9 Safe Things a Woman Can Offer in a Relationship Apart From Sex

When it comes to relationships, the conversation often revolves around sex. While sex is an important aspect of any romantic relationship, it’s certainly not the only thing that matters. In fact, there are plenty of other safe and valuable things that a woman can offer in a relationship that can bring just as much fulfillment and intimacy. In this article, 9 such things a woman can offer in a relationship, without sacrificing her safety or boundaries, are discussed in details.
The simple line of thought to this topic will probably be that you should come as you are. Bring yourself and that’s all that is needed. Yes, that is needed but it is not all that is needed. We believe that with every relationship, there must be a good ground to fall back on and this ground will not be made strong or good by sexual intercourse or the likes as this is basically physical.
There has to be a conscious contribution from the two parties to make the relationship work. As we all know, two working heads are better than one. When you leave the whole responsibility in a relationship to one’s partner, the strain and stress wears out the relationship, automatically leading to its failure. So, while your man is right there doing his work and being awesome at it, what possible things can you do as the woman?

9 Safe Things a Woman Can Offer in a Relationship Apart From Sex
1. Care
It is a known fact that women are natural caregivers. A woman would give up almost everything to care for the one she loves. I believe this comes naturally from her ability to bring life into this world and automatically becoming solely responsible for the welfare of that life. A woman is capable of paying watchful attention to the one she cares about, even in times when the person needs this attention and times when the person does not. A woman brings this natural disposition to a relationship, showering her significant other with love and care. Something he might not have experienced a lot of except from when he was a child.
2. Advice
Say you have a big life-changing decision to make. This decision actually has the power to change the course of your life forever but you need counsel. You need to rub minds with someone else who would address the issue from a reasonable point of view and tell you if you’re about to make the best or worst decision of your life. This is where your partner comes in. Having someone who has your best interests at heart is comforting, especially when you need that person’s opinion about something.
One of the things a woman can offer in a relationship apart from sex is advice. A relationship is not just about going on dates and having a swell time, a good relationship could also be the push you needed to advance in your career or other pursuits. Women are thinkers. Analysts. Nothing escapes their eyes, this is in reference to a natural sixth sense which they possess. You can be of immense value to your partner once he realizes that you give the best directives and advice in the whole world. You do not have to stay back probably watching him make one of the biggest mistakes of his life because you feel it’s his life and you don’t have a say in it. This is where you have to come in. Do not keep quiet. Say something, you might actually be saving someone’s life.
3. Encouragement
It is said that when the woman of the house is unhappy, the whole house would be unhappy. As a woman, you have the power to do and undo with your tongue and your actions. This is why we must ensure that only uplifting and encouraging words come out of our mouths towards the ones we love. We must learn to speak life, love and peace into the lives of the ones we love, especially our partners as this has a way of boosting their morale and getting them ready for whatever may come their way. When you’re constantly demeaning and condescending in your approach or conduct, it affects their lives and productivity negatively. So, please encourage but still, chastise when is necessary.
4. Companionship
Nobody was created to live in isolation. We are all created to be dependent on another to survive and thrive on planet earth. Even in a crowd of people, there comes a time when you long for the presence and attention of that special someone. Fortunately, that special someone becomes your partner when you are in a relationship. Having someone with whom you can spend quality time is important and that is one of the things your presence offers to a relationship!

5. Nurturing
Naturally, a woman sees what needs to be done and gets it done with immediate effect. She is the nurturer. The one that nurtures into positive growth and development. This is who the woman has always been. I guess that nurturing ability comes with the mothering package too if not, how do you expect to take care of a helpless being if you do not have the capacity to. Women have a reservoir for these things and when she decides to use some of her superpowers there’s no denying the effect. A woman would naturally nurture her partner because she feels a responsibility to his growth and success. So for our guys, do not be surprised when your partner fusses over your health, eating habits, hygiene and even your sleep. She has been programmed to be that.
6. Honesty
Your partner deserves that much. The truth. The truth about your feelings, your thoughts and opinions on different things. The both of you are supposed to be ‘partners in crime’ working together, not against each other. Therefore, another very important thing a woman can offer a man in a relationship is honesty.
Honesty is never fun but it builds character and integrity. It also gives your partner the ability to trust you completely and rely on you even when it feels like the whole world is against him.
7. Intuition
Women are generally gifted with this sixth sense. It directs them and keeps them from making several mistakes. Sometimes, this intuition about a particular person or move comes with laser-sharp precision. Men are mostly practical beings. Taking everything for what it is, straight to the point but women naturally take time to think more and ponder on things. It’s hard to explain why women have these gut feelings about situations and certain decisions, but it is of no doubt that these ‘gut feelings’ are legitimate and super helpful.
8. Financial Support
Hold on. We are being open here. Apart from bringing your beautiful bubbly self to the relationship, what else do you think you can offer? That’s the question we are trying to answer here and one of such answers is money! Yes, money. Your man is not always going to be buoyant. There would come times when he would need some kind of support from other people and who’s the best person for him to turn to except you? This is why it is so important to have your own thing going as a lady. Have a job, learn a trade, start a business but do something, so at least you’ll be able to provide for yourself and others around you.

9. Support
The male gender is not as all-powerful as tradition and cultural norms have made us believe. They also have blood flowing through their veins. They have feelings too and they struggle with so many issues on a daily basis just like everybody else. Therefore, your partner would always need somebody to have his back. someone on whom he knows he can lean on for support during the stormy days and someone he can share his happy days with.
A woman falls steadily into this role. Chief supporter and cheer giver. As a woman, you have the ability to either build your man up or break him down, either by your words or your actions. So, to have a good and beneficial relationship at the end of the day, you must learn to be supportive of your partner’s struggles, dreams, aspirations, career decisions and basically, everything about your partner.
What Are The Things a Woman Can Truly Offer in a Relationship?
This question itself is as old as time, yet it remains ever brilliant. It’s important to note that every person is unique and offers different things in a relationship. However, in general, a woman can offer emotional support, companionship, communication, loyalty, respect, trust, love, partnership, shared experiences, and potentially children or a family.
What Can I Offer In a Relationship?
This particular question is usually asked by ladies who feel like their role in a relationship has to constantly be pointed out as blurred lines existing between what they should do and what they should not do.
We all know how far the agitation for the equality of the sexes has been progressing but how redundant would it be if everyone performed the same functions in an organization? Every partner brings his or her own uniqueness to the table, being two parts of a whole as they are. This is why we have gender roles for both the man and the woman in the relationship. With proper division of labor, the task is achieved with more precision and efficiency.
In conclusion, all this and yet so much more, are the things a woman can offer in a relationship apart from sex.
Do your part and watch your relationship blossom. Have fun, girl!
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She's an African, Afro-American breed. She's way too radical in her writing style. She adds in a little childish nature to the mix, representing all you want to be but can't.