12 Ways To Create A Strong Relationship With Your Partner

Everyone wants to learn ways to build a strong relationship with their partner until they realize that relationships are hard and they take a lot of work, patience, and compromise. There’s no one “right” way to have a relationship, but there are definitely some wrong ways.
If you’re looking for ways to make your relationship stronger, then you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll cover 12 ways to create a strong relationship with your partner.
Some of these tips may seem obvious, but they are often the ones that people forget. So read on, and learn how to make your relationship last!
The Key To A Strong Relationship: 10 Ways to Make Your Relationship Last
1. Define What You Both Want
Before you can make your relationship last, you and your partner need to sit down and define what you both want out of it. This means hashing out hard topics like finances, child-rearing, and sex. It’s not easy, but it’s important.
If you can’t agree on these things, your relationship may become shaky as time progresses. But if you can find common ground, you’re well on your way to a happy and lasting partnership.

2. Communicate Openly and Honestly
This is the most important thing when it comes to making a relationship stronger. The communication between you and your partner should be open, honest, and clear. Truth is, there’s no secret recipe to a successful relationship – it all comes down to communication. And we’re not just talking about talking, we’re talking about communicating openly and honestly. If you can’t be yourself around your partner, then what’s the point?
They should be the one person with whom you feel comfortable opening up to, no matter what. And if they can’t do the same for you, then maybe it’s time to reconsider the relationship. Honesty is key in any relationship – it builds trust and lets your partner know that they can count on you. So start communicating openly and honestly today, and see how much better your relationship will be for it.
3. Be Supportive of One Another
A successful relationship demands hard work, time, and a whole lot of love. But if you want to make your relationship last, there are a few things you can do to help support each other.
For starters, try being supportive of each other. This means being there for each other through thick and thin, and listening (and actually hearing) what the other person has to say. It also means not judging or criticizing each other, but rather accepting each other for who you are. If you can manage these things, your relationship should be just fine.
4. Respect Each Other
Respect is key in any relationship. It is the foundation that holds everything else up. Without it, it is just a house of cards – ready to crumble at any moment. But what does respect look like in practice? Well, it can mean anything from listening to your partner when they talk to not going through their phone when they’re in the bathroom. It can also mean being there for them when they need you, whether that means lending an ear or picking up the slack around the house.
Respect can make your relationship stronger as it is an implication that reflects trust. Respecting your partner isn’t always easy, but it is always worth it. When you put in the effort, both you and your partner will reap the rewards.
5. Be Forgiving
Imagine if you will, a world without forgiveness. It would be a very dark and scary place, filled with grudges and resentment. People would be walking on eggshells all the time, afraid to say the wrong thing for fear of reprisal. Sound like a relationship you’d like to be in? I think not. Forgiving your partner – and yourself – is key to having a healthy, lasting relationship. It is not always easy, but it is worth it.
When you forgive someone, you let go of the anger and pain that’s been eating away at you. You free yourself up to move on and be happy. So next time your partner does something that hurts your feelings, try to forgive them. It may not fix everything overnight, but it is a good start. If you cultivate this habit, you’d be building up a lasting strong relationship that would be good enough to weather the storms.

