Tribal Wars (E1 – E2)

1. E1: Tribal Wars
E1 - Tribal Wars
Bola quickly buckled her seatbelt as she watched Ebuka bound angrily towards the car. The day had begun on a bad note, and the glimmer of light that has once sparked between them seemed to have suddenly disappeared.
As he shut the door frantically and started the engine with equal aggravation, Bola could not help but notice that he was clearly upset. He did not kiss her as usual, or throw her the casual yet beautiful smile that he liked to call “God’s extra caramel finishing”.He only had eyes for the road.
Oh God was this the end of it all?? She thought to herself.
“Let’s get out of here” he muttered to himself, even though it seemed like he said those words to her. She knew him better enough to deduce that he’d reached a piqued level of frustration. Bola herself could also not hide her fear and anger as well. They were both deeply troubled.
It was a quiet afternoon like every other. As the car sped into the highway, Bola could not help but notice the way the afternoon air smelt like trouble. Big trouble. She could tell that the day’s event could only testify to the amount of trouble and the unwary storm that lay in store for herself and her relationship with Ebuka; a brewing cauldron of uncertainties.
Ebuka, her beloved, her heartbeat. She looked closely at him and watched his grim face stare hard at the road as he rode the car with false concentration. The preceding events had put him in a terse mood and it was simply impossible to comprehend otherwise. Ebuka never had a frown on his face, unless he had a terrible burden in his heart. Ebuka was always flaunting his white set of perfectly formed dentition. He always had that goofy smile that she loved so much. A smile she was proud to have put on his lips. She, the reason for his smile. And he, the reason for her breathing.
She felt a tear slid down her left eye. Oh God, she loved him so much, she couldn’t see a future that had no ebuka in it. She couldn’t believe that the relationship they had deliberately and intentionally built for over the time span of 2years could come to an abrupt end within minutes. How did a long-term plan go so wrong?
The world was not fair at all. Why did it take years of deliberate effort to build an empire, but a few minuscule words to destroy it, and further kill future prospects of taming a new foundation. Why? Why?
Shouldn’t Love be able to conquer all things?
Those words continued to echo in Bola’s head. These were not her thoughts, but the words of another.
But how did they consciously go from making mental plans for a grand wedding and over the top honeymoon to deliberating if their relationship still had a chance? How did things change so fast?
She felt Ebuka’s hands gently nudge her chin. She quickly looked up at him, praying, and hoping to find that ever-brilliant award-winning smile that always gave her courage and joy. The smile of reassurance. But ebuka was not smiling, he still had that grim look on his face as he quickly forced a grin.
Image Source: Pixabay
“Babe, we’ll be fine. I’d fix this. I promise”. The false grin plastered all over his face only aggravated Bola’s insecurities.
“How? Ebuka, how? You make it seem like you don’t know the gravity of the situation at hand.”
“I do Bola, believe me, even more than you can begin to fathom or understand…I grew up with her you know…”. He replied cautiously. Not wanting to address the matter fully. Better to let sleeping dogs lie.
“E-bu-ka,” Bola stressed his name carefully, the way she always did when the matter called for utmost delicacy.
“You’ve always been my knight in shining armor but you must realize that you’re not superman Ebuka. You and I both know there’s only as much that you can handle at once, and this is not a good omen for our relationship…You know this…” she said as she suddenly burst into uncontrollable sobs.
Image Source: Pixabay
Ebuka immediately parked the car and hugged her against his chest. He hated and could not bear to see her cry. As cliche as it could sound, her tears had the ability to make his chest heavy. He never liked to see her cry. In Fact, he forbade it, he’d promised her dad that he’d never make her cry as long as they were together. Even if she cried, he’d not be the reason behind those tears, but by God, he’d upheld his words until now. There she sat crying, wrenching against his shoulders and there was nothing he could do about it. The matter was beyond him.
“Please stop crying Bola. We’re stuck between a rock and a hard place, but there’s nothing we cannot surpass together. You need to have a little more faith in me…a little more faith in our love.
OK? ” He said as he gently caressed her forehead and placed a kiss there.
“Ok. “Bola replied as she wiped and gently commanded him to resume driving, she had to stop overreacting.
As the car sped on, Bola threw a quick glance at her wristwatch. The one that Ebuka had given her on Valentine’s day that had a large golden heart engraved in it. The heart glowed in the dark and had ‘my eternal’ carved inside of it.
