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7 Foods You Can Always Eat Without Ever Worrying About Gaining Weight

7 Foods You Can Always Eat Without Ever Worrying About Gaining Weight

7 Foods You Can Always Eat Without Ever Worrying About Gaining Weight

7 Foods That You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight

  1. Peanut Butter
  2. Popcorn
  3. Vegetable
  4. Eggs
  5. Greek Yoghurt
  6. Oats
  7. Fruits

We all agree that it is every woman’s dream to be able to eat as much as she wants without ever worrying about gaining weight.

Especially the foodies.

Sadly, there’s no genie to grant us such a blessed wish. What we can do is find out various foods we can eat as much as we want to without worrying about weight gain.

Seven scrumptious, yet healthy, foods have been compiled in this article for your viewing. You want to stay tuned for this one!

1. Peanut Butter

7 Foods You Can Always Eat Without Ever Worrying About Gaining Weight

Now you might be wondering how peanut butter made it to this list, but I’ll tell you. Peanut butter is a very wholesome and filling food to consume without worrying about gaining weight.

Peanut butter is low in carbohydrates and high in protein and low in carbs. If you’re looking for a “sweet” choice to add to your weight loss diet, peanut butter is the perfect food to pick.

And the best part? You don’t have to compromise on taste!

It’s sweet, filling, and healthy. The perfect three-in-one package, don’t you think?

Generally, adding nuts butter like hazelnut butter or peanut butter to your weight loss diet is a smart idea because peanut butter also helps to suppress blood sugar.

Cambridge University’s The Journal of Nutrition published a study that showed that eating peanuts or peanut products before a meal will have you feeling fuller more quickly, thereby causing you to eat less. This reduction in your food consumption will ultimately result in weight loss.

In fact, the research volunteers that ate around three to four tablespoons of peanut butter had less craving to eat and felt very full for a longer period.

2. Popcorn

7 Foods You Can Always Eat Without Ever Worrying About Gaining Weight

I’m sure you’re thinking, “I doubt what this lady is telling me”, but I’m going to ask you to stay with me on this one.

Popcorn is a healthy snack in your weight loss journey anytime any day! Here’s why.

This might come to you as a surprise because many people generally believe eating popcorn results in weight gain. However, popcorn can help to reduce appetite and increase feelings of fullness more than most popular snack foods.

Thanks to its high fiber content and low calories, popcorn can be your favorite weight loss diet as long as you make it without butter. Popcorns are prepared with corn kernels and they usually have a low energy density.

So, with 31 calories per cup serving, air-popped popcorn ends up providing you with fewer calories than most of the popular snack foods you know!

Therefore, as long as your popcorn is air-popped or prepared on a stove with oils that are rich in monounsaturated fats (which are healthy for your heart by the way), like avocado oil, virgin olive oil, canola or even walnut oil, it is healthy and okay to consume popcorns without worrying about gaining weight.

3. Vegetables

7 Foods You Can Always Eat Without Ever Worrying About Gaining Weight

Yeah, I’m sure you saw this one coming. Vegetables are best for weight loss. Especially when you consume them as a salad.

You can never go wrong or eat too many vegetables.

As salads, they contain enough fiber to keep you feeling fuller for longer. This way you get to eat less and not add weight.

Vegetables are also great for keeping your bowel movement and blood sugar in check thanks to their high fiber content.

Vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, spinach, and cauliflower make a great salad bowl that you can always eat as much as you want without worrying about weight gain. It might not be as sweet as peanut butter, but it’s definitely a must to add to your diet.

4. Eggs

7 Foods You Can Always Eat Without Ever Worrying About Gaining Weight

Eggs are packed with enough protein to keep you feeling full for hours.

Boiled (not fried now) eggs are best eaten whole. You might be tempted to leave out the yolk but you shouldn’t because studies show that it is more beneficial to eat whole eggs since it has a better protein distribution in the body, compared to eating only the egg white.

A research was conducted on 156 adolescents struggling with obesity and it was discovered that those who ate eggs for breakfast ate less during lunchtime, which ultimately led to weight loss.

