
Double Trouble Birthday Palaver

Ding! Ding! The doorbell rang loudly interrupting my foggy dream. I picked up my phone, it was 8:25 am in the morning. I spotted the date and immediately felt bouts of ecstasy…

Birthday Wishes

comments Read Inspired Tidlog Transcript Scene One  Caption: Ada is dreaming of a rich and handsome man proposing to her.   Scene Two Caption: The dream fades as Ada wakes up despite…

My First Date

My story is the typical story of the quiet girl at the back who no one noticed until a guy decided to look in her direction. Yes, it’s predictable, a little comical…

#41: Boys Will Be Boys

Ada comes home from work tired and her boyfriend offers to prepare dinner. Ada is delighted but can she trust him?

#40: Date Gone Wrong

Ada is out on a date with a young man. In a bid to get the conversation going, she asks him what his idea of a perfect date is. Little did she know that she wasn’t about to get the answer she expected!

Sloppy Talks

She softly calls out to me, begging me to be touched. I’m in the middle of a prayer session with my mom so I tell her, “Sshh… Not now. At least wait…

12 Tips On How To Charm Anyone

Charming the socks out of anyone – contrary to popular opinion – demands skill, dedication, and deliberate charisma. Only a few individuals have been able to master the solid act of waltzing…

first date

12 Things To Avoid Doing On A First Date

Don’t Act Too Intense Don’t Jump To Unnecessary Conclusions Yet Never Ask This Question: How is a Beautiful Girl Like You Still Single? Never Talk About Your Previous Relationship Or Ex Don’t…

Call Me Baby

Sam The fridge door closed with a bang, narrowly missing my pinkie finger. I looked and saw my father standing there staring at me without remorse. Anger and the stench of old…

#34: Marriage Temptation

Ada’s mother keeps harping about how Ada should bring an eligible man home to marry her. When Ada does find a man, he is unemployed and Ada’s mother finally decides that Ada is better off not married.