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The Sacrificial Lamb And The Wish Bank

The Sacrificial Lamb And The Wish Bank

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She was just like all the other teenage girls, always on her phone. Day and night searching and viewing those things that concern them and those things that do not. Sacrificing quality time that could be spent doing house chores and spending it on social media instead. She gave her mother a fair share of grief. The poor woman would wait in vain for her daughter to come upstairs so she could give her a list of what should be done for the day.

On that day, like every other, she came downstairs and angrily knocked at her daughter’s door.

“Open this door and get out here you slothful creature!” She screamed. Caramel jumped from her bed as if burned, the phone in her hand nearly flying off but for the help of her other hand.

“I’m coming, Mom,” she said in a low voice, knowing her mother was still standing at the door and panting from exertion.

“Shut up! I am not your mother!” The poor woman swore. Talking about her daughter was tasking and her lungs took the brunt every time.

Caramel rolled her eyes and took off her pajamas. She was sad that she wouldn’t have enough time to get into the bathroom and have her bath. If she dared to, her mother would break down the door before she could even finish. She, however, washed her face and put on her soft pink slippers. Her room door creaked loudly despite her best efforts and her mother yelled from the kitchen.

“Get down here! There are dishes to wash!”

Caramel groaned “I wish I was deaf to all her yelling,” she thought, then she walked over to the kitchen. Her mother was standing at the door, her mouth was moving but no sound came out. Caramel squeezed past her, thinking that her mother’s lungs were long overdue for treatment.


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She was wearing her cream-colored blazer again. Her friend Mariam was not and caramel had a chance to look pretty. She didn’t wear makeup to school, other girls snuck eyeliners and lip gloss into school but Caramel knew her mother would skin her alive if she did something like that.

She spied Harry walking in and she quickly ducked her head. Mariam looked around but couldn’t see any cause for alarm.

“What is it?” She asked

“Harry, he looks so happy with Kayla doesn’t he?”

“Nope. If you raise your head you’ll see that they are arguing,” Mariam said. Caramel looked up to see that the couple was really having an argument. She looked at Harry, tall and handsome even with his face red from exertion. He was rich, White and way out of her league.

“I just wish he would notice me or better still, love me for who I am,” she sighed. Mariam snorted beside her.

“Who are you again?” She taunted. Caramel gave her the stink eye.

As she walked through the hallways and out of school, she heard someone calling her name but she didn’t dare turn back. It could be one of those bullies looking for an afternoon amusement. It was only when she felt the strong hand on her shoulder that she was forced to turn.

“My God! You walk so fast. I could hardly keep up with you.” It was Harry, he was panting pitifully hard but he was smiling.

They talked about school, the teachers they loved and those they hated. They talked about their families. She learned that he had sent his chauffeur away just so he could walk with her. When they reached the intersection of his neighborhood and hers, he took her hand in his.

“You’re so sweet and so much fun to be with. How come I never noticed you before?” He asked. Caramel couldn’t answer him so she just smiled until he was out of sight, and smiled all the way to her house.

Perhaps that was why she did it. Lying in bed and feeling fluffy still from her time with Harry, she was deaf to the sound of the thunderstorm brewing outside. By a stroke of luck, however, she heard very clearly when her mother asked her ten-year-old brother Nate to go downstairs and switch off the house’s power circuit.

“Why does mother always send Nate on dangerous errands? I wish he didn’t have to do them,” she thought. Soon, another thought slipped into her mind. Get out of bed and go help your little brother. So she slipped quickly out of bed and got to the young boy just before his finger touched the circuit. She pushed him gently away and was pulling down the lever when the first lightning struck. The electricity passed through her and into the floor as she screamed.


“Is she alright?” She heard Mariam asking when she came. She didn’t need to turn to know she sat there with Caramel’s mom and Nate. The machines beeped and she remembered how she had gotten to be on a hospital bed and being unable to feel parts of her body. She turned her head slowly and her mother jumped up from the chair.

“You’re awake! Oh, my baby!” She said happily, touching Caramel’s face gently for fear that she would hurt her. Caramel kissed her mother’s hand, she was strangely happy to see her.

“How do you feel? What can I get for you?” Her mother asked earnestly.

“Water,” she croaked. The poor woman walked quickly out of the room. Caramel beckoned to Mariam with her free hand.

“I don’t want to touch you,” the other girl said. You might hurt,” she said, in response to Caramel’s raised eyebrows. Reluctantly, she made her way towards the bed. When she was close enough, she put her hand on her friend’s cheek and smiled, there were tears in her eyes.

A week later, Caramel was discharged from the hospital. She sat in the hospital’s lobby talking to Mariam while her mother settled all the paperwork. They were talking about her experience. Mariam was not convinced of Caramel’s claims.

“I’m telling you. It was my wish that made it happen,” Caramel said earnestly.

“Oh come on!” Mariam scoffed in disbelief.

Caramel’s eyes narrowed “What if I tell you what other things my wishes have done?” She asked.

Mariam turned to face her “Go ahead, tell me.” She said.