6. Be Patient
Relationships take time to build – you can’t rush them. If you want to make your relationship last, you need to be patient and put in the hard work. That means spending time together, getting to know each other’s quirks, and being there for each other through thick and thin.
7. Make Time for Each Other
You’ve probably heard this one before: the key to a strong relationship is making time for each other. But what does that mean?
It means carving out chunks of your day for quality time together. It means checking in with each other throughout the day, even if it is just a text message or a quick call. It means being there for each other when one of you is feeling down, and not just when you need something from the other person. In short, it means making your relationship a priority. And that’s easier said than done, especially when you’re juggling work, kids, and all the other things that come with life. But it is worth it – because a strong relationship is one of the most valuable things you can have to make you happy in your relationship.
8. Appreciate Each Other
You know what they say – relationships are all about give and take. And we don’t mean, “give and take” as in, “I’ll give you a back rub if you take the garbage out.” We mean it in the sense that you need to appreciate your partner and all they do for you, and they need to do the same for you. Remind them why you love them, and appreciate them for the little things they do for you.
It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day stresses of life and forget to tell your partner how much you appreciate them. But it’s important to make time for each other, even if it’s just 10 minutes a day to connect.
Listen to your partner and let them know how much they mean to you by showing them through actions instead of words – say thank you for everything they do for you, give them lots of hugs and kisses, cook for them, plan dates with them, etc., these little gestures will show your partner how much they mean to you without saying anything at all!
9. Laugh Together
When it comes to relationships, laughter is the key to keeping things spicy. And we’re not just talking about sitcoms and stand-up comedy – we’re talking about you and your partner.
Think about it: when was the last time you had a good laugh with your partner? If you can’t remember, then it’s time to start making some changes. Laughing together is one of the easiest (and most fun) ways to strengthen your bond and keep things fresh. So how do you laugh together? Here are a few tips: make plans to see a funny movie, go out for drinks with your friends, or tell jokes around the dinner table. No matter what you do, just make sure that laughter is part of your relationship – it will keep both of you happy for years to come.
10. Say “I Love You” Every Day
There is no denying it – the key to a strong relationship is saying “I love you” every day. And we are not just talking about those three little words (although they help). You also need to show your partner that you love them through your actions. Some examples include cooking their favorite meal, taking them for a walk, or simply cuddling on the couch. It may seem like a small gesture, but these little moments add up and let your partner know that they are loved and appreciated. So go ahead and say “I love you” today – and every day!

11. Try to Understand What Your Partner Wants
Understanding what they want – both in and out of the bedroom can help you make your relationship stronger. knowing their likes and dislikes, what makes them happy (or angry), being there for them when they need you, and knowing when to give them some space helps!
Most importantly, you must always try to put yourselves in each other’s shoes. If you can do that, your relationship will be as strong as an ox.
12. Talk About Your Problems
The best way to solve any problem is by talking about it. The more open you are with your partner, the better off you’ll be because they’ll be able to help you out when you’re stuck and know when something isn’t working so well for either of you.
Other Ways To Create a Strong Relationship
- Don’t take each other for granted: Appreciate each other, show your love, and be grateful for what you have.
- Spend quality time together: Find activities you both enjoy, or just take some time to relax and chat.
- Be compromising: Be willing to meet in the middle and find a happy balance.
- Handle disagreements calmly: Try not to let anger get the best of you, and work things out maturely.
- Don’t forget about romance: Keep the flame alive by surprising each other with little gifts, acts of kindness, or intimate moments.
- Stay positive: Don’t bring up negative things from the past, and focus on the good things in your relationship.
- Forgive and forget: Let go of any resentment or grudges, and move on.
- Be committed: Make a commitment to your relationship, and do your best to keep it strong.
- Don’t bottle up your feelings – talk to your partner about them.
- Show interest in what your partner is doing and thinking about.
- Be supportive of your partner’s goals and dreams.
- Don’t compare your relationship to others.
- Don’t rush into things – take your time.
- Be understanding when your partner makes a mistake.

Some More Helpful Tips To Help You Build Up A Strong Romance
- Cook them their favorite meal
- Give them a backrub
- Write them a love note
- Take them on a weekend getaway
- Buy them flowers
- Clean up the house without being asked
- Pay for their dinner at a restaurant
- Appreciate everything they do for you
- Send them a text message just to say “I love you”
- Kiss them goodbye when you leave for work
You and your partner are the keys to a strong relationship. Building a successful relationship may be hard work, but you can make it work well if you put in these sure-fire tips.
All images are sourced from unsplash
The one who spells Afrolady from the larynx of her pen. She’s a high spirited, cultured and ingenuous African child, whose writing drops an unimaginative creative splash on history and carves the indignation and memories of Black women.