the flowers.

Parties at her house could get bloody very fast as Jane loved to involve anyone she caught in her manicured grasp in a hot argument about both trivial and important things alike.

These arguments could span from a few hours to entire days (with women going home to rest and coming back the next day to resume the argument). Her husband Raymond tolerated her as Jane often neglected household duties in favor of a good argument.

“I and my husband will vote Meyer for Mayor because it is the smart thing to do. This county needs more sensible men like your husband in power” she said when she was standing in front of Sherry.

“Thank you, Jane. You look ravishing tonight” Sherry said, kissing her on both cheeks.

When Sherry was sure everyone had drunk to their satisfaction she picked up a spoon and hit it on her glass to get everyone’s attention. Then she began to speak.

“I am not one for long speeches or verbosity. As you all know, I am neither an orator or a politician. Give me a patient and I will show you what I am capable of. Haha. What delights me is that all of you here today, are friends or family of the Meyers and I do not need to start trying to win you over to our side. Which certainly is the winning side, because good will always triumph. Whether over evil or fake people, yes it will triumph. In a month’s time, the elections for Mayor will take place. I trust that you all will be there to cheer on a good man, a loyal friend and a brother, Donald Meyer! Thank you all for coming! Enjoy the party.”

Three hours after the party ended and her husband was yet to get home. Suddenly there was a knock at the front door and Sherry got up to open it. The light outside had been blown out and she had forgotten to check that in her excitement. She reared back in fright when she saw a man carrying a big bundle on his shoulders. Then she slammed the door and pressed against it with her shoulders.

“Sherry. Sherry! It’s me” a man’s voice said.

“Donald is that you?” she asked as she opened the door with the chain lock firmly in place. When her husband’s face appeared in the space in the door she got the confirmation she had been waiting for and she opened the door.

“Donald! Why are you carrying someone? Is this blood?” Sherry asked in horror.

“Shh Sherry! Let us get inside the house first.” He got in and pushed the door closed, then he walked towards one of the empty bedrooms downstairs. When he got there, he dropped the body on the bed and went on his knees before his wife. Shelly was startled but she didn’t have much time to be surprised.

“I’m so sorry. She came out of nowhere, I didn’t know when I hit her” Donald said.

“OMG, what have you done!? Why did you bring her home?” Shelly asked shocked.

“I couldn’t take her anywhere else. You’re a nurse, Sherry. I know you can take care of her” Donald said.

“You take her to the hospital!” Shelly shouted “Look at her, she is passed out. Do you realize she could have fatal internal injuries?” Sherry asked.

“The community hospital? The whole town will hear the news of what I have done in minutes” he said “We need their votes, Sherry! We won’t get it if they think I am a monster”

“Won’t someone know anyway?” Sherry asked, “She must be someone’s child.”

“No, I grew up in this town. This young lady is a stranger” Donald said. Sherry looked at him.

“Did you check her ID?” She asked. Then she walked over to the body and produced a red purse from one of the young woman’s pockets. The ID was in it.

“It says she is from Texas” she put the ID back in the pocket. “I hate this thing you are making me do.”

“I love you, Sherry,” Donald said.

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“Get me a bowl of water and some towels,” Sherry said, bending over the young woman. She stared into the small oval face, even with the bump on the head she looked beautiful. Her clothes looked expensive and Sherry could smell her perfume under the tangy smell of blood.

It made Sherry wonder what could have caused such a beautiful young woman was doing this out of the way town. She briefly considered that she could be a prostitute but there was something about the slight lift of the tip of her nose that gave her a somewhat aristocratic air.

“Mom?” she heard from behind her. She snapped out of her daze and looked towards the direction of the voice. Her daughter Liz was standing at the door carrying a bundle.

“Dad said I should bring these towels to you. I don’t know what for.” She walked forward and dropped the towels on the table close to the wall. Then she turned towards her mother.

“Who is that on the bed?” she asked.

“Shavanti from Texas,” Sherry said. Her daughter’s brow furrowed.

“Since when did we have people visiting from Texas?” Liz asked, sometimes Sherry thought her daughter a little dense.

“She’s injured. Your dad found her on the highway” Sherry said as her daughter got close enough to see the blood.