“The first time was when I wished I was deaf to all my mom’s yelling. From that day till now, I don’t hear her when she yells. So I’ve been less angry these days. I also wished that Harry would like me to remember?”

“Yes, I do. But what has that got to do with anything? Are you dating Harry now?” Mariam asked.

“No. But he walked me home from school on Tuesday last week, before the accident,” Caramel said.

“He did? Harry? Wow. That’s a big one!” Mariam said

“Yeah. And the accident? I’m pretty sure that happened because I wished my brother wouldn’t get hurt. The current that passed through me could have killed him,” Caramel said. Mariam looked shocked for a while. Then she burst into laughter.

“Oh God. I’m sorry. I just can’t help myself,” she said when she saw Caramel was hurt by her laughter.

“Caramel!” A voice called loudly from across the lobby. Both girls turned to see Harry striding towards them. When he got to them he squatted and took Caramel in his arms.

“Oh God. I’ve been trying to get them to tell me which hospital you were in but they wouldn’t,” he said.

“How did you find me then?” Caramel asked. She was smiling happily.

“I hired a private investigator,” Harry said bashfully. Caramel burst into laughter and he stared at her with an infatuated light in his eyes.

“Uhmm Hello,” Caramel’s mother said. She had been standing and watching them. Harry got up fluidly and held out his hand to her.

“Hello Ma’am. I’m Harry Martin. Pleased to meet you”

“I’m Julie, Caramel’s mom.” She said to Harry. Then she turned to Caramel “We’re leaving Sweetie. Should I help you up?

“Nah, I’m good,” Caramel said, but she allowed Harry to lift her up gently.


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“Hey! Young girl, come here,” Caramel heard one of the armed security guards call her. She swallowed and walked over to them.

“What do you want?” The other guard asked, he looked even less friendly.

“Uhmm. I’m here to see my friend Harry. We go to the same school. “She said, indicating her uniform. The first man ogled her for a minute before his colleague elbowed him.

“I’m going to call the house and ask. Who should I say came around?” The sensible one asked.

“Caramel,” she said.

The large oak door opened to reveal a tall woman with white-blonde hair and a very bright smile. Caramel couldn’t decide which was real.

“Hi. I’m Harry’s mom Gina,” she said brightly.


“I hear that you are from Harry’s school,” Harry’s mom asked. “So many of you students have been calling but Harry has refused to see them. Did you bring his homework?”

“Yes ma’am,” Caramel said, smiling secretly. Harry had refused to see everyone but her?

“Right,” his mother said. As if to say well, that explains everything. Caramel’s smile fell.

“Harry takes after me.” She said, smiling at Caramel. “I was also that popular when I was in high school and anytime I couldn’t make it to school my assignment would be brought to me,” she flipped her hair, “and guess what?

“What?” Caramel asked.

“Most times, I got completed assignments and not just questions. God. I miss high school,” she said. Then she pushed open a door to a large hallway. “The last door at the right is Harry’s room, make yourself at home.” She said.

Caramel entered Harry’s room which looked a lot like paradise but she couldn’t even care to go round viewing and touching things. She ran over to the bed and put her arms around him.

“Oh harry. I heard you were ill.” She cried.

“Shhh. It is not that bad.” He said, clinging to her.

“I was worried about you,” Caramel said. Harry brushed a finger over her cheek and she shivered.

“Worried enough to rush into a man’s room without a chaperone? I’m not so sick that I won’t be able to take advantage of you,” he teased. Caramel laughed.

“I brought your homework.” She said, changing the topic.

“No. I don’t care. Laugh for me again. I so love it when you laugh,” Harry said. Caramel giggled at his words. He stared at her wondering for moments, and then he kissed her.


Caramel stared at the gold dress from the shop’s window. It was a diamond-studded, sequined ball gown that would flatter her brown skin. She was trying to imagine that she had walked into the Martins’ mansion with that dress. First, the security guards wouldn’t have stopped her. Secondly, she would have barged into the foyer and said: “I am princess Caramel and I fancy your son, Harry.”

Harry’s mom would have served Harry up on a platter of gold. But instead of that, she got stuck being the lame friend bringing the popular/rich kid his homework. Caramel sighed as she stared again at the dress. How she wished she had enough money to buy something like that. Harry would certainly love to see her in such a beautiful dress.

“Welcome home honey,” was the first shock Caramel got when she stepped into her house. Her mother never welcomed her home. Never.

“Hey, mom. What’s Up? She asked.

“Go on to the living room, your father is waiting.” She said.

“Caramel! Her father called good-naturedly. He got up and came over to give her a hug.

“Why is everyone so happy?” Caramel’s asked, her voice muffled by his shirt.

“I won some money pumpkin.” Her dad said

“How much are we talking about here?” Caramel asked.

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“One million dollars,” Her father said, his face was awash in happiness. They had never had anything close to that kind of money, ever.


“Listen. Is there anything you want? Anything you’ve always wanted to buy?” Her father asked.

Caramel’s mouth was opened for a moment, then she snapped it shut and smiled. Prom was close, what would Harry do if she went to prom with him, in that dress?

