young adult stories

my sherpa

My Sherpa

He handed me the cup of hot choco I had been staring at wantonly and held my small, cold shivering hands in his big warm hands. “You see, life is just like…

#95: Right Away

Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One (Dave meets a lady) Dave:Would you like to go to dinner with me?Lady:I have a date with someone else. Scene Two (9PM) Dave(thinking):I’m never speaking to…

Long live the Queen


Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene OneFriend: Happy birthday, Ada. Scene TwoAda: This year is a special one. Let us toast to… Friends: The death of the old era and ther start of…



The first time Uncle Donald had come to visit us, he’d seemed like the angel that God decided to leave back on earth. He was perfect, had the dentition of a man…

short stories, trust me

Trust Me

“I was five years old when my landlady’s house help deflowered me in the backyard of our building. I remember the day like it only happened a minute ago. I was playing a game of hide-and-seek with my friends and we were running around wildly, looking for where to hide our little buttocks…”

short online stories

The Trial

The judge’s voice continued to drone away impassionately as he laid out the fate of my future in front of a small congregation in the court. The room felt more like a…

#94: Rich or True Love

Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript SceneAda: Girls, I don’t know what to do. I have seen this guy everyday since my high school days. We have always stolen glances but I have never…

#93: Gamer Boy

Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene OneMom: I am going out, dear. Look after your sister.Gamer Boy: Ok mom. Scene TwoSister: I am going out to play with my friends.Gamer Boy: Okay. Scene…



I have loved four men all my life. I have also had my heart broken by all four men at different stages of my life, each one hurting less than the last.…

Deep secrets

Deep Secrets

“Hi!” I called out to her and watched her bat her eyes in rebellion like she could not wait to get rid of her work clothes and perfunctory smile. “My name is…