12 Hair Struggles Only Girls With Natural Hair Will Understand (And Some Tips to Ease the 4C Distress)

Rocking natural curls while owning the spotlight and slaying as a naturalista (or “naturalist” for you boys out there who may be reading this too, with your girls) is full of perks. Yet, the journey of having and maintaining healthy natural hair can leave you with a bittersweet, mystifying experience. From expensive products to long and time-consuming stylist appointments, natural hair struggles are far from being easy.
This article is about the struggles to which every naturalista can relate, no matter the stage at which you are currently in your natural hair journey. If you plan to go natural, leaving your previously relaxed hair behind, then you need not worry. All your natural hair questions and insecurities will be answered and solved right here in this article. Here, the tips that anyone rarely shares, or the things that no one warns you about; all that past naturalistas have had to go through on their own natural hair journeys shall be stated clearly. Glorifying both the “glo-up” and the “glo-down” is what I’m currently all about, and this is why I’m writing about these struggles and spreading awareness of them — to which almost every naturalista will surely yell “Hell, yes!”
If you adore the radiance of natural hair, well, welcome to not only the good, but also the bad and the ugly. The things that no one warns you about…all in the lines to come.
1. Every Tom, Angela, and Stewart Wants to Touch Your Hair
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“Can I touch your hair?
No, you can’t!!”
Whether they’ve got dirty hands, prickly fingers, or long scratchy nails, seemingly everyone you meet on the street, in the elevator, in school, or at the bus stop feels the need to just touch your hair. (Plain simple.) Well, for some reason, you become an object of fascination: You are clearly rocking your natural hair — as you should! But, you’ve got certain individuals who don’t appear to mind even asking before burying their unwanted fingers into your nicely-crafted ‘fro. Unfortunately, as it seems, you’ll rarely receive a compliment about your natural hair without someone reaching in to touch it as well.
2. You Spend a Ton of Money on Natural Hair Beauty Products
Image Source: Pixabay.com
At some point, you’ll have figured out to devise a monthly budget dedicated to hair food for your darling natural hair. Yet, natural hair products (and don’t even get me started on discussing the natural or organic ones — you may just want to start buying these products for your own kid as well— definitely come with their bleeding-you-out-dry kind of prices. A sound course of action, though, is probably taking screenshots of the natural hair care items you intend to purchase from the store. Still, don’t forget to conduct your own research on the ingredients in the products on your buying list. (If it turns out it ain’t natural or organic after all, whatcha goin’ do now??? 😢) Evidently, finding that product for your natural hair that’s just right for you isn’t so easy.
3. Nothing…Actually Fits
From trying to fit a headset over your natural hair to fitting on a snapback hat or cute fedora, it seems virtually impossible to fit (shove) that much hair into it. Of course, you’d have your voluminous head of natural hair, with all its wonderful kinks, curls, and coils to thank for this.
Image Source: Unsplash.com
4. Everyone Gushes Over Your Hair in All of Its Untamed Glory
When you start hearing screams and sayings of adulation such as, “Your hair’s so thick. . .It’s so bouncy and beautiful…..How did you get it to stand up like this?” you know for sure that this is your “Hey, Momma, look: I made it!” moment. At present, your glo-up is making headlines, following hard times during which you had to contend with stubborn tangles, a dry, brittle texture, excessive shedding, and a quality that your natural hair seemed to exhibit in using up all of your goddamn product. (Well, no more!) Enjoy yourself in all your resplendent glory — and never mind the people who shoot you looks of disapproval in your mighty naturalista power.
Image Source: Unsplash.com
5. You Ought to Comb That ‘Fro…Gently, Yo.
“Did you just mention my armpit buildup? Oh, yeahhh, that — but don’t get me started on that hair buildup as well, girl! I definitely must wash all that away, but you see here: my armpit buildup—That is my blood, sweat, and tears from combing my afro-textured hair with due diligence every week.”
Combing is probably one of the toughest struggles in managing your natural African hair. The effort and time, however, is not without its rewards. And although such consistency is not for the faint of heart, it is your natural hair care journey after all, and it’ll be worth it in the end. (Trust me.)
6. Your Hair Could Not Possibly Break Off More
The way your entire world starts falling apart, you realize that you’ve got severe hair breakage. Natural black hair is more prone to breakage than any of the other hair types. This is a fact. Even though this hair event is completely natural, it is unfortunately a never-ending one at that. It tends to repeatedly rear its ugly head in forms uglier than the previous as split ends and single-strand knots. (No better time like this to cry for help. 🤧)
7. You Spend Almost the Entire Day Doing Your Hair
Running on little to no sleep, and not to mention no breaks in-between, it’s truly a hard- knock life, as our dear ol’ little Annie would naturally put it. From 2-3 hours deep conditioning, lengthy detangling, and tedious hair-styling, ordinary “Wash Day” just became “Wash-All-Day”. Wash Day describes your duty to give your head of natural hair an entire makeover (from bottom-up, honey) on a day of your choosing. Still, this beautification can be both mentally and physically draining — that’s the hefty price, I suppose. So, I would advise you to engage in some time-boxing and keep that schedule of yours close to calm some of those nerves.
