Deep Secrets

I called out to her and watched her bat her eyes in rebellion like she could not wait to get rid of her work clothes and perfunctory smile.
“My name is Mina and I’m here to report myself. I just murdered a married man.”
The attendant looked at me and blinked furiously like something funny was written on my face.
“Excuse me??” She replied, creasing her face like the string of a thousand meandering rivers.
“You heard correctly.” I said quietly, raising my voice a notch higher. “I just murdered the frigging bastard!!!”
She paused and blinked twice, eyeing the red stain of blood smeared on my chest and hands.

The attendant shuddered, stared at me again, and burst out into laughter, cackling hard like a lost dog choking on a huge stolen bone.
For the life of me, I seriously could not understand what appeared to amuse this sponge-faced woman in a super tight suit that was unfavorable for her body type, especially in this hot weather.
“Excuse me?” I called out, trying to get her attention to the situation at hand. She looked like a delusional woman masquerading as a hotel attendant.
Wasn’t this supposed to be one of the hotels with the finest quality service in this country? How do they let crazy people hold such positions in the first place?
The place sucked as hell, but then again, nothing of quality ever came out of his hellish country so I was the least perturbed.
“Excuse me? Are you gonna do your job or what? And what’s so funny about the death of somebody?”
She sniggered and attempted to put a pull on the smile.
“I just killed a man. you must be delusional if you don’t believe me. Heck, you’re delusional for not freaking out and yelling for the police right now.”
I added in mock derision.
“Wait. Cut. You’re joking right?” The attendant asked, eyeing me closely, her eyes closing up in scrutiny.
“No, I’m not. I wish I was though, but I’m not.” I repeated, exasperation straining my voice.
“Holy shit!”
She stared at me with awe and reverence like holy angels were descending my spine to slay away the force and grip of iniquity.
“You can’t be this serious. I know what this is.”
She said as she moved away from the shelf that had hidden the better part of her body and large hips.
I blinked, more confused than ever.
Where on earth did they get such a quack and idiot from?
“From the movies!!” She suddenly yelled, flailing her hand on all sides. “I’ve seen these kinds of scenes in movies.”
“A prank!”
“A prank!!”
“Yes! A prank!!!” she exclaimed dramatically for the umpteenth time. “It’s a prank right? You trying to trick me to fall for this stupid drama that you’re acting?” She continued.
She suddenly bowed her head as she roared and rocked with laughter.
What was the matter with this woman?
“You’re playing a prank, lady. I can sniff it all over you. Where are the cameras?”
“What bloody cameras you idiot?!!” I pronounced vehemently, suddenly losing all my patience.
“I just committed a crime. Someone is lying dead on my apartment floor drowning and slipping away into the dark abyss of hell, and you think it is a joke?”

“Can someone else around here show me to a sensible staff around this bloody place? Or better still, point me to the manager! Show me to the manager!” I demanded.
At this point, my voice was already ricocheting all over the room and heads were beginning to turn in our direction. I couldn’t care less……

