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15 Key Attitudes of a Brave Woman

15 Key Attitudes of a Brave Woman

a brave woman

What does it mean to be brave? Who is a brave woman? Our answers to the above questions will vary as much as our personalities do, as our personalities are molded by our accumulated experiences. It is, therefore, no surprise that the word “brave” means different things to different people.

To some, to be brave means to exude one’s willpower. To some others, it could mean to stand one’s ground on a particular matter in the face of societal and other numerous hindrances. All these definitions may be true but the problem lies in streamlining bravery to a few possible actions, in not recognizing the simple acts of bravery that we see exhibited around us each passing day by people we know and strangers alike.

Almost anyone at all can be brave, almost everyone can act in a brave manner but our focus in this article is on women and what it means to be a brave woman. What do we mean when we say a woman is brave? This question might be a bit problematic, especially owing to the fact that the word “brave” has been associated with masculinity since time immemorial. In fact, some people might actually define a brave woman as a woman who possesses some “male” characteristics or behaves in a manly way. This is rather preposterous, to say the least.

Bravery has nothing to do with being male or female. Just as there are a number of brave men out there, so are there a myriad of men who are weaklings, in every sense of the word. The same applies to the female gender. So, permit me to state at this juncture that all that shall be discussed in this article are not limited to women alone. However, the examples and analogies are given concern to the female folks. If you’re a male folk, however, feel free to keep reading and probably recommend to your loved ones.

Attitude Of A Brave Woman

As stated earlier, defining who a brave woman might prove problematic to a number of people due to some prejudicial speck preventing the clarity of their point of view. Whatever be the case, it doesn’t change the essence of a brave woman. However it is exhibited, an act of bravery cannot be missed and should be acknowledged when seen.

In lieu of the above, there are a number of characteristics associated with a brave woman and we shall be looking at a handful of them.

1. A Brave Woman Always Stays Positive
a brave woman

This is one prominent feature of a brave woman and indeed, a brave person. Brave women stay positive, no matter what difficulty they might be faced with. They are never weighed down by the negativity that surrounds them. Instead, they strive to discover and focus on the positive in every unfavorable situation.

Brave women are not bothered about negative comments that fly around when bad things happen. Rather, all they care about is finding the best approach to solving or dealing with the problem. This is typically portrayed in a lady who gets “dumped” but refuses to let the unfortunate occurrence weigh her down. Rather, she sees the experience as a lesson to learn from in her emotional life.

Another instance is seen in a lady who, rather than break down in tears after seeing her poor semester results, sees it as a challenge to work harder and smarter in the next semester.

2. Brave Women are Go-Getters

One typical feature of a brave woman is that she is a ball of fire. She is self-motivated, quite ambitious and doesn’t give in to procrastination. A brave woman doesn’t need to be told when something needs to be done. Once there’s a necessity that needs to be attended to urgently, she goes for it, without hesitating.

A lady who resolves to strike a balance in her career life and motherly roles and does this well is a perfect embodiment of a go-getter. Whatever has to be done to maintain this balance is not overlooked or left for later. It is done right there and then in order to avoid the feeling of regret in the future.

3. Brave Women Offer Their Very Best

Brave women put in their best in whatever they have committed themselves to. It is either all or nothing. This is because they do not settle for less and whatever they have decided to do, they try to do perfectly, or at least something close. Brave women detest mediocrity; they instead aim for excellence in all that they do. A brave woman does not wait for her boss at work to start giving her queries before she does what is expected of her. She does the right thing in whatever capacity she finds herself as, and when due.

4. They Acknowledge the Presence of Other Emotions

Even though they are “brave”, a brave woman does not deny the fact that feelings of weakness and cowardice might rear their heads once in a while. However, they do not allow these other negative feelings to swallow them whole. Instead, they stand up to the occasion whenever they creep in and ensure that bravery naturally conquers them all and takes its rightful place.

For instance, it is bravery that would make a young lady who has been faced with a serious case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder having been raped at a tender age brace up eventually and go see a therapist after a long period of harboring the feelings of shame, regret, and self-pity.

5. A Brave Woman is Not Jealous of the Success of Others
features of a brave woman

To them, being jealous is a mere waste of time and meant only for losers who have little or no interesting stuff going on in their lives. Instead of feeling jealous about another’s achievement, brave women see such as a challenge to work better and achieve as much success at whatever they are involved in. There’s no point in being jealous when there is a whole lot of work to deal with.

6. They Do Not Compare Themselves To Others

Brave women are masters of their life. To them, life is a personal project and thus, they are fully aware of their good sides as well as their shortcomings. They do not focus solely on the latter, neither do they pay attention only to their limitations. Rather, since they know that they are fully human as a result of these disputing qualities, more time is spent improving on their good qualities and at the same time, weeding off those characters and attitudes that are detrimental to their general well-being and growth in life.

