15 Annoying Things Every Woman Hates About Men

Women have had to face a lot of shenanigans from the opposite sex dating far back time immemorial. From obsolete and totally irrelevant gender notions to stupid pickup lines, there’s a long list of things that can fill a scroll. Anyway, In this article, I’ve managed to compile some of the things we think most guys are guilty of and need to fix as soon as possible.
If you find that you’re left wondering why that lady is really not into you or is probably not showing signs to date you, then this article is just for you. You’ve got a lot to fix.

You can consider this an open letter to all the male folks out there. If you’re a guy reading this, you’re probably gonna catch your sub on this one. If you’re a lady, you’d most definitely want to add more to the list as it’s inexhaustible.
I’m taking out time to break every table breakable. So, if you happen to catch your sub here, you need to realize that I love you (I truly do) but it’s high time you learned to fix your shenanigans. Here are the 15 most annoying things every woman hates about men.
15 Annoying Things Women Hates That Men Do
1. Guys With Poor Attention Span

These ones never listen when you need them to. Their eyes are never in the right place at the right time, neither do their ears pay any solid attention.
I’m sure you’d agree with me that nothing can be even more annoying than a guy that is not sensitively attentive to anything. Could be short span attention to new clothes, a new hairdo, or even a simple unheard statement of want. Dear guys, The key to winning a lady’s heart is learning to lend an ear to her rants, terrible jokes, and even boring stories. Come on, every girl likes to feel like you’re listening even if she’s suddenly talking about her late grandma-uncle-sister from her paternal-maternal side thrown two generations away.
You should feel exhilarated even if she’s talking about her all-time favorite hairstyle in the middle of the night. Whether relationship or platonic, everybody loves a good listener and more than this a responsive one too. Please have eyes for little details. Like the new hairstyle she has on, or her new pair of shoes. Please pay more attention, it won’t kill you. Sometimes we want to yell “stop pressing your phone and listen to me!” Nothing is more insipidly annoying than guys who don’t notice something new. “I got this new dress to impress you, and you don’t even notice it. Why? please notice it.”
2. Guys That Use Stupid Pickup Lines

This is probably self-explanatory, do I still need to go further? Most Nigerian guys are sitting firmly on this table. From a clumsy “Hello babe” to “sister you look familiar” the number of blunderous statements can make you gag with laughter.
3. Guys Who Are Obsessed With Themselves

Well, here’s what you should know. These ones are usually too full of themselves and will spend the entire day talking about lame things and their inconsequential achievements that no one is really interested in. When it’s time for you to return the favor, they’re suddenly interested in their phones or suddenly looking anywhere except your face.
4. Guys Who Think Catcalls Are Supposedly Synonymous With ‘Sexy’

Catcalls can be insipidly annoying anywhere, but those done on the streets are particularly intolerable. Some of these Guys will sexually harass women especially in the name of ‘toasting’. Sometimes, by physically touching your evident body parts, they’d invade your personal space, and still hold a smug sense of entitlement in the process. Some of these guys are everywhere in the marketplace. Trying to sell their cheap products and essentially ‘taping cheap current’. If you latch out at them, they’d immediately revert from calling you ‘beautiful angel’ to ‘you no even fine self’.
Trying to justify why you should be particularly overwhelmed to be enjoying their curt remarks. Truth is, what most guys don’t seem to understand is that these things would only get a lady further infuriated and farther from you than bring you closer. Please respect yourselves and stop touching under the flimsy excuse to ‘tap current’. It’s barbaric and does not give the best impression.
5. Guys Who Are Afraid Of Making Eye Contact

These guys will look everywhere else when you’re talking to them, but never at you. They’re probably shy, or totally disinterested in your speech. I’d never know. Which do you think is their problem?
6. Guys Who Never Laugh At Anything

Image Source: giphy.com
This is definitely one of the 15 things every woman hates about men. Not even a joke, or something funny on TV. It’s almost like they’re in a frown competition with the grim reaper 24 hours a day, 7 times a week, and they’ve signed a grim ambassadorial contract with a frown brand from hell. Life is not too hard, please learn to smile a little.
7. Guys That Never Let Your Phone Line Rest

Image Source: giphy.com
Immediately after they get your number, these guys will keep badgering you with unnecessary calls and messages 24/7. Some will even go on to unequivocally proclaim you the love of their life and their newly found missing rib some hours after they get hold of your number. If you block these guys, they’d get another number and continue from where they supposedly left off. No payment, no incentive yet so much sacrifice for something that just pisses the lady further.
8. Guys Who Want To Be Respected Because They’re Men

Image Source: giphy.com
Talk about archaic patriarchal privileges! In fact, here’s another slap!

