short stories

Morning Devotion

“I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised. So, shall I be saved from my enemies. the Lord reigneth, blessed be the Lord!” My mother sang at the…

Wild Wild Celeste

I swung my hips like I was in a trance and I felt his eyes on me. I felt his gaze dig a scalding hole in my back as I moved side…


“Dave Elba.” My hair stood on end, a shiver raced down my spine and a lump came to my throat. What could be happening right now? What would the outcome be? What…

Sloppy Talks

She softly calls out to me, begging me to be touched. I’m in the middle of a prayer session with my mom so I tell her, “Sshh… Not now. At least wait…

Before You Die

Where is your safe place? The sound of birds chirping loudly above the enclosed hideout startled and roused me from sleep. I stared around, squinting to accustom my eyes to the dark.…

The Legend of Poku

Poku threw furtive glances around the area as she hurried down the path. It was near sunset and the night birds were flying out of their respective nests, waiting to take over…

Mistakes Of The Past

Jesus! Jesus! This cannot be happening to me right now, Bisi muttered to herself in fright. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, and her feet could no longer carry her. As she reached…

Letting Go

In this life, you always have to be careful. Maybe too careful. Anna sparkle thought to herself as she stepped out of the big building dragging a huge carton that contained her…


Scarred (E1 – E2)

E1: Scarred E1 – Scarred Scarred But Not Barred The injuries we sustain on our bodies have made us prone to what is known as SCARS, yet the scars that are left…

What Men Want in a Woman

The lights came on when all five girls were sitting on the living room floor playing cards. They were all in their underwear and some were fresh from the bath so they…