Therefore, comparing themselves to others is simply uncalled for and might even be inimical to one’s psyche. Also, the fact that some other person is richer or generally more successful than them is none of their business. What concerns them is that they need to become the better version of themselves every day and strive harder to achieve success in all they do. So you wanna be a brave woman? Learn not to mindlessly compare yourself to others.

7. They Accept Responsibility For Their Actions and Inactions

Another interesting attitude of brave women worth taking note of is the fact that they readily accept responsibility for anything wrought by them. They do not go about pointing accusing fingers at or blaming others for their misfortune. Brave women put in their best in all that they do but if things, unfortunately, go haywire, they totally accept the consequences of their actions and ensure that they learn from mistakes made in order to prevent the occurrence of such in the future.

Take for example a young lady who gets pregnant out of wedlock. She does not go about blaming the one who had gotten her pregnant. She instead owns up to the fact that the act of intercourse which led to her pregnancy was a consensual one and not one done by coercion. So, rather than cry over spilled milk, she deals with the situation, in a way that is in tandem with her beliefs and ideologies.

8. They Do Not Shy Away From Challenges

This is another attribute of brave women which is indeed worthy of note. They accept challenges readily whenever they come. It doesn’t matter the source of the difficulty or its nature. So long as their strength can withstand such a challenge, they go headlong and face it till they surmount it.

9. They Know Their Limits

Even though they are fighters and will not, in normal circumstances, run away from a fight, they know what fights are meant for them and those for which they are not well equipped to fight. This is what differentiates a truly brave woman from a mere “street fighter”. A brave woman is wise enough to know her limitations and know when her capability can’t withstand a particular fight. Rather than foolishly stay and fight, she retraces her steps and makes a U-turn, giving no heed to jobless jesters who are only there as detractors.

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She knows what she wants and won’t act based on people’s misconceived advice or guide. This attitude is perfectly portrayed in a pregnant single mother who quits college temporarily, not because she’s incapable of excelling there, but because she can’t cope anymore combining college with raising her kids, she then resolves to continue later, when her kids become a little independent.

10. Brave Women See Failure as a Stepping Stone

For brave women, failure is not the end of the road. This is how cowardly women think. Brave women, on the other hand, see failure as part of the journey to success. When they fail at something, rather than sulk and cry nonstop over spilled milk, they console themselves, rise up and keep going, assured of success at the end of the day. When one door closes, another opens, somehow.

11. Brave Women Have Role Models

Another peculiar thing about brave women is that they always have people who they look up to in different fields of life. These role models are people who have made names for themselves in their individual areas of expertise. These persons serve as inspirations to them whenever they feel unsure about their chosen path in life or simply to boost their morale to keep pushing despite the numerous challenges they might face along the way.

Women such as Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, Angelina Jolie, Harriet Tubman etc. readily come to mind. These women have made it big in spheres such as Politics, Media, Music, and Acting, and it is only natural that people, especially women, who wish to tread the path that these women have already excelled in, choose them as their role models. Books written by these persons, videos of interviews they have been involved in, and probably public speeches which they have given are readily sourced for by women who I consider BRAVE.

12. They Celebrate Small Victories
characteristics of a brave woman

A brave woman is one who believes that every feat accomplished, no matter how small, is worth celebrating. Since she has a target which she is quite focused on, achieving little successes on the way to hitting it big becomes a thing to really celebrate. They pat themselves on their back and ensure that they do better as they keep climbing the ladder of success.

13. Brave Women are Not Afraid to Do Things Unconventionally

Brave women are daredevils. Instead of blindly following some established “conventional” rules or guidelines as they journey through life, brave women sometimes like to deviate from these generally accepted codes of conduct and live based on what they consider to be the truth. They are not apologetic about this and do not care whose ox is gored in the process. They live their lives based on terms that are in perfect alignment with all they hold as truth.

14. They Seek Help When Necessary

This is another interesting fact about brave women. Their bravery does not take with it their sense of reasoning. Whenever they realize that the workload is unbearable for them, they call for help from reliable quarters such as family, friends, and acquaintances. This doesn’t portray them as weak, rather it shows that they understand the importance of joint efforts.

15. A Brave Woman is Not Driven By Fear

It has been established previously that brave women feel a host of emotions (both positive and negative) like every other person. What differentiates them, however, from others is that they do not allow themselves to get choked up by emotions that are inimical to their growth in life. One of such emotions as fear, that deadly feeling that wreaks monumental havoc to our dreams.

We all feel fear at one point in our lives, even brave people are not left out of this. However, brave women do not allow this dangerous feeling to take control of their lives. They instead try to suppress it with all the positive energy they have in them because that’s how stars do.

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