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The Search for Mr Right (E1 – E12)

The Search for Mr Right (E1 – E12)

search for mr right
E9 - The Search for Mr. Right: A Family Affair

Hi there. So, I think my status might be changing soon. I don’t want to jinx it but I really feel like things are starting to get really serious between Adam and I. Don’t ask me how I know, I just do! I can feel it in my guts!

It’s been three months since we started our amala love and honestly, it’s been the best three months of my entire life. A part of me doesn’t want to ruin what we already have and going into an official relationship sort of ruins the whole thing, or not. The other part of me cannot wait to see what kind of couple we would be.

Would we be reaĺly into the PDA or would we have the lowkey kind of relationship? Given the fact that I already have an idea of what Adam is like from the way he treats me, I just can’t help but wonder. Adam is big on loud displays of affection, so I have a feeling we might eventually inch towards a slight overdose of PDA (and I would not be complaining!) I honestly cannot wait till he pops the question!

“That’s how madness use to start oh.” My sister exclaimed after catching me smiling to myself again.

This girl. Ever since I started keeping late nights and staying longer on my phone, she has been all up in my business. She wants to know what is going on but my gut tells me that if I tell Stephanie about my situationship with Adam, all she would do is laugh and give me a million reasons why it would never work. You can never really tell what side of evil you’re getting with Stephanie.

“You don’t even have one single respect again. We are now mates abi? So tey you’re now dashing me madness free of charge. It’s not your fault. Na because me and you dey the same house.” Lies. I wasn’t really offended. Just wanted her to feel like I was, so she would get off my back.

Na wa oh. Instead of you to just say you are not in the mood to tell me what is making you smile, you have now twisted the whole situation. No vex.” Apparently, it didn’t work. This stupid girl is too smart for her own good.

Oya, sit down. Let me gist you. Your amebo sef is too much.” I smiled encouraging her to sit beside me.

“Now you’re talking. Oya spill. No matter how you wish to turn it, I know it’s a guy that’s making you smile like this. Is it that your boss you told me about? Did he finally ask you to be his girlfriend? Tell me!”

Once she saw the frown that appeared on my face, out of nowhere, she quickly composed herself. “Ah, what happened? Did you guys fight?”

“If it’s gist you want to hear, you better let me tell it myself before you start filling the gaps with things that do not exist.”

Oya, I’m sorry ma. I’m loyal to the gist, ma. Waiting patiently till you find me worthy of the full details of your gist, ma. Thank you, ma. I really really appreciate you, ma. What would I do without your gist, ma? Ma, your gist will completely change my life, ma. Where would I go without your…”

At that point, I could no longer hold my laughter in, I started laughing uncontrollably and tears started coming out of my eyes. The stupid girl didn’t even stop. She stood up from my head and stood at ease and gave me a mock salute while continuing her mock praise.

“…your gist has given me a reason to live, ma. How did I ever live without your gist, ma? I must have been mad, ma. Your gist is living water. Once I drink it, I will never thirst, ma. Shower me with your gist. Drown me in the waters of your gist, o gistmaker! I…”

“Stephanie, stop! Please, I’m sorry.” If I didn’t beg her to stop, I might have actually died of laughter. Geez! I don’t know which was funnier, the mock praise, or her straight face.

“I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you.”

“Thank you so much, ma. I’m really grateful.”

“So, my boss is no longer in the picture. In fact, he has never been. Now, it’s Adam…”

“Which one is Adam again?” She asked, knitting her brows in confusion.

“Adam…” I sighed. “Adam is everything…”


“Fine girl.”

“Hi.” You cannot even begin to understand how much I have come to love that name. I even liked it more than my name at this point. Call me lovestruck, I don’t care.

“How are you doing?”

“I’m bored. Hungry. Lonely.”

“Just call my name and I’ll be there in seconds.”

Oshey, prince charming. Please, come oh. I’m about to die of boredom, plus there’s someone I want you to meet.”

Oh, am I meeting the parents already? You move so fast, Mamacita.

