My Father’s Trophy

As a broken trophy, she was fleeing her home. The blood dripping from her left temple served as a continuous reminder of the pain that she was feeling. It had been a long and hard chase down the slippery hill that served as the foundation of her home. “Home… at least that was what it felt like when she was still a normal girl. Now, it’s just an erection filled with good and bad memories. A haunted house…
She blinked back the tears that struggled to blind her vision and shouted loud enough for her pursuer to hear.
“You don’t know half of what I’ve been through. The things I’ve seen… the things I’ve experienced… you don’t know what life has taught me. I am a product of mistakes and this is why trying to rape me will be your greatest mistake. I swear on my life! No, I swear on the life of my dear sweet mother resting in glory that I will kill you! I will kill you even if it is the last thing I do with the breath that my lungs give me.”
She threw a rock at her predator and turned back to continue her race when she locked lips with a tree branch. She had been too focused on her assailant that she had failed to take notice of her surroundings. Before she could react to her slip, she felt his breath behind her ear. She could see the light getting thinner by the second.
“Dad had always been very strong and quick on his feet.” she thought “It was crazy and foolish of me to think that I could escape him this time. I can already feel his dirty hands ravaging my innocent breasts. Well, are they still innocent after everything they have seen? I’m not sure anymore. All I know is that I am tired. I shouldn’t have bothered trying to escape my fate. I am a slave to this beast.”
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It started three years ago, precisely fourteen days after my fifteenth year birthday. I was sleeping in my room one night when I had a really terrible dream. The first thought that came to my mind was to run to my parent’s room for comfort like I had done since I was a toddler.
“I’m scared. I don’t want to be alone in this room after watching myself get stabbed in my dream. Should I go to mom’s room? She always lets me sleep in between her and dad when I have a nightmare like this. Dad on the other hand won’t be cool with it. He’s always insulting me and telling me to ‘man up’. I wonder if he would still be thinking like a man if he were the one watching himself getting stabbed in his dream. I doubt he would. Either way, I don’t have a choice. I can’t stay here….”
I picked my steps carefully, walking ever so lightly like an assassin. From experience I had learnt that the best strategy to take for this mission was finding a way to sneak into their midst without waking them up. Mom always knew of course. I don’t know how they do it, but it’s as if all moms have this supernatural ability to hear the faintest sound in their sleep. You’ll be trying to steal a few spoons of ice cream from the freezer and she will just magically appear behind you with a knock.
Dad, however, was always fast asleep. Well, he appeared to be, at least. This sneak strategy was the most effective because a frontal approach would definitely wake dad up and he would send me packing to my room. Mom, on the other hand, would pull me into her bossom and cuddle me until my nerves were calm enough for me to fall asleep again. She was my hero.
I managed to sneak through the door, past my dad’s snore and into my mom’s embrace successfully without waking my dad. I was ever grateful to my mom for insisting that they always leave the door of their room slightly open, in case there is an emergency. I owed her my victory because without her, my dad would have caught me for sure. I reached out to her so she would hug me like always but something felt different. She felt stiff and very cold. I called out to her. Nothing.
It was an alien feeling to me. “Mom is always warm. What’s going on? Is she sick? Should I wake dad? Maybe he will know what to do. Then again, if I wake him, he’s just going to shout me back into my room. I don’t wanna leave mom.” I called out to her again. There had to be a reason why she was over sleeping. Mom was always on the alert. Something felt awfully off.
After tugging and poking her for over ten minutes, reality started to dawn on me but I refused to accept it. “Not my mom. My mom was a superhero. She was a superhuman that had various abilities. One day, she’s a doctor that knows the exact drugs to get my body functioning properly, even if my complaint is as ridiculous as me complaining that I can feel something trying to force its way out of my anus. She immediately knew what to get me and before I knew it, my body was back to normal.
Another day, she has mad psychic powers. In fact, there were times when I suspected that she used telepathy too because I will only had to look at her when we are in front of guests, for her to give me series of instructions with only eye contact. I always wondered how she did it. That superhuman was my mom, that superhuman could not be dead.”
I decided to take the long shot by waking my dad. He would know the best course of action to take. I tugged at him five times before he fully woke up. He was just about to shout at me for disturbing his sleep when he saw the tears in my eyes. His face softened immediately and he held my shoulders, searching deep into my face as though the reason behind my tears were etched in the depths of my irises.