“This will help you remember that my heart is with you even when you can no longer see or hear me In the dark. Never forget Bola, I’m always with you”.
Those were the words he’d romantically said to her as he placed it on her wrist. Ebuka was indeed the ladies man and her knight in shining armor.
But now, that darkness was overwhelmingly blinding her and their relationship even in the broad light of day, and she couldn’t find the faith to hold on anymore.
“Oh God, Ebuka! You need to hurry. We’re super late for the event, we don’t want to disappoint Fola and Tosin again. Bola yelled suddenly as her eyes took notice of the time.”
“Damn! I forgot all about the wedding. How late are we?” Ebuka asked
“We’re 3 hours behind schedule already, we need to hurry”.
As they arrived at the venue of the event, Bola quickly brushed up her makeup. As she reapplied the eyeliner, she silently hoped that the fresh look would hide away the tears that she had shed earlier in the car and In the house.
She quickly closed the mirror as her mind flashed back to What she had overhead from their conversion
Bola sighed and caught Ebuka’s eyes as he quickly brushed his shirt. The front of his shirt had a few tear stains on it. She grinned, her little outburst earlier had left a mark on Ebuka’s chest. metaphorically and literally, She’d left her mark on him.
As they walked into the auditorium, Bola couldn’t help but sigh with admiration as she noticed the exquisite decor that could only be the handwork of BellaNaija weddings. One of the best and aristocratic wedding planners in Nigeria. She wanted something like this for her wedding as well. As she thought of this, she quickly chided herself. She had to stop living in lalaland and stop dreaming of a wedding that may never happen.
The day’s event had indicated it. And even if she was willing to fight for her love and future with Ebuka, how far could she go on a single fight against age-long existing stereotypical cultural beliefs, and beguiling thought patterns. It’s almost like dragging a camel to the stream to drink water. If it refuses to open its mouth at the stream, then the whole point and effort would be regarded as useless and fruitless.
“There they are!” Ada exclaimed as they walked in. “My favorite couple In the building, asides the bride and groom of course!” Ada gushed loudly as she spotted Bola and Ebuka make an entrance into the reception hall.
Ada was one of the Brides of Honor and Bolas’s best friend. She reveled in teasing Bola about Ebuka every time she got the chance. The two of them had been best friends while growing up, and she was the proverbial friend that always sticks around even during the good and the bad. Despite her loud and boisterous ability to chatter excessively, Bola loved Ada dearly, and they were almost like soul sisters to themselves.
“Bola, what took so long, I was almost convinced that you and Ebuka would not make it. You lovebirds cannot get over swooning in each other’s eyes right?”
She asked as she giggled loudly to herself.
“Anyway Bolu, you got here just in time for the bouquet fling. What perfect timing! I’m glad you’re not going to miss it..come on, come on, Let’s go. All the single ladies are gonna destroy our chances..hurry let’s go”. Ada yelled over the music as she pulled Bola towards the stage.
“Go on Ada, I’m seriously in no mood for bridal shenanigans.” After the events that took place earlier, Bola could not picture herself trying to reach for a bride’s bouquet. There was no need. And she’d never caught any in her life before, why would she catch any now when she was already so disinterested?
She took a cursory glance around the hall and saw Ebuka looking dashing in his matching outfit, and red shoes. He seemed pretty OK as she noticed he was having fun chatting with some of his guys. Just as pretty as the way he’d looked on the day he’d proposed to her.
“Bola, you make me feel whole every day, I’d be the luckiest man if you agreed to marry me”
Shed jumped ecstatically on him as she chanted “Yes Yes Yes” to herself and everyone else who cared to listen.
Image Source: Pixabay
She quickly stared at her fingers, the ring pressed cold against her skin. How could she tell everyone that the wedding may likely not hold again?
“Come on Bola, you can’t miss it this time oo.” Ada startled her back to reverie.
Bola hesitantly walked towards the aisle and watched as the bride casually flung the bouquet in the air. She felt something heavy land on her hands. It was the bouquet of flowers!!
How could this be happening? Why today of all days?
Suddenly, It was all too much. Bola could not take it anymore as she fled from the aisle and ran out of the auditorium towards the car, throwing the bouquet away. Tears blurring her eyes. She heard Ebuka frantically yelling her name behind.
“Leave me alone Ebuka,” she yelled as she pushed open the car, and shut the door, locking herself in. Bola could see ebuka frantically hitting the door, asking her not to do anything stupid, he could not see her as the glass was tinted.