“Yes, dad. There’s something,” she answered, hugging him back.


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When Caramel became very sure her wishes were working, she began to use it often. On days when she was feeling lazy, she would say I wish I didn’t have to go to school today, and she would suddenly be afflicted with chills. I wish I had a closet full of boots and she found a box full of new boots and sneakers outside her window. I need some of my own money she whined, and an anonymous person transferred thousands of dollars into her account.

Her friend Mariam had withdrawn from her out of jealousy but Harry’s love for her was still waxing strong. They went for expensive dates, beach parties and nights on his personal yacht. Even his mother had come around and sometimes invited Caramel to the house for some girls’ time, under the guise of wanting her to look over some new clothes she bought.

Caramel and Harry were walking down the footpath that led to a large tree in the middle of Harry’s father’s two acres of land. They were holding hands and staring up at the sky. Caramel’s face was flushed with excitement and she seemed to be shining like the moon. I am content. She thought I wish it could be like this forever.

“Hey baby,” Harry called as they watched the skies from a little outcropping of rock.

“Harry,” Caramel said his name in her usual breathy way and he smiled.

“You have been making an awful lot of wishes lately. I know you mean well, but you need to stop,” he said. Caramel raised her head from his shoulder.

“What are you talking about?” She asked.

“The wishes. All of them. I know you wished for me to like you. You wished to save that puppy’s life. That little girl in the fire too. All of that makes you a hero but you’ve got to stop,” he said urgently. Caramel dragged her hand from his without saying a word. Then she got up, wrapped her arms around herself and fled. The young man stared sadly after her for a long time, the sky darkened around him until he disappeared from the rock.


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They were in their last class, their English teacher had given them some journals to read for the upcoming pop quiz and Caramel was trying to pay attention so the words would stop swimming in front of her eyes.

“I heard Harry traveled to Hawaii. Did you guys have a quarrel?” Mariam asked, goodnaturedly sitting beside Caramel.

Caramel turned to her, “That’s what you want right?”

“No. Definitely not,” Mariam said.

“Get away from me,” Caramel said, her voice frighteningly quiet. Mariam got up and pushed the chair harshly, whispering under her breathe “psycho”. Caramel turned back to her books, she couldn’t wait for school to end. She was so fed up with everyone glancing at her, wondering if the rumors Mariam had been spreading were true. Soon enough the bell rang and Caramel picked up her phone to call her chauffeur, she wouldn’t be needing him.

The car came to her suddenly, she had been walking slowly and thinking about her life. Thanks to her, her family’s finances are better now. They weren’t as rich as The Martin’s but they were well to do. Her father had won so many contracts and her mother had started a clothing line. They had even moved to Harry’s neighborhood and were staying just two houses away from his. Pity Harry hadn’t been around last month when they moved in.

It would have been a lot more fun. She continued to wonder why he said what he said that night. What did he know about her wishes?

She shouldn’t have fled, but the embarrassment that he was aware that what they had wasn’t real, was too much for her to bear. She had just finished the last thought when the car came speeding at her. It picked her up from the floor and threw her against the tarmac. The last thing Caramel remembered was a women’s high pitched scream and a white man holding her head in his hands and saying “stay with me” over and over again.


The Sacrificial Lamb And The Wish Bank

Image Source: Unsplash

Harry heard the door open but he didn’t turn, choosing to remain bent over the huge book on the table before him.

“She didn’t make it,” a female voice said quietly from the door and Harry sucked in his breath. For a moment he stayed still, then he nodded his head and resumed turning the book. He had been carefully pouring the pages of the book for weeks now but he was yet to find what he needed. To make it worse, his quest was making him neglect his other duties here at the wish bank.

Last week one of the top officials had come to meet him. His name was Hugh, and he was part of the board of directors.

“I hear you have a situation,” he said, smiling wryly.

Harry got up to receive him but was told to sit back down with a flick of Hugh’s hand. “Yes, sir. I am trying my best to save her”

Hugh nodded and leaned on the table, “I understand your need, and although we need you at work, I will give you time to do your thing,” he said.

“Thank you so much, Sir,” Harry said.

Hugh inclined his head “Let’s just hope the girl is smart enough to want to live. Although she hasn’t given us any reason to.”

“It is sad,” Harry said, trying to be diplomatic. Hugh smiled knowingly and left.

But even now as he stared at the book, he couldn’t argue with Hugh. How smart was a girl who in the span of six months, made thousands of wishes just because she knew she could? A girl who sacrificed her last wish to help a homeless blind man about to be hit by a bicycle only to die in a car accident. He wondered at her behavior. What was in her star that made her present herself as a sacrificial lamb for people who would not thank her or love her as he had planned to.

A tear fell on the pages and he bent to clean it up. It stood there like a magnifying glass and there was the wish. Sitting unmarked between a wish for longer hair and a free uber ride. It read: I am content, I wish it could be like this forever. Harry kissed his pen, delirious with happiness then he crossed it over. In another place, a young brown girl gasped to life.

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