young adult

call me baby short interesting young adult stories to read online free

Call Me Baby

Sam The fridge door closed with a bang, narrowly missing my pinkie finger. I looked and saw my father standing there staring at me without remorse. Anger and the stench of old…

8 Proven Tips for Managing a Small Team Successfully

8 Proven Tips for Managing a Small Team Successfully

While managing a small team has advantages such as flexibility or cost reduction, it also brings its challenges. The main risks in managing small teams are; the risk of a bad hire,…

7 People Share Their Most Embarrassing Moments Ever

7 People Share Their Most Embarrassing Moments Ever

Cringeworthy moments are a universal part of life, and we’ve all had our fair share of those instances where we’ve desperately wished for an escape route. This week on Afrogist, 7 brave…

never forget you

Never Forget You

Daniel was hiding in the kitchen. He felt like a little child running away from a teacher, his cane and a punishment agenda. But this time it wasn’t physical pain he was…

#91: Ask Jada

Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene OneGirl: I don’t want to kiss you, I have a boyfriend.Boy: And I have a girlfriend. Scene TwoGirl: I don’t want us to cheat on our partners.Boy:…

#89 Milk Maid

comments Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One  Caption: Ada took some milk while in school  Teacher: Where did all the milk go?  Scene Two Caption:Ada replied her teacher   Ada: We must…

#88 Only for the strong

comments Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One  Caption: Ada goes to a Protest with her friend  Ada’s Friend: Won’t we eat before matching?  Ada: We don’t need at the protest. it is…

#87 Unmarketable

comments Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One  Caption: Ada goes to the market with her friend  Ada’s Friend: You look so dirty, Ada!  Ada: We are in the market, not a fashion…

#86 Pre-Morterm

comments Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One  Caption: Ada and her friend are having a good time in a clear field.  Ada’s Friend:AHHHHH! a snake just bit me on my bum!  …

#85 Play Dates

comments Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One  Caption: Dave talking to his Friend.  Dave: Why are you frowning?   Dave’s Friend: I’m Bored   Scene Two Caption:Dave came up with an idea.…