Liz’s eyes widened, “What kind of monster did this?” She asked. Sherry wrapped her arms around her daughter briefly, then she got to work cleaning up the young woman and checking her vitals.

She was already dozing sitting at the edge of the bed when the phone rang loudly. She got up from the bed and went to answer it. When she got back Liz was sitting up and watching Shavanti breathe.

“I have to go. I am needed at the hospital. There’s been an accident.” Sherry said.

“What? What about her? What do I do when she begins to convulse or foam at the mouth?” Liz asked in a panic.

“That will not happen,” Sherry said, putting on her flat shoes. “But if it does get your father. I can’t stay. People might die.” She blew her daughter a kiss and ran out of the house. Liz stood by the window and watched her mother’s tail lights disappear.

“Dad,” she said, sighing in relief when she saw him standing at the edge of the bed “I didn’t hear you come in”

“You must be tired. Come on I’ll take it from here. You go on and sleep, “he said.

“Thanks, Dad,” She said and tried her best not to run out of the room with the excitement of knowing she was headed towards the comfort of her bed.


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Donald stared at the moon shining over his rooftop and wondered what God thought of him when he saw him run the woman over. He had been so drunk it had been the easiest thing to do. What made him feel worse about his actions was that he hadn’t wanted to save the girl because he had hurt her but because he knew how much her death could cost him.

He walked towards her bed and sat down beside her. She seemed peaceful lying there. Sherry had cleaned her up so her face looked fresh and soft in the moonlight. He felt a sudden urge to kiss her. He shook his head, No. It would be the wrong thing to do. It would be assaulting an unconscious woman who he put in that situation in the first place. Minutes passed and it became obvious the temptation would be too much to bear.

Even if he left the room he would not be able to stop thinking about her. He listened for the silence of the house and he had his way with her. When he was done he kissed her lips and found that they were cold and soft like ice cream. Her breath fanned his face and he realized she was awake. Her arms came up and held him like a vice.

Donald tried to free himself from her grasp but she held him too fast and he was scared to do anything that would generate noise. The young lady dragged him closer until he was almost directly on top of her.

“Stop. What are you doing?” He protested and her hand fell.

“Where am I?” She asked as she pushed the pillow off the bed. Donald looked down at her, his mouth wide open.

“You were in an accident,” He said.

“Oh!” She touched the bump on her head and winced. “What were you doing to me?”

“Nothing,” He said quickly. “Take, drink this, it will help you with the pain.” He handed her some pills which she swallowed. Minutes later she was fast asleep. Donald walked back to his room on shaky legs.


They were seated at the dining table having dinner that evening. Everyone was laughing at a joke the new mayor told when there was a knock at the door.

“Liz, go get the door,” Shelly said. “How many callers today?” She asked her son Morgan.

“The whole town has been here today Mom,” Morgan said laughing.

“Hello,” Someone said, they all turned to see a smart looking lady standing inside their living room.

“Shavanti!” Sherry said, opening her arms for a hug. The younger woman hurried into her arms.

“Hello, Morgan, Liz, Drake.” She said when Sherry finally released her.

‘“Have a seat, you must be tired?” Sherry quipped as she brought a chair out for her.

“Yes, all the way from Texas,” She said and then she smiled. “I haven’t properly introduced myself. My last visit was err rushed. I am Shavanti Eleanor Dutch.

“Pleased to meet you. Can I call you Eleanor?” Liz asked.

“No. Definitely not. That’s my grandmother’s name” She said making a face. Everyone laughed.

“What do you do?” Morgan asked. His eyes were alight with interest.

“I’m an English Professor who is currently on Sabbatical” Shavanti answered.

“You are wasting your Sabbatical on us?” Morgan asked, indicating the whole family with his fork. Sherry gave him the stink eye.

“You are welcome. Dig in” Sherry said to Shavanti, inclining her head towards the food on the table.

“I have something important to tell you guys,” the younger woman said. Everyone stopped eating to look at her.

“I am pregnant for your father,” She said looking at Liz.

“What!?” Someone shouted. It was Sherry.


“That’s the room over there,” Sherry said as she walked through the hallway. Her voice was shaky and high pitched. Shavanti walked beside her looking worried. They entered the room and Sherry switched on the light.

