The technology of the African traditional religion is light years away from the technology of the developed world. Many of the inventions of science (both new and old) are norms for the…
She went to church for just one reason. To find a man. When a worthy man finally decides to sit beside her during service, she tries everything in her power to eventually carry his last name.
But things don’t go as planned.
I was only 10 years old when we moved to California. Daddy was into real estates and we were bound to travel a lot. His company had an annual plan they used…
The global pandemic COVID-19 also known as the coronavirus has forced the government to make life and death decisions for her citizenry. Most of these governments have resulted in the only proven…
So today Wednesday 26th 2020 is Ash Wednesday and I followed my friend to church to observe the solemnity of mass. Coincidentally, today was the first time I was attending an Ash…