As she sobbed, the whole event played back in her head.
They’d gone to visit Ebuka’s mother for the first time since they started dating. Ebuka being an only child of his single mother had wanted them to meet with her as soon as she flew back into Nigeria.
“My son, welcome. Welcome Ebuka, I’ve missed you a lot.”
“Who’s that beside you, Ebuka is that our wife? She’d asked with great optimism.”
“Good afternoon mummy” Bola had greeted, hoping to please Ebuka’s mom, her future mother-in-law.
“She’s beautiful and courteous,” She’d whispered to Ebuka, smiling intently.
“What’s your name, my daughter?”
“My name is Bola Ayodele”
“Oh” she replied with less enthusiasm.
“So, you’re Yoruba?”
“Yes ma’am, from the Ayodele family. I’m from Abeokuta state ma.”
“Oh!” She replied with a frown on her face.
“Ebuka, why did you bring a Yoruba girl to see me? Haven’t I told you that it’s Igbo or nothing else..what’s the meaning of this hmmm..?…”
Image Source: Pixabay
“Yoruba?! Yoruba?!” She’d pronounced the name like a seething poison rising in her flesh. Have the enemies decided to use my son as a means to punish me too…ehnn Ebuka? What wrong have I done to you Ebuka”. She’d suddenly broken down in tears.
Ebuka had been astonished.
“What’s the meaning of this mama? You should get to know her first before reaching false conclusions.”
“No, no I would not accept her into this house, there’s no place for Yoruba blood here.”
Ebuka had looked at Bola’s shocked face and politely asked her to excuse him. He needed to speak to his mom privately.
As Bola had walked out of the room, she shut the door behind her, and couldn’t help but eavesdrop at the conversation.
“But why mom, because she’s Yoruba?
Bola’s a sweet girl mama, and you should know better rather than judging her first.”
“Oh really? What Do you know Ebuka! What? You these millennials just think you can get away with anything, especially with your social media instigated activism or because you have a Ph.D.?? It is our culture Ebuka, and your Ph.D. cannot be greater than our culture. Never!”
“This is the real world Ebuka, Igbo’s and the Yoruba’s can never be together. Your father’s people will turn in their graves at this atrocity.”
“But mom I love her. She’s the one I want to be with. You need to stop being conservative and try to be logical.”
“Now I’m being illogical abi? She’s not even entered into the family, and she’s already turning you against me. She’s making you insult your mother. That Yoruba witch!”
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“Mama! Control your language! She’s not a witch mama. For God’s sake, you need to stop this nonsense now.” Ebuka had demanded.
“You two can never be together as long as I’m alive. It’s either an Igbo girl or no one else.” Ebuka mom had ended the conversation abruptly.
Bola was shocked. How did people still care so much about tribal wars and old long feuds even after living In the civil world for so long?
She felt Ebuka reach for the door, and his grim eyes quickly perused her.
“I told you to leave Bola, you shouldn’t have heard all that!” He said quietly.
As they both headed towards the car. The day had begun on a wrong note, and the air and the future of their relationship smelt like terrible trouble.
“Bola open the door. Bola!!”
Ebuka’s yells drag her back to the present, as she opens the car door for him to come in..
“Hey, babe… I know you’re clearly upset, but we’d find a way to convince mama.”
“How Ebuka? How? You know how obstinate and frantic mama can be at all times. There’s no way around it. We need to break up and move on…”
“No! Never!” Ebuka retorted quickly.
“I’d rather face hell than to be separated from you Bola.”
“I’ve decided, Let’s get married, Bola.”
“Mama would never agree, Ebuka. We cannot just fix a wedding like that.”
“Who says mama would be invited? We’d get married with your parent’s blessings. It should suffice for now.”
“But this is not right ebuka”
“What’s right in all of this Bola?”
“We’d get married on the 21st of next month.we’d need to inform your parents.” Ebuka declared as he started the car and sped off into the road of uncertainty.
A road where their future together lay in jeopardy.
Thanks for reading.
Why do you think mama hates Yorubas so much, and would Ebuka have the mind to pull off the wedding despite everything Else?. Find out in the next part. Don’t forget to leave a comment and share it with your friends.😘😝
1. E1: Tribal Wars
The one who spells Afrolady from the larynx of her pen. She’s a high spirited, cultured and ingenuous African child, whose writing drops an unimaginative creative splash on history and carves the indignation and memories of Black women.