“A fucking movie?? ” I scoffed in derision at her. “For Christ’s sake, if you want to see a movie, go to the theatre and leave this place for individuals who know their jobs. For Pete’s sake, leave for people who want to work!”
The attendant finally straightened up and looked intensely at me like she was just finally starting to get the point of the entire ruckus.
“If what you’re saying is correct, I would have to verify this myself.” She inquired carefully, choosing her words deliberately.
I scoffed at her in derision. Such a stupid woman.
“Of course, it’s true. I know what I did, I know what you’d see. I killed someone……”
She moved away from me hurriedly, her face pale like ice water, and quickly hurried in to dial a number.
She was dialing security.
“Hmm..” she mumbled into the receiver. “Yes, yes, please hurry up. It’s an emergency.”
She pleaded into the phone looking skeptically at my face as if I could kill her before the others would make it into the hotel.
Before long, two hefty men in black uniforms walked in and stood directly in front of me. I watched them closely and without batting an eye and uttering a word began to lead them upstairs to the crime scene.
I was prepared to go to jail. Heck, there was no reason left for me to live and crave happiness in this world.
It was just as I had left it. Nothing was out of place. Chief was dead and still on the floor, his neck twisted funnily like he wanted to beg for mercy.
Bloody idiot! He’d beg for mercy with the angels of the devil.
I took no pity, I wanted to burn him and crush out his twisted neck until it came off completely. The security men quickly handcuffed me and whisked me downstairs.
Everything after that was a blur. The next time I was conscious, I was seated in the middle of a small room. The door opened and two police men walked in.
“Did you kill him?” One of the two uniform men asked, dragging my mind back into reality.
“Yes,” I replied quietly.
“Why did you do it?” The other one with a slightly protruded belly and a lovely dimple asked.
“Because he deserves everything wicked that comes his way.”
“Was that your only motivation for killing him?”
“How long have you known him?”
“A year. We’ve been going out for a while now.”
“Did you like him?”
“Like?” I scoffed again. “I loved him! I loved him more than anything else, that’s why I killed him. I did what was best for him. I can not mingle love and hatred in my mind. I had to get rid of one to allow the other emotion to fester.”
They stared at each other for a moment. The first officer turned to me.
“Are you on drugs?” He asked.

At that very moment, I burst into laughter. These guys even after seeing evidence of my crime thought I was delusional and perhaps innocent.
“Look here,” I started, “I know just what you’re starting to think and before you go on cringing and judging and cursing me in your wretched and wannabe righteous hearts to a thousand millennials in the hottest smokes of hell, let me at least tell you what happened, and why I had to do it. “
“Miss…” one of the police men began.
“Well,” I continued, interrupting him before he started another blubber. “I know you’re probably wondering and saying to yourself, ‘There’s no justification for such evil. Only a bad bitch plus witch would fling a man down a fiery flight of stairs to his death with the main intention of ending his life.'”
“No it was not a mistake, and no, I do not regret my actions. Yes, even though I knew he had been married with three kids, I still went ahead to end his miserable life. Men like him should never exist in the first place. “
“That man, although married, is my father, a rapist, and an abuser. I grew up in the lowliest parts of the suburbs of Makoko with my mother. My mother was a rape victim, and I, the consequence of the most dreaded night of her life.”
“That man was the man that raped and destroyed my mother’s life!”

“You’d be surprised to learn that the man, my lover, the one who I brought home to introduce to my mother was her estranged rapist. I brought this man home and my mother flared up and died immediately from a heart attack.
He ruined my mother’s life and caused her to die from the shock of my actions. Even though I had loved him dearly, it wasn’t hard for me to start hating him.
You know? I always wondered why I loved him above all my other male suitors. The day the truth was revealed that I have been sleeping with my father, surely you’d understand my grief and the need to avenge my mother’s death.”
“I hate myself, I hate my body, and I hate this man most of all for being my father, and for being my mother’s murderer.
“This man ruined the lives of two women. My life and the life of my mother. I think it’s only fair to repay the favor and ruin his life too.”

“Forget life, he does not deserve to breathe with other living humans. He should never have been born. This mistake of a man, the father I never had.”
After my speech, I thought I saw pity in their eyes but I didn’t care. They both got up and walked out of the room.
The next series of events happened almost immediately. Before I could begin to process a way to get myself out of the madness that rage had driven me into, I heard the sound of approaching sirens.
“The van here…you’re going to jail.” The attendant pronounced it like a death sentence.
For the first time, I felt a bit of remorse as the reality of my fast approaching death hit me. I was willing to join my mother, and father anyway.
We would make a beautiful, fucked up family in paradise.
All images are sourced from
The one who spells Afrolady from the larynx of her pen. She’s a high spirited, cultured and ingenuous African child, whose writing drops an unimaginative creative splash on history and carves the indignation and memories of Black women.