Image Source: giphy.com
They want you to worship their feet and kowtow to their every command every single time. Every one of their statements begins with “I’m a man…” and ends in “You know how men must be…” They are blindly obsessed with their gender privileges that they don’t see beyond it. These ones don’t ask questions about you because they already have a notion of what you should be. They’d even tell you to come to their houses to cook for them because it’s your inherent duty as a woman. What absurdity!
9. Guys That Cheat Both Virtually, Physically, and Emotionally

Image Source: giphy.com
Talk about people that cannot be loyal, committed, and focused on a lady at one time. When they get caught In the act, they’d even go on to make up stupid excuses. We see you. We know you, and we’re sending you a message “you better be careful!”.
10. Guys With A Stupefied Sense of Style

Image Source: giphy.com
Girls have a general aversion for guys who are supposedly unconcerned about their physical appearance and dress sense. Please be friends with a friendly wardrobe. Is it too much to ask?
11. Guys Who Treat Women Unpleasantly

Image Source: giphy.com
These come in different forms, from the guy who thinks women should be less opinionated to the one that’s generally less cautious to every lady he meets anywhere. Did you just time travel from the 16th century?
Guys who use both gender inappropriate terms, and the one who thinks all women are crazy, to those guys who are never courteous enough to treat ladies appropriately. Talk about body shamers and male privileges. I have one word for you if you’re generally disrespectful to ladies. “You’re a brutish disgrace to your species!”
12. Guys That Slide into DMs with Provocative Messages
“Aw are u” “Hello babe” “Hi my luv” “Hi dear”.
Please do I know you? Why are you calling me dear?? Who is your dear???
Well, I have a few words for you.

Image Source: giphy.com
13. Guys Who are Addicted to Football Games, Video Games, etc.

Image Source: giphy.com
14. Guys With No Future Ambition, Vision, Purpose, or General Motivation
Seriously, are you a joke?

Image Source: giphy.com
These ones are often full of themselves and always all about in your business, and don’t see the need to get busy with themselves and get a life. Well, I have no words for you except “stop being a bodied joke and go get a life”
15. Guys That Lie

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I know you’d say ladies do this too, but if you’re guilty of this crime as a guy, you’re likely to repel both the ones that lie and those that do not.
Some More Top 15 Irritating Habits of Men that Annoy Women
As much as women love men, there are certain things that drive them up the wall. From not putting the toilet seat down to not listening, here are some more 15 irritating habits of men that annoy 1omen
- Leaving the toilet seat up: Men, it’s time to learn to put the toilet seat down. It’s a simple act of courtesy that will save women the frustration of falling in.
- Not listening: Women want to be heard, understood, and valued. If you’re not actively listening to your partner, she’ll feel neglected and frustrated.
- Leaving a mess: From leaving clothes on the floor to leaving dishes in the sink, women hate it when men leave a mess. It’s important to clean up after yourself and show your partner that you respect their living space.
- Being forgetful: Forgetting important dates or events can make women feel unimportant and undervalued. Make sure to set reminders and follow through on commitments.
- Being overly competitive: It’s great to have a competitive spirit, but it’s important to remember that relationships are not a competition. Women want to feel supported and loved, not like they’re constantly competing with their partner.
- Interrupting: Interrupting your partner while they’re speaking is not only rude, but it also shows a lack of respect for their thoughts and feelings. Make sure to give them the space to express themselves fully.
- Not showing emotion: Emotional intimacy is important in any relationship. Women want to feel like they can be open and vulnerable with their partner without being judged or dismissed.
- Not taking responsibility: It’s important to take responsibility for your actions and apologize when you’re wrong. Blaming others or making excuses is not a sign of maturity or strength.
- Being too controlling: Women want to feel like they have agency and autonomy in their lives. Being too controlling can make them feel suffocated and trapped.
- Being too passive: On the other hand, being too passive can make women feel like they have to carry the weight of the relationship on their own. It’s important to take initiative and be an active participant in your partnership.
- Making assumptions: Assuming your partner’s thoughts or feelings without actually asking them is a surefire way to create misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Always communicate openly and honestly.
- Ignoring boundaries: Respecting boundaries is crucial in any relationship. Ignoring them can make women feel like their needs and wants are being dismissed.
- Making insensitive jokes: Jokes at the expense of others can be hurtful and offensive. It’s important to be mindful of your humor and avoid making insensitive jokes that could upset your partner.
- Not making an effort: Making an effort to spend quality time, show affection, and prioritize your partner’s needs is crucial in any relationship. Neglecting these things can make women feel unimportant and undervalued.
- Not taking care of yourself: Women want to be with partners who take care of themselves, both physically and mentally. Neglecting your health or well-being can make them feel like you don’t value yourself or your relationship.
Alright, GUYS!
In case you’re not knowledgeable about the things that repel girls from you, here are a few. If I hit your sub, maybe this is the time to make necessary corrections. Being aware of these 15 annoying things can go a long way in improving your relationship with the women in your life. Remember to communicate openly, respect boundaries, and prioritize your partner’s needs. By doing so, you’ll build a stronger, more loving partnership.
If there’s anything you feel I’m forgetting to include please leave a comment in the section. If you happen to be free of all charges and do not actively fall under any of these categories listed above, then, identify in the comments section (we might just have a gift for you😂😍)
You definitely are the right husband material most ladies have been searching for!!💃.

All gifs/images are sourced from :pexels & giphy.com
Do not forget to share. Chances are you’ve got a friend who needs to read this too.
Disclaimer: This article is compiled, signed, and endorsed by the confederation of tired females in Africa. We’re generally tired of witnessing these things, so go fix yourselves!
The one who spells Afrolady from the larynx of her pen. She’s a high spirited, cultured and ingenuous African child, whose writing drops an unimaginative creative splash on history and carves the indignation and memories of Black women.