“She’s cold dad.” It was all my traumatized brain could manage to muster. Nothing more. Nothing less. It wasn’t much information but somehow I knew it would be enough. He understood and immediately reached out to her. I had never seen my dad cry before, much more shudder, while crying. He had always appeared like a macho man to me. His silent outburst took me by surprise.
Ruona was seventeen years and five months old when she decided that she was no longer interested in allowing herself to get raped by her father. She had been through much suffering in life. She was a boarder and in school, she was often physically harassed by both guys and girls because of her kinky natural hair and curvaceous hips that even her uniform’s pleated skirt couldn’t hide. School was both a mental and physical torture for her, but she was grateful for visiting days when her mom would come visiting, and holidays when she could be with her mom as much as she wanted.
She knew she should have reported the harassment, if not to anyone, at least to her mom, before she died. She knew her homeroom teacher, Miss. Laura was very understanding and outspoken when it came to matters like female empowerment and girl child protection. She knew all these, but somehow her legs wouldn’t take her to the staff room to talk with her about it. She was frustrated but she felt she could manage, after all, she only had three months left. She would manage.
Her father had been raping her for two years and five months now. It started the night her mom died. While she hugged him to receive comfort she noticed that his hands were no longer at her back, they were in front, high up in front.
“What’s going on right now? Am I imagining this? Are dad’s hands on my boobs right now?! What’s going on? No… this can’t be happening. Dad can’t join them, dad isn’t one of those people. Why me?…”
Having her father join her squad of harassers made it more difficult for her to accept her horrible fate. It was difficult enough knowing her father was fighting on the same level with secondary school kids to have a go at her body. Nothing would be able to shock her anymore. Fate had done its worst. Or so she thought…
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Ruona’s graduation ceremony was on the day of her mother’s death anniversary. She was already eighteen years and two weeks old at the time. She had every reason to be festive on that day because she was graduating as the overall best student in her set with eight distinctions in her WAEC and 315 in her JAMB. She had every reason to be festive but she was depressed. The one person she had wanted to congratulate her on her success wasn’t around nor alive to even hear about it.
Her only consolation was the fact that she now had less harassers to deal with. Now, she was left with her dad. Now, she was an adult. She wasn’t going to take his nonsense anymore. She needed to devise a plan, she had to escape her torture house. Unfortunately for her, while she was devising her escape plan in her mind, her dad was applauding her as she was collecting her fifth award in the ceremony and devising his own plan for her later that evening.
Ruona got home and started packing her things in her bag pack. She needed to travel light if she was going to succeed in sneaking out. However, her father was unto her. He found out that she was trying to escape and got really angry. In his anger, he tied her to the poles of the king size bed that he had shared with his wife when she was alive.
While she was struggling to free herself from her bondage, she started vomiting. It was enough to surprise both her and her dad. “Why the hell am I vomiting now? I need to escape but it’s now of all times that my body chooses to fall sick?! Shit!” As much as she wanted to stop the vomiting, she couldn’t. She continued to vomit every fifteen minutes until she eventually passed out. “Did dad poison me?… No, he looks just as surprised and worried as I am. What’s going on then? Why am I suddenly manifesting these symptoms? Am I?! No… it can’t be…”
Ruona woke up two days later and she knew something was very wrong. The all too familiar feeling of being violated in her sleep tugged at her chest. Ray walked in just then, a mixture of relief, fear and frustration on his face. Enraged, Ruona sat up on her bed and made as if to attack her dad but she was too weak to do anything. She fell back to her bed, panting hard like someone that had just finished running a sprint race.
“What did you do to me, you bastard?! Why do I feel so weak? What poison or drug did you feed me with?!” She looked blood thirsty. Ray remained expressionless for some seconds before giving in. “She has a right to know” he thought to himself. He looked at his daughter again, this time more sombre. “You were pregnant and I got it aborted. We don’t need that kind of complication on our lives right now. We need you to be in good shape when you enter the university. Rest up. It was a difficult procedure.” He left the room quietly afterwards.
Ruona could see pieces of herself shattered all over her bed. The words she had just heard had broken her completely. “I was pregnant and dad aborted it?! Was it a boy or a girl? Wait… I was pregnant for my dad? How did I get to this point in my life? How?… I need to leave. I need to leave this hell of a house. I need to run away!”
After quickly devising a plan and getting a hold on her packed backpack, she snuck out of her house and started her chase down the hill that served as the foundation of her house. It wasn’t long after that she heard her dad running behind her. Within minutes he was within her reach and her fall when she hit the tree branch closed the gap between them.
Ray carried her gently, he needed to attend to his trophy and return it back to it’s display stand ….