Eggs have low calories and are highly nutritious. One large egg contains only 64 calories. Eggs also increase your body metabolism and the best part? It’s extremely easy to prepare.

Note: In your weight loss journey, you want to learn one very valuable tip.

Don’t eat too fast.

When you do, you will always end up eating more than your body actually requires. This is because the brain takes approximately 20 minutes to decide whether you’re full or not.

5. Greek Yogurt

7 Foods You Can Always Eat Without Ever Worrying About Gaining Weight

Easily a crowd favorite, greek yogurt is well known in the weight loss community for helping many individuals in their weight loss diet.

If you have a sweet tooth, yogurt is the best replacement for cookies and chocolates. It isn’t as sweet as ice cream, chocolates, or cookies, but it’s the perfect, healthy choice for those that still want to enjoy the sweet things in life.

The National Library of Medicine conducted a study and it was discovered that eating high-protein, less energy-dense snacks like yogurt helps to improve satiety, and appetite control, and reduces the amount of food consumed later on in healthy women.

Greek yogurt has also been recorded to assist with bone formation. A twelve-week study on a group of young men consuming greek yogurt every day proved this to be true.

Greek yogurt is also reputed to be great for your mental health as another study showed that people who consumed it often experienced less anxiety and stress in comparison with people that didn’t.

Greek yogurt comes in various packages. There are plain yogurts and flavored yogurts that also come with added sugar. Those are called sweetened yogurt. However, for the sake of your weight loss diet, you should go for unsweetened Greek yogurt and then add fruit toppings to make it a yummy dish.

You can also decide to get creative with your meals and use the greek yogurt to make your homemade parfaits and have fun eating while losing weight!

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Greek Yogurt is one of the foods you can always eat without worrying about gaining weight because of its high protein content. Every 100g of serving produces 5 grams of protein. So, what are you waiting for?

6. Oats

7 Foods That You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight

Oats are another excellent choice to add to your daily diet. Not only is it low in calories, but it is also high in fiber and protein, which of course helps you feel full for longer.

A 40-gram ( ½ cup) serving of dry oats consists of only 154 calories but has 4 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein. Both fiber and protein are very important because they can significantly affect your hunger and appetite.

A research was conducted with 48 adults and the results showed that eating oatmeal reduced feelings of hunger and calorie intake in the subsequent meal while increasing feelings of fullness.

The beautiful part about oats is that you can enjoy them in various forms. They can be steel-cut, rolled, or quick oats, depending on the amount of processing the oat groats undergo.

7 Foods That You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight

Meanwhile, oat groats are oat kernels without their hulls. The seeds of oat plants are protected by these tough outer shells called hulls.

Now you might be thinking, what form is best for me to eat oats?

Steel-cut oats.

Steel-cut oats, also known as Irish oatmeal, are whole oat kernels that have been cut into two or three pieces with steel disks. Steel-cut oats contain the largest amount of fiber content because it’s the least processed. They take a bit longer to cook, but the result is always a creamy and chewy porridge that you’ll absolutely enjoy.

So, next time you’re wondering what to have for dinner? Try the fiber and protein-rich oatmeal that helps control appetite, reduce hunger, and increase feelings of fullness. You can always eat as much as you want!

7. Fruits

7 Foods That You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight

Finally, fruits! Another one you saw coming, didn’t you?

We can’t talk about weight loss or going on a diet without mentioning fruits.

You should consume a pretty bowl of fruits daily because it makes a wholesome diet. Ensure you add all kinds of citrus fruits, berries, and watermelon because they are packed with lots of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that not only help with losing weight but also improve your skin and health.

Meanwhile, it’s important to note that your fruits should be consumed whole, not just as fruit juices. You lose the fiber content of the fruits when you only extract their juices. Besides the juices are much higher in sugar content, so try to eat your fruits more than you drink them.


The weight loss journey is a lifelong journey and though it seems like a dark and lonely road, you can have fun preparing healthy meals, and eating as much as you want. Don’t be rigid about it, be creative and have lots of fun along the way.

Good luck!

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