I laughed out loud. “You’re a big chicken. You’re not meeting my parents jor, but you’re meeting someone equally important.”

“Well, it would be an honor. When should I stop by?”

“Come in about three hours. Have a little cleaning to do, and maybe, just maybe if I’m in a good mood, I’ll fix you something to eat.” Lies. I wasn’t as laid back as I wanted him to believe from my voice. I was hyperventilating. What do I cook for him? Are the chairs modern enough? What of the pictures? Are they well-placed? What would he think of my family house? What if he needs to use the bathroom? Will he see all mine and Stephanie’s panties all lined up on the window sill? Argh. “Adam, how about we make it four hours?” Will that even be enough?

“Anytime you wish to have me. I will even come over by midnight if you want me to. I could even be a guest at your coven meetings. Give you a tip or two on how to manage your witchcraft duties.”

“Something is really wrong with you, Adam,” I said in between bouts of laughter. “I’m really looking forward to you coming over though.”

“I’m really looking forward to coming over too. And meeting your special someone.”

As soon as he ended the call, I moved with the speed of light to get Stephanie.

“Stephanie! He’s coming over! Stephanie, I need help!”

“Why are you screaming my name?”

“I don’t know what came over me but I invited Adam over, and he’s coming. He’s coming here in four hours.”

“And you’ve not swept the sitting-room since morning?”

“Today’s your turn na.

“No, it’s my turn to wash the toilets and bathroom. You’re sweeping and mopping the house today.” Stephanie replied in a matter-of-fact manner.


“But nothing. Would you rather do everything by yourself? You just woke me from a nap I was really enjoying.”

“Alright, let’s get it done. We have less than four hours to wash, clean, and cook the best meal that man has ever tasted and still manage to look like an entire snack. We can do this together, right?”

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“Well, if it’s really four hours, we have just spent about 30 minutes talking about what we are going to do instead of doing it.”


I have never worked so hard and fast in my life. Not even when my mother threatened to remove the skin off my back if I failed to do my chores within a certain time frame. Since it was Saturday, I had to sweep and mop the house. Raise all the furniture, sweep underneath them. Dust off all the cobwebs, and clean all the hidden creases. Don’t be alarmed. Since I had to go to work as early as 6 am, and my sister stayed in school all week, we never had enough time to give the house a thorough cleanup except on Saturdays. And there was only so much my mother could do before going to her shop. At this point, the dust was going straight to my head and making me feel all types of awful. But I got what I wanted, had the house sparkling clean in 45 minutes.

Rushed off to the market to get a few spices and vegetables to make Adam fried rice. It was simply the best thing I had to offer. I lacked the energy to do anything extra. I went over to a restaurant to buy a bucket of chicken and I smiled all the way home because all my problems were being solved in record time. By the time I got home, my lovely sister had started the cooking process and I gave her a small peck for it. Together, we cooked the meal and had everywhere tidied up in 2 hours.

Just as I was putting the final touches on my makeup, my phone rang.

“Not only are you a charming prince, but you also have impeccable timing, Mr. Adam, I think I am ready to pay your groom price.”

He laughed out loud before saying, “You flatter me.”

“Where are you now?”

“I think I’m at your junction but I’m not really sure.”

“Describe it to me.”

He described my junction perfectly, and I told him to wait while I come to pick him up. I told Stephanie I was leaving and I left the house keys with her. A few minutes later, I was sitting in Adam’s car, looking at his perfect dentition as he smiled at me.

“You look beautiful.”

“I do my best.”

He chuckled. I gave him directions to my house and in no time, we were there. I think he noticed how much I needed him to approve of my neighborhood, so he said, “This your area is fine oh.

I think I’m falling in love with this man.

Knock knock. I could hear Stephanie’s shuffling feet as she made to open the door. That girl.

“Thank you for finally opening the door. Adam, this is my sister, Stephanie.”

When I didn’t hear any exchange of pleasantries, I turned to look at the both of them and I saw them staring at each other with…fear?

“Lauretta, don’t tell me you know this guy,” Stephanie said with a shaky voice.


All pictures are gotten from and free for commercial use

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