short stories

short stories, online stories, Afrolady short stories, interesting stories, love and romance stories, short stories about grief,

The Last Laugh of Victory

As she winded up and down for the umpteenth time to check the progress of movement up ahead, she couldn’t help but curse aloud. She was late for her Doctor’s appointment already.…

Gambling: My Addiction

“Why did you say you were brought here again?! Answer me before I use the back of my gun to make you talk. Abi you dey craze?!” She watched the saliva travel…

my fangirl story

My Fangirl Story

“…Holy Holy Holy…” Justin Bieber’s holistic voice cooed into my left and right ears, making my eyes close in a sort of reverence towards his masterpiece of a song. How someone I…

Te odio, Que te den por culo

Unlike most of the other passengers whose family members were hugging and smooching them, Hugo walks alone to the check point. Here, his white skin is nothing special but he knows that…

The Mouse Trap

Though the inhabitants are distinguishable by the names they call themselves, South side people, West side people. It is really just a small town separated by a flowing river cutting through the…

young adult stories


“He touched me with the tip of his extension and I knew that something deep had gone into me. It was only the tip but it was deep. I gasped in ecstasy…

Free short stories, Supernatural and mystery stories, Sex, Love, Medicine, Queer, short stories, free stories,

The ‘Cum Of Life’

“Yooooooooooo! I’m back, my precious babies. Did you all miss me? I know I did. Regina, Prisca, Olive, Mide, Sade, Lateefah, Aisha, Blessing, and of course, my sacred Omo.” He turned round…

The Question

“Run, run, keep running, don’t you dare stop, we’re almost there, just a bit more.” She kept gulping in each breath as though they were the last she would take. She had…

How You Become Your Nightmare

“Shhhhhh…” Mama gestured to me to keep quiet. “Don’t make a single sound, Ebere. Don’t move.” “Mom, I want to pee. I’d hurry to the bathroom and be back before he arrives.”…

Do You Love Me?

“Do you love me?” “Yes, I do,” I replied fiercely. My eyes were burning with the sting of pain, hurt, and regret. Of course, it was nothing physical, just a rollercoaster of…