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5 Reasons Why I Hate Valentine’s Day

5 Reasons Why I Hate Valentine’s Day

5 Reasons Why I Hate Valentine’s Day

Every year, as the first month rolls by and we step into the second month of the year, the fuss begins in preparation for where a questionable number of clichè Hallmark movie plots happen in real life. 

As a young woman who is currently single, I have no business with a day set aside for couples which is why it would never stop baffling me why the day of the pink— February 14th, as widely recognized as it is, has not declared a public holiday for the general populace. At least, a work-free day would have been one thing I stood to gain from the much reverenced, squeals-provoking, pink-filled day.  

You might call me a hater, as the Gen-Z’s would, but at least let me explain to you in great detail the numerous reasons why I abhor Valentine’s Day. 

5 Reasons Why I Hate Valentine’s Day 

5 Reasons Why I Hate Valentine’s Day February 14 and what are singles doing for valentine's day
Image Source: Pixabay
1. Over-Commercialization of the “Holiday”

If your birthday falls on any day between the 10th to 16th of February, I solemnly advise that you reschedule the celebration as you would find not even a single comfortably affordable space for a dinner party, picnic or get-together.

Within this period, you would face either of two problems, one of which is that all restaurants would be fully booked out by the holiday participants or you would find a space that would be love-themed and filled with lovey-dovey couples. (But, there is also the option to change the date on your birth certificate, you know?)

This is because V-day has been highly commercialized. Companies use various strategies to market and overcharge for services and goods that we all know aren’t that pricey in a bid to acquire profit. We go along with it because of the expectations that have been somewhat set by the general public on the need for these items to demonstrate the intensity of one’s love for their spouse.   

Side note: Although commercialization and spending are reasons why I hate the day, it is also one with an advantage for me.  Now that everyone has emptied their accounts to get the most expensive gifts and celebrate their love in grand style, I automatically become the richest in the room. Unlike Cupid’s victims, I won’t starve for the rest of February. (Haha! Take that suckers!)

2. Materialistic or Emotional? 

These days, Valentine’s Day is not even about showing love to spouses but it has slowly transformed through the years to a contest on who can give the best and costliest gifts to their partner. There is a subtle gloat on whose relationship is the best, who has the most loving and thoughtful gift or who has the best partner. 

And this is not what Valentine’s is about. The day is meant to be one in which we celebrate the romantic love between partners and not about the freshest, most beautiful, and most expensive bouquet.

Society has subconsciously, through the years, placed so much emphasis on only one love language during Valentine’s Day— gifts. As lovely as gifts are, sometimes the best Valentine’s gift to a person whose spouse works 12 hours daily would be some quality time together at home. For some, it would be words of affirmation. 

The day isn’t even cutting it because the main purpose of its existence is being overlooked. 

5 Reasons Why I Hate Valentine’s Day February 14 and what are singles doing for valentine's day
Image Source: Pixabay

3. Silent Cries From The Unhitched

Valentine’s Day can be quite depressing for the singles and unhitched. It is an entire period dedicated to inflating and highlighting the one thing that you lack — romantic love. It gets quite annoying to constantly see your friends and family flaunting their spouses, gifts. 

Certain people might ask “Why don’t you singles just celebrate it with your family and friends?” 

Hard pass, thank you. Why? 

Well, because it almost seems pathetic. I mean, we all love our mothers but it wouldn’t be a lie to say that there isn’t a day set aside to celebrate her and the love we have for her, because there literally is! 

The intentions and motives of the inquiries are genuine but it doesn’t ease up the plight, especially in these times with the use of social media. 

As much as one would love to feign ignorance of other people’s Valentine’s business, it is constantly shoved in our faces. Every image of perfect couples on Instagram, X or Snapchat only increases the thought that everyone is in a relationship and is ten times happier than you are.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t only hold true for the singles but couples are also affected. The comparison of their spouse’s gift with others on the internet may even begin to cause resentment and sadness as they ruminate on the flaws of their partners and their inability to reach their romantic standards.

4. Cliche Store Items

Try walking into a random store in February to buy an item in the colour black, most assuredly, you would come out empty-handed. You can’t find items that aren’t pink or heart-shaped in stores —especially in the first 2 weeks of February. It is like a direct transition from the red-green-white-frenzy during Christmas to a hot-pink pestilence. 

It is infuriating, to say the least. 

are there people that hate valentine's day
Image Source: Pixabay

And, ironically, the items don’t change! Every year we recycle the same teddy bears, plushies, chocolates and flowers combo. Boy, am I tired!

See Also

(Another teddy bear to add to the collection. Is there a ring in it, Sophie? No? Okay, forget I said anything.)

Oh, but this one isn’t all bad. The silver lining for us singles is the after-valentine-day sales galore. If you don’t mind a little pink with heart shapes, you can get items at low prices as February slowly draws to a close. In a bid to clear out their inventories, store owners tend to organize sales for their items at giveaway prices. (Y’all sad that you bought it at full price? Hehehe, what can I say? Happy holiday, couples!)

5. The Lack of A Public Holiday!

Is it possible to get over this? No!

If one is expected to expend this much energy into planning, preparation and execution of a romantic getaway, dinner or picnic for a widely accepted and recognized day all over the world, why isn’t a day given off for this?

How does it make sense that one would go through a long day at a 9 to 5 while simultaneously planning a surprise romantic gift for a spouse and on getting home still have to participate in the surprise?

It sounds tiring and sad. It is such a tiring and tedious period for individuals in relationships. 

Let’s either call it a public holiday or call it quits!


Although I have listed all these reasons why I hate Valentine’s Day and its frivolities, I am hoping that I will be a participant in this tedious process next year. However, I would add some twists to my celebration and demonstration of love to my future significant other. 

Although the season comes with so much stress and disadvantages, it also has a certain charm — a certain je ne sais quoi that draws us in. As humans, we are social beings, we love to love and be loved — it’s just how we were made. 

But for now, let’s enjoy and revel in the fact that I hate the modern-day Valentine’s celebration and I can say this boldly with no thoughts on the consequences because I’m single

Well… for now. 

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