Image Source: Unsplash.com
8. You Struggle When It Comes to Expensive Hair Styling
Did we talk about expensive products before? Oh, well, guess what? Expensive products may potentially be the least of your worries now. Finding a decent hairstylist who can decently handle natural hair is always a case of annoyance and inconvenience. If you do happen to find one, though, your catch is probably (as I say) “superbly exorbitant” and will leave your piggy bank aching, retching, and showing all sorts of illnesses. 🤢 (But should you find one who not only manages to keep your wallet happy but also delivers with skill, well then, by golly, go ahead and count your lucky stars then).
Image Source: Nappy.co
9. Your Hair’s Present Length and Time So Far on Your Natural Journey Don’t Match
For 4c to 3c hair—for all black hair types, for that matter—shrinkage is real, and it affects naturalistas too. Chances are your hair is super long, too, but nobody’s gonna believe you, because they can’t see it (the length, I mean 😫). Despite this, YOU will know your hard-won efforts in trying to grow your hair long—which may have included reading hard-fast tips on how to grow it faster, yet learning the hard way that time and patience are key. Those two principles involve creating a natural hair regimen that adds routine to your natural hair care practices. (As many times aforesaid, it all ain’t easy, honey, but I do sincerely hope you have some of your friends’ sympathy)
10. You’re Watching These Natural Hair Gurus on YouTube, but Their Hairstyles Just Aren’t “Translating”
You spend your weekends and lunch hours, and free time even, watching DIY videos on YouTube on how to mix banana and avocado in just the right fashion that delivers supreme moisturization to your kinks, curls, and coils. Of course, it certainly doesn’t help that these YouTubers make hairstyling look so effortless. Truly, what they manage to make look easy in 3 mins turns out to be a shoddy hairdo in 3 long hours—and not to mention, an included migraine that shouldn’t feel this painful. 🤕
11. The Weather Is Forever a Foe of Your Natural Hair Beauty
Have you managed to pull off a spectacular hairstyle, and stepped outside, only to have the wind hit you, turning that once gorgeous hair into an absolutely frizzy and unkempt mess within minutes? Well, natural hair can keep you pulsing with hair-envy for your fellow naturalistas one minute, but making you go bonkers the next. (Watch out!)
12. People Are Relentless With Their Suggestions for You to Either Perm or Straighten Your ‘Fro
Image Source: giphy.com
Let me just proclaim that straight hair is a purported ideal that seems to run deep in the air of perception of hair beauty. Choice and love for your hair should be your priorities; and should the former have you perming or straightening your hair, then at least the knowledge exists that you’re doing it out of self-empowerment. If the latter (love) has you disregarding the projections of ideals onto you by those around you, and thus gladly embracing your God-given hair in all of its wonderful complexity, then that’s even better!
Tips for easing some of that distress (you’ve waited long enough)
- Moisturize. Moisturize. (I would’ve added another “Moisturize,” but, as you know, too much of a good thing is not always good. Moderation is key).
- A hair mask is called a “mask” for a reason, so don’t leave it in your hair for all of eternity, Do make sure to wash it off. You don’t want to be smelling of banana, avocado, and coconut after a deep conditioning DIY/organic sesh, now do you?
- On a bad hair day, or when you’re pressed for time to style your hair as per usual, put on a scarf or bandana. (It’ll do the trick)
- Protective styles, such as braids, twists, and cornrows, are your best friends. (Stick by them, because they help you to retain your hair’s moisture)
Did I list out all the struggles? Which do you find to be the most annoying; or if any, what did I forget to mention? Do leave your thoughts in the comment section below, or “donate” an emoji reaction, if that’s your heart’s desire.
The one who spells Afrolady from the larynx of her pen. She’s a high spirited, cultured and ingenuous African child, whose writing drops an unimaginative creative splash on history and carves the indignation and memories of Black women.
Onyinye is an Afrolady guest writer/editor headquartered in the USA. With Afro-centric writing that arrests bias attitudes, and a natural poise that presents incredible confidence—you simply ought not to underestimate this Afro-American youngster. Her old soul and eloquent voice serve up a delicious plate of exquisite writing—Enjoy.