“Sherry,” Shavanti called and Sherry turned to her. “I just want you to know I really meant what I said about not causing you any trouble. When this baby comes my time here will be done.

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What is The Importance of Friends and Family?

“I know. I feel so guilty. What Donald did to you is a horrible thing. I hope you can forgive us,” Sherry said.

“You did nothing wrong,” Shavanti said, Sherry turned away from her. She knew she had a hand in the crime. If she hadn’t left the poor girl alone that night she would have been safe. She had gotten to the hospital only to discover that they had everything under control and didn’t really need her.

“Well, here is your room. There’s some cookies in the jar over there. Some nice magazines full of hunky naked men,” Sherry said and winked at the younger woman who looked mildly harassed.

“I’m gay” She said. “Just wanted you to know.”

Sherry watched the young woman walk over to the bed and flop on it. She had just told a total stranger she was gay and yet there was no trace of nervousness to be seen. What about deciding to keep the baby of a rape incident, accident baby, she called it. Sherry wondered at the woman.


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“Let’s go shopping,” Shavanti said. She brushed a strand of hair behind her neck.

“You’re too pregnant,” Sherry said chuckling “I’m even worried about that knife you’re holding. Be careful not to chop a bit of belly into the soup.”

“Is it possible to be too anything to shop?” Shavanti asked.

“Yes! You can’t shop when you’re TOO poor!” She said triumphantly.

“Let’s go shopping SHERRY!” Shavanti whined.

“I do not have the energy,” Sherry said.

“I’ll carry you” Shavanti bluffed.

Sherry scoffed “I don’t think there’s space up there for me.”

“I’ll carry you on my back,” Shavanti said. Sherry stopped chopping the onion and stared at the opposite wall as though considering it.

“No! I’m sure the baby is sitting on your back too” She said laughing. “Alright, I’ll go,” she said finally, unable to resist Shavanti’s cute pout.


They loaded the things into the car, Sherry carrying most of the heavy load. They had so much fun Sherry felt like she was stealing something. Shavanti was a bundle of joy anywhere. In the five months she had stayed with them they had all felt the impact of the sunshine that was her smile and her laughter.

Donald found the house with the two women so uncomfortable. There was no one to talk to as Sherry had moved out of their shared room and Drake was off to college, so he invented business deals and meetings that kept him out for days or even weeks without end.

“I think Donald is having an affair,” Sherry said as they drove towards their side of town.

“Wow. Have you confronted him?” Shavanti asked.

“What would I say if I do? I’m not his wife anymore. Here at least.” She touched her chest.

“Anything you decide. I’m here for you,” Shavanti said. She reached out and squeezed Sherry’s free hand. The older woman sniffed and avoided her eyes.


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“What do you mean you are leaving?” Donald asked when he came home one day to see Sherry all packed up. The flowers he had bought lay discarded on the floor.

“I can’t live here anymore. There’s nothing here for me,” she said.

“I thought we were past that, you know, back together?” Donald asked, hitting his fist on his other hand. Sherry felt sorry for him.

“I know, I thought so too.” She said, “But I can’t forget. Besides, the baby misses his mother.”

Donald scoffed “You are the only mother he has ever known. His mother left as soon as he was born.”

“I need to go somewhere quiet, clear my head and regroup,” Sherry said. Donald rushed to her and held her by her shoulders.

“You can do that. I know it hasn’t been easy for you to bear the brunt of all my sins. Please do that and come back. I have nothing left but you,” he said and he hugged her so tightly she could barely breathe.

Safe in the car, Sherry watched him wave and draw heart smileys on the glass as though he was a boy again. It made her smile wryly as she thought that even at this time the man’s ego was getting the better of him. Who was he to assume she was leaving because his actions affected her so deeply she needed time to heal? All the months spent without him had been one of the best in her life.

She imagined herself walking into Shavanti’s apartment the same way the younger woman had walked into their home and changing everything. She knew it would be her starting a new life with a new family. Baby Nick blinked at her in assent from the back seat and that was all the encouragement she needed. Sherry stepped on the gas, the plane for Texas would leave in an hour and she didn’t want to be late.

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