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Love Without Money Is Dead

Love Without Money Is Dead

Love Without Money Is Dead short love romance stories to read online for free

The room was dark. Man and insect moved stealthily, each unaware that the other was privy to their presence. The cockroach flitted around the pots of food, lifted itself up by its brown wings and alighted on one of the covers. The man who accidentally was my boyfriend grunted in anger and attempted to hit the cockroach in a way that he would not pour the contents of the pot away. His name was Tife Balogun, a yoruba-igbo guy.. 

The room he lived in was a small seven ceiling room, the walls painted blue and white, a combination that clashed with the old green rugs that were now almost brown in color. Under the wooden door, there was a large hole stuffed with a couple of rags. The cockroach must have come through that hole, defying the folds of cloth. The battle between man and insect continued and I sat up in the bed to get a better view of everything. 

“Need help?” I asked, I had no intention of actually helping. 

“No, I’m fine. This cockroach is stubborn but it must die today.” Tife replied. Sweat ran like little rivulets around his chest and back. 

Omo. See work out!” 

Asinnn!!” he agreed. I was just shaking my head with a wry smile on my face when I looked and saw the cockroach flying directly towards my face! I was frozen with shock. The cockroach flew over my head, but the broom was coming towards me at full speed. I screamed and opened my eyes. 

The duvet was tangled around my legs and I couldn’t feel one of them but I was alive and safe. Turning around, I saw my new boyfriend sleeping soundly. The blue light in the room reflecting on his cherubim face. This room was in stark contrast to the one I witnessed in my dreams. The anesthetics were so nice it was as though I was in a hotel. I said a silent prayer to the heavens, grateful that I had left that ghastly room and its occupant behind for good. 

“Hey darling. Good morning!” I heard behind me. James wrapped a hand around my body and pulled me down to lie ontop of him. My face lit up in with happiness. Turning around, I planted a well deserved kiss on his lips. 

“Good morning baby!” I replied and we stayed there staring lovingly at each other for moments. 

“How did you sleep?” He asked. I snuggled into his neck. 

“Fine,” I murmured. “Yours?” 

“I slept well.” 

“Good. I still feel sleepy.” 

“Me too,” James said chuckling. “Should we go back to sleep?” 

“Yes!” I said emphatically, making my self comfortable on the expanse of chest that was mine to sleep on. 

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We woke up three hours later at 7AM. The first thing we did was go to the kitchen and get ourself full of breakfast. We microwaved two packs of rice, sat down and devoured it. We had lots of plans for the day and knew we had to move quickly to make it all work. Our schedule was so tight, back to back enjoyment from 12pm to 8pm. I couldn’t wait. 

By 12pm we were both still getting dressed. Few minutes later, James was ready but I was still trying to put myself together even though I had bathed before him. I shook my head at myself as I applied lipstick. James was standing at the door, watching me. I looked myself in the mirror, my braids packed away from my neck and hanging to one side with the exception of two single braids falling on my cheeks. My eyebrow was perfect but my lipstick.. it was too bright in my opinion. I cleaned it off with a wet sponge and applied only lipgloss instead. The result was that I looked way better. 

“I’m ready,” I said. 

“Okay, let me call taxify.” James replied, going to fetch his phone. 


Our first stop was the cinema. When we got there we were told to wear our masks and our bags were searched.  Luckily, none of us was carrying any weapon and we were allowed to go in. Before we got to the premises, we had already checked online and decided on the movie we wanted to watch. The movie’s name was “Nobody” and it was supposed to be a movie with lots of blood and guns. Since we arrived late, we lost our chance to watch it at 12pm and had to wait till 2pm instead. 

The first thirty minutes of our wait was used to take pictures for the Gram. We both looked smashing and it wasn’t long before those pictures found themselves on the internet. 

