
letting go

Letting Go 2

The first thing Anna noticed when she opened her eyes was the blinding white light that seemed to sting her senses. Beep! Beep!! What was that sound? She was lying facing the…

Little Beginnings

Little beginnings!!! Something everyone seems to somehow forget.  It is 4:30pm. You sit on your bed, yoga style. The other day, you had read a blog post about how this sitting position…

Can You Love Me Once Again

Steph!!! My name bounced off the walls of the iron tank we crouched in. I picked up a piece of iron and used it to scratch the walls grr grr grr! Steph!…

Letting Go

In this life, you always have to be careful. Maybe too careful. Anna sparkle thought to herself as she stepped out of the big building dragging a huge carton that contained her…

Finding Happiness

Anulika’s woes began the very day she said “I do” to Chris. Since then, her life has been a rollercoaster. Sometimes she wondered how come throughout the period they courted, she hadn’t…

Dada: Baby Boys And Dreadlocks

“His name was Ezenwa and he had dry matted hair, just like me!” I have always known that I was not an ordinary child. Apart from the fact that Mother would always…

#27: Accidental Baby

Ada gets in that mood to play a pregnancy prank on her boyfriend, but the nigga was off guard
and lets out his heart just the minute he heard the word “Pregnancy”. Who else thinks this is a

Loving A Schizophrenic Woman

I dreamt of swimming in a white sea. A thick white sea that churned silver when it was deep. I was flailing in the liquid, not swimming, flailing. My arms seemed to…

Stains and Spots

The early morning fog covered the tops of everything. If anyone had been out of bed in that lazy place they could have seen the cups of foamy and webby substances on…

Bloody Fast Car

Houston The weather was warm at that time, light rain had fallen in the early hours of the morning so when I looked out the window I saw the plants peppered with…