
Short interesting stories at your convenience: Stories I’m sure to keep you reading till the end. Welcome!!!

Episodes Love and Romance Stories Supernatural and Mystery Stories Young Adult Stories

A Quarantine Love Story

At first, everyone thought it was only a joke when the lockdown was announced. The virus had been in other parts of the world. But the moment it entered our shores, a…

I Am Dave

If you are a fan of teenage series or high school drama series, then you must be familiar with the nerd-unloved-guy trope. You know the one with zero friends and zero personality?…


Ada: A Shade Of My Mind

I walk around the supermarket feeding my eyes the goodies since my money cannot even come close let alone sit at per with them. I look at my watch involuntarily. It’s not…

Ada's birthday

Ada: Birthday Blues

So, it’s my birthday today. Forgive me, but I don’t feel particularly excited. I don’t even know if there is anything to be excited about. Let’s just say this is not how…

Double Trouble Birthday Palaver

Ding! Ding! The doorbell rang loudly interrupting my foggy dream. I picked up my phone, it was 8:25 am in the morning. I spotted the date and immediately felt bouts of ecstasy…

Mother and Daughter Bonding: A Delight It Truly Is

You’d have to see it in order to believe how genuinely unordinary my Monday morning was. My mother, Mrs. Wogu, was supposed to meet me this afternoon for an early birthday brunch.…

Okija Trip: The Land Where Dead Bones Rise

“RUN!!!” And like ants scampering from the intrusiveness of a flashlight, we ran in different directions like our lives depended on it. And all things considered, it actually did. By this time,…


“Dave Elba.” My hair stood on end, a shiver raced down my spine and a lump came to my throat. What could be happening right now? What would the outcome be? What…

Sloppy Talks

She softly calls out to me, begging me to be touched. I’m in the middle of a prayer session with my mom so I tell her, “Sshh… Not now. At least wait…

Before You Die

Where is your safe place? The sound of birds chirping loudly above the enclosed hideout startled and roused me from sleep. I stared around, squinting to accustom my eyes to the dark.…