“Let’s go and buy some snacks,” James said when we were done posting and replying our friends who commented on our photos. I checked my belly for space and could find none. The rice I ate that morning had not digested yet but he insisted and I decided that even though I was wearing a tight dress, I would shun the world and enjoy myself. 

We got to the ice cream stand and we both ordered strawberry flavor. James tried to buy a chocolate bar too but their POS machine wasn’t working so we had to forfeit it and pay with the little cash we (James) had. 

“Should we buy snacks?” He asked me as we went towards our table. 

“No!” I said, considering my belly which was threatening me with quiet rumbling. He followed me to the table but didn’t sit for three seconds before he got up. 

“Let me buy the snacks,” he said. I shrugged. It is your money. Spend it however you want. He bought two meatpies and one large chicken pie. They were all so delicious that they eclipsed the taste of the ice cream.

“This ice cream is tasteless,” I said. James smiled around his food. 

“It is not,” he said. “I like it.” 

“Old man!” I said, making both of us laugh. 

Few minutes later, when the pies were gone, I was singing a different song. 

“The ice cream is actually sweet,” I said.

“I told you.” 

“Yeah, but I won’t be able to finish it,” I said. James looked at me and laughed. 

“You always say you’re a foodie. Prove it!!” He challenged me. Put me on the spot! 

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I struggled but like any true warrior, I came out victorious. I finished my ice cream successfully just in time. We both went to use the restroom and walked into the room that held the third screen where our movie would be showing. When we got there, the screen was dark. 

“Are you sure this is where we are supposed to be?” I asked. James checked his tickets. 

“Yes, screen three. Is that not what it says outside the door?” He asked.


“Then we are in the right place,” he said. Taking my hand, he led me to the uppermost row of chairs and the very end of that row. Other people began to come in in twos and threes. The screen was still dark. 

When it finally came on, it was with a blast of sound so loud we were almost deafened. I still believe whoever increased the volume has no conscience. 

“Do they want to kill us?” I shouted above the din. James laughed. 

The beginning of the movie was making it even more difficult for us. If you’ve watched “Nobody” you will know those awful sounds of doors slamming and plastic connecting with concrete as they tried to show us how monotonous the protagonist’s life was.  After a while, and as the movie progressed, our ears got accustomed to the loud sound. 

I wore a one arm top and had to wrap that arm around James’ muscled one for some warmth. Having maximum fun, I laughed into the cinema without care. I always laugh at cinemas for both combat and comedy movies because I believe I paid to enjoy myself. Others were laughing too but mine was by far the loudest. Haha. No time to check time. 

Almost two hours later, the movie ended and we walked happily out of the place. It was time well spent we both agreed. As we went down the stairs, James would jump down a couple of steps just to stare at me walking down. 

“My sexy girlfriend!” He said. I laughed, blushing. We got outside and a guy walked up to me. He did it so fast that I was a little scared but it turned out that he only wanted me to take a picture of him and his date who was trying to hide her face with her face mask and her hands. When I was done, I handed his phone back to him and went to take pictures with my man but the taxi arrived and we could only take one photo.

“I want to buy drugs today,” I told James. He looked up from his phone. 

“For your toothache?” He asked. 

“Yeah, I want to treat it so it doesn’t get worse.” 

“Okay.” He said and squeezed my hand. 

We stopped at the pharmacy. There were four women sitting behind the wire gauze screen. They were talking and laughing while I was trying to get their attention. 

“Hello ma!” I said loudly. One of them turned and faced me. 

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“I want to get dru…” 

“Go and meet the pharmacist,” she interrupted me. 

I opened my hands out like: where? And she pointed towards a door. I knocked and walked in, with James walking behind me. There was someone inside talking with the pharmacist so we sat down on the sofa and waited. Five minutes, ten minutes and they were still talking about Godknowswhat. The pharmacist hadn’t even bothered to acknowledge my presence. 

We got up and were about to leave when he noticed us. “Hey wait, you want to speak to me?” 

He dismissed the man and I told him my problem. There was a hole in my teeth that was making my mouth throb painfully. He prescribed four drugs and gave me the paper to take to the women selling at the front. 

“When they give you the drugs, bring it back to me,” he said. 

I went there and they calculated the price of the drugs which amounted to a whooping three thousand five hundred naira and they didn’t have one drug. So I got three drugs for three thousand five hundred naira. I couldn’t believe it. One was Ampiclox, the other was ibuprofen and then a drug I was not familiar with. I did my own calculation. Ampiclox 150 +150 =300. Ibuprofen 100 naira +300 naira =400 naira. Then let’s say the unknown drug is one thousand naira. 1000+400 naira is only 1,400naira. How come they were making me pay 3500 naira? 

“I am not in the position to decide on the prices of drugs. My job is to prescribe.” the pharmacist said when I asked him. I swallowed my tears, took my man by the hand and left. 

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Next stop, boutiques! Before going to the boutique I already had two things in mind, a new pair of jeans and a nice top, just a little something. I was also actively considering my man’s pocket. We got to the first boutique and I got my top and trouser. We paid and went outside. 

“Why didn’t you buy more? Is that all you want?” James asked as we entered the cab that would take us to the boutique where he usually bought his own clothes. 

“Nah but, I am considering your pocket,” I said. His expression turned incredulous. 

“Stop considering my pocket. Take what you want! Anyway, we will come back here,” he said. 

By the time we were done shopping, it was already 5pm and we had to get back home to change and buy the drug I couldn’t get at the first Pharmacy. This pharmacy was also a crazy place. The receptionist/accountant was a frowning young woman. She was behaving like someone who was in a bad mood due to pregnancy, someone who wanted everyone else to feel it too. 

“I want to buy this drug.” I said, giving her the prescription. 

“Touch and go” she said. “We don’t have it.” 

“We have it,” another staff said. 

“I did not know,” the frowning woman said. “Did it just come today?” 

“No o. We have had it on the shelf since.” 

I proceeded to pay. This woman moved so slowly and you know James and the taxify man were waiting outside for me. Finally she gave me a receipt and told me to collect my drug from the sellers opposite her. I got there and one of them was eating. The other one gave me my drug and continued gisting with the one eating. I wanted to buy something else but no one was paying attention to me so I quietly left. 

We got home and quickly changed into our evening outfit. He was black Tshirt, Black jeans and a black Louis Vinton shoe. I wore a short black evening dress and a pair of glass heels. We set out, the promise of spicy catfish and Suya delightfully heavy on our chests!

The bar’s name is Rehab bar at GRA Benin, city. When we got there, the place was popping. Live band singing on the stage, the scent of cat fish and cologne made me heady. We ordered for the fish and were told to wait for twenty minutes. James took me by the hand to the bar and got us drinks. I chose Smirnoff ice and since this man has a habit of choosing my choices, he took Smirnoff ice too! We sat down and drank, moving our bodies to the exhilarating tunes the live band was dishing out. 

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As we sat there, I recognized two of my course mates who were staff at the bar. They walked up to me, we hugged and said pleasantries. They both said I was looking very beautiful (thank you). I and James took more pictures and posted on our social media. You know, when you’re in love you want to show off your partner. When you’re in love and enjoying yourself, you want to show off even more. This is why I can boldly say: Love without money is dead. Financial issues was why I stayed single for so long, knowing that I couldn’t afford to be someone’s broke girlfriend. 

I’m not saying I have money now though (before someone decides to bill me). I’m just saying that you see all this spoiling this man is spoiling me? I will spoil him back. We are all about “do me I do you” on this street. Keeping the same energy, I will treat him the same way he is treating me and when the goody bag comes, he will be the first to taste from it (after my mom lol).

Now that all is said and done. After I have rubbed my happiness in all your faces, here is my final word: although love without money is difficult, money without love is empty and full of sadness. Peace. 

All images are sourced from unsplash

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