
Short interesting stories at your convenience: Stories I’m sure to keep you reading till the end. Welcome!!!

Episodes Love and Romance Stories Supernatural and Mystery Stories Young Adult Stories

Living While Dying

“For as long as I can remember, I have not been living. I fear that I have only been existing. Inside of me, something is missing; something really big and really important…

The Terrorist’s Hideaway

“Tell me, what use is the government if they cannot even give us good roads?” The woman said as she crossed the road with her daughter, trying her best to jump over…

At Twenty

Her parents were already frustrated with her situation, but in fairness to her, she was not trying any less than her best. When the temptation came to be angry at how her…


The voice came through the phone. Faded and yet solid. “Hello? Are you there?” The woman at the other end asked. “What is your emergency?” “Help!” “Where are you? What is your…


The first time we met, I didn’t think we were ever going to speak, not to talk of being friends. I was just resuming my internship position at First City Bank and…

Boys Don’t Cry

A little boy of seven years was sitting in front of the television. His aunt, Amaka, was perched on his lap. At that time, she was a twenty-two years old undergraduate studying…

The Proposal

I stretched out, smiling from ear to ear. It was about time I did the needful I thought to myself. Crossing over to the other side of the room and kneeling gallantly…

A Quarantine Love Story

At first, everyone thought it was only a joke when the lockdown was announced. The virus had been in other parts of the world. But the moment it entered our shores, a…

I Am Dave

If you are a fan of teenage series or high school drama series, then you must be familiar with the nerd-unloved-guy trope. You know the one with zero friends and zero personality?…


Ada: A Shade Of My Mind

I walk around the supermarket feeding my eyes the goodies since my money cannot even come close let alone sit at per with them. I look at my watch